God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1684: Crazy and scary ghost city

"It would be great if there were more catfish like Feng Feibai!"

Sun Mengyan drank the freshly brewed coffee. He knew that people like Feng Feibai didn’t need too much. As long as there were five or six, the owners of other antique shops in the antique market would have to be cautious, and he didn’t need to ask for it. , You don’t need to say hello, you have to increase the proportion of genuine antiques in the antique shop to a jaw-dropping level.

Sun Mengyan was in a very good mood. Feng Feibai’s reality was that he saw some new things. The simplest one is that Feng Feibai proved that his antique market is now full of allure for those who want to open antique shops. One is that the appearance of Feng Feibai can play a catfish effect.

"I really hope that the more people like this come, the better!"

Sun Mengyan drank all the coffee in the cup, made another cup, and started working all night tonight. This night was a sleepless night for many people, but no matter what, time will pass.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Feng Feibai, Yang Hongfei and Jiang Wensheng got up early and ate a little breakfast at random, and rushed to the ghost market of the antique market. I have already heard that the ghost market here is very prosperous and there are many people here. , Because I plan to open an antique shop here, I want to take a good look at it to see if it is as rumored.

When Feng Feibai, Yang Hongfei and Jiang Wensheng stood at the entrance of the ghost market, they immediately felt a heat wave coming over. There were too many people in the ghost market and it was too lively. It should have been a bit colder at three in the morning. Time, even summer is no exception, but standing at the entrance of the ghost market at this time makes people feel like standing next to a volcano, and the sound coming out of it is even more noisy, like coming to a Just like the bustling wholesale market, you can see the crowds when you look inside.

"Is it impossible?! Is there such a lively ghost market in these days?!"

Feng Feibai couldn't believe his eyes. Even though he was only standing at the entrance of the ghost market at this time, he saw it. All of this was far beyond his expectation. He had heard of Sun Mengyan's antiques before. The ghost market in the market is very lively, but the excitement in front of me is completely different from the excitement in my imagination. If the excitement in my imagination is fifty cents, all of this in front of me has exceeded one hundred points.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would really not believe that the ghost market can still be so lively."

Yang Hongfei also shook his head, or was stunned. He couldn't believe what he saw. The ghost market was very prosperous, but it was basically 20 or even 30 years ago at that time. It is simply the golden age of antique collection. There are many reasons. One is that people at that time were very rich, or suddenly very rich, there were very few ways to invest in society, and there were more rich people. Naturally, you will buy antiques and collect antiques. The most important thing is that in that era, antiques are completely different from current antiques. People in that era are different from people now. In terms of antiques, the antiques at that time are very different. Many, the antiques on the market are really very rich. This is mainly because the antique market has just flourished. Most of the antiques are still in circulation in the market instead of being held or stored in the hands of a few people. The other is At that time, there were not only real antiques, but also a lot of fake antiques. This was mainly because people didn’t know much about collecting antiques at that time. Simply put, many people were better at flicking, which directly led to a large number of people in this industry. Although this is not a good thing, it is the driving force behind the prosperity of the entire market, because at that time people really have very few appraisal visions or experts in appraisal, which directly caused those frauds. High imitations are profitable, and they can get high profits and rewards. More and more people are involved in it. Later, it is not only the people who fake high imitations are profitable, but those who buy and sell antiques can also get huge amounts of money from it. As a result of changing hands, countless people have devoted themselves to the antique collection industry for various purposes. No matter what kind of industry it is, as long as there are enough people in the industry, it will be very prosperous. The antiques of that time in memory The market is like this. Because of this reason, the ghost market at that time was extremely prosperous, but with the passage of time, such good days are gone forever. Although they have left the antique market these years, they are no longer in this circle. It rolled inside, but did not completely withdraw. In fact, you have to go to the antique market outside every once in a while, and you can no longer see such a prosperous ghost market. This can be seen from another aspect. In fact, The entire antique market is no longer as prosperous as it was decades ago. One of the main reasons is that in the era of the knowledge explosion, people’s appraisal level has improved very fast, even if an antique does not have much vision. People or people who don’t have much experience can find the essentials of identification as long as they search on the Internet. The possibility of fake high imitations trying to deceive others is greatly reduced. In this way, there is a great opportunity to take risks and make money in this industry. The probability is very low. A direct consequence is that not many people are doing such things. The ghost market, where fake goods are everywhere, will gradually become very depressed. The reason is very unreasonable, but it does exist, and it is the most important factor in the ghost market depression. The other is of course the economy After so many years of madness, both antique collectors and antique buyers have become very rational. In any market, if most buyers become very rational, they will definitely It becomes very stable, everything becomes more serious, if you want to achieve great development, or want everyone to participate in this market, it will become very difficult, Sun Mengyan’s antique market The ghost market before is no different from the ghost markets in other places. Some people come here to set up stalls, some people come here to stroll, some people want to come here to pick up the omissions, but they can’t say how prosperous they are. If you have to find a word to describe it, it is definitely half dead , This is the true face of the ghost market of the antique market in many places. In many places, the ghost market has become a tourist item. It does not sell real antiques and fake antiques at all, but crafts. It has become a vassal of the tourism industry. This ghost market in this is totally different. The bustling people are all people. There are antique stalls everywhere. There are people in front of each stall, and even a large circle of them is all people. The small flashlight with strong light is like the stars in the sky. It flashes once here and there once. If it meets the eyes, it can make people feel better, and you can't see things clearly.

"The ghost market here can no longer be described as prosperity, it is clearly crazy and terrible."

Jiang Wensheng walked forward as he talked. When he was looking at the ghost market outside, he felt very lively. When he walked in, he found that it was even more lively. There were definitely people everywhere. This feeling really hasn’t been there for many years. I even felt that it was a journey back twenty or thirty years ago, giving people a very strange feeling.

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