God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1683: Here comes the catfish!

"It seems that this cake is getting bigger and bigger, more and more fragrant, and more and more people are staring at it. Next, if you want to make money, and want to make good money, it is not a simple thing, you must be careful. If it does, the competition will definitely get bigger and bigger."

Situ Kongming murmured to himself that the situation in front of him is indeed a huge challenge. In fact, if only Feng Feibai, Yang Hongfei and Jiang Wensheng run out, they are still within control. After all, There are not so many people, even if there is competition, it will not be too serious, but if there are more and more old guys like this, it will be a very serious problem. Although these people have been operating in the antique market for many years, they have a certain reputation. , But those are all old guys, especially Feng Feibai, who used to be a master, now big buyers and big buyers who are in their 50s or even 60s know Feng Feibai's name.

"Is it true that all of you are focused on this big cake?!"

"If there are more and more old guys like this, it will be absolutely terrifying."

Situ Kongming really didn't want so many old guys to appear in the antique market, but this kind of thing was not under his control. When Song Yun and Zhenbaoge appeared here, everyone opposed it, but now they all support it. ——Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion have brought great benefits to everyone. The only result of the appearance of old men like Feng Feibai and others is to grab everyone's cake.

"This is really a huge joke. I originally thought that Song Yun and Zhenbaoge came to share the cake, but I didn't expect that the person who actually shared the cake would hide behind."

Situ Kongming thinks this thing is really ridiculous. Facts have proved that after Song Yun and Zhenbaoge came here, the cakes in the whole antique market were very big, and all the people who opened antique shops and ghost market stalls here could eat them. His mouth is full of oil. If an old man like Feng Feibai comes in a lot, he will definitely face a huge challenge. He could eat a piece of cake, maybe he can only eat half of it now.

"It has to be changed, and it absolutely can't go on like this, otherwise it might still be eliminated by this antique market."

Situ Kongming patted his forehead. If someone like Feng Feibai has one or two, there is no big problem, but if all ten or eight open antique shops here, the structure of the entire antique market will change dramatically. The competition is very fierce. The only thing that can adapt to this situation is that the quality of the antiques in the antique shop must be improved. Simply put, it must be sold real antiques. At least the number or proportion of real antiques must be increased. Not like this. The end of the game is definitely to be eliminated. This is the most ruthless market economy and the most impermanent market competition.

Situ Kongming stood up, walked to the antique shelf and looked at it a few times, then shook his head. Now the antiques on the shelf are all real, but the quantity is a bit small.

After pondering for a while, Situ Kong simply opened the huge safe in the antique shop and took out a dozen antiques from it. After looking at it carefully for a long time, he confirmed that there was no dust on it. Only then carefully placed it on the shelf, the mountain and rain are about to be full of wind, the appearance of old guys like Feng Feibai means that there will be a **** storm here in the antique market, and everything must be prepared to meet this challenge. If you can survive, you will be able to eat more and eat more. On the contrary, if you do not prepare and meet the challenge, you will definitely be swept out in the end. The antique market here in Sun Mengyan is developing too fast, if it is eliminated. The loss was very heavy.

Feng Feibai, Yang Hongfei, and Jiang Wensheng's emergence slowly fermented in the entire antique market. At this time, almost everyone can guess what the purpose is.

Sun Mengyan stayed alone in her office with a cup of strong coffee in front of her. There are too many things during this period of time. The time to sleep every day is very short. There is no way to force it with coffee or strong tea. Refreshing.

Sun Mengyan put this tablet in front of him. The tablet opened on the tablet is a group of antique shop owners in several antique markets. As the biggest owner of the entire antique market, of course it is here, but the real identity is not Sun Mengyan, but another A leader, or someone else joined the group, gave her this account, as part of the work, has been following some information in these groups.

"It seems that there are so many smart people in this world."

Sun Mengyan sips coffee while watching the people chat in the group, all speculating or guessing the real purpose and reason of Feng Feibai's presence here. It will not take long to analyze that Feng Feibai still has The reason why Yang Hongfei and the others went to play in He Wenshi's antique shop was actually to use this opportunity to return to the antique market to hype up and let more people know.

"I don't know how Feng Feibai felt when they saw such a situation?"

Sun Mengyan drank all the coffee left in the cup, and then re-brewed a large cup of coffee like this. She had to drink three to five cups throughout the night, even though she knew that this was not good for the body, but now There really is no better way, only this can be done. The only hope is that this period of time passes quickly.

Sun Mengyan watched the chat in the group, and the smile on her face had never broken. These people were all worried that if Feng Feibai really came here to open an antique shop as everyone had guessed, it would steal everyone's business.

"Feng Feibai came here to open an antique shop, this kind of thing is inevitable."

Sun Mengyan knew that this kind of thing would happen, unless Feng Feibai didn’t open an antique shop here, but now he speculates based on all the circumstances. Feng Feibai went to He Wenshi’s antique shop and put down his body to do something like this. The purpose is to promote, or say, The main purpose is to let everyone know that he is coming back, and that his face is really not that big. Feng Feibai did such a thing, how could he not open an antique shop here, it would not take much time, or maybe When the antique shop in the second phase is ready to rent, you will definitely have to jump out. This matter will come to light immediately, and the final conclusion will be made. This matter has a huge impact on the owner of the antique shop here, even if If there are more old men like Feng Feibai and others, the impact on the entire antique market will be like a tsunami, but as the owner of the antique market, it is a good thing for himself. Feng Feibai will return to the world. The person in is like a huge catfish, stirring the originally quiet antique market. Anyone who wants to open an antique shop here or who has opened an antique shop here must be wary of people like Feng Feibai. And grab the cake to eat. In this way, the only thing that can be done is of course that the antiques in the antique shop must be as authentic as possible, otherwise they can only be eliminated in the face of fierce competition. In other words In other words, the people who originally opened the antique shop here thought that everything was logical, and wanted to sell the fake antiques to make more money while selling real antiques, but after the old antiques in the circle like Feng Feibai appeared , It will cause tremendous pressure on them. If you want to survive and make money, you must improve the quality of the antiques in the store. Simply put, the proportion of selling real antiques must be increased. This is what I want to see most. Things.

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