God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1692: Leave within three days

"There is nothing wrong with what I said. This matter was originally your idea. If it weren't for you to encourage us, how could we do such a thing?"

"When something like this happens, you actually want to get rid of it, what do you mean? He Wenshi, I warn you that you must come up with a solution to this matter, whether you kowtow to Sun Mengyan or not. You must be resolved if you admit your mistakes, otherwise the two of us will never let you go."

Yang Xinhe was desperate, thinking that he was about to be driven out of the antique market here, and lost the opportunity to make a lot of money, he couldn't bear the anger in his heart, pointed at He Wenshi's nose, and when he yelled, his saliva almost touched He Wenshi's face.



"You have a face to say this?"

"Why didn’t you listen to what you said when making big money before? Now that something happens, just say that I’m here to lead you to do this. If it wasn’t for me, you would definitely not do this. Could it be that you made money before? Did you give me half of it?"

"If you put half of the money you earn when you make money, I will admit it if you do it like this now. No matter what the consequences are, even if I actually kowtow in front of Sun Mengyan, I will admit it. Yes, but have you done anything like this?"

He Wenshi slapped Yang Xinhe's hand in front of his nose. Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe are now clearly blaming the whole thing on their own heads. This kind of pot is absolutely not for me. When making money, I feel that they are wise and martial. One sentence, big brother, right sentence, big brother, there is no way to solve what happened now, but all the responsibilities are blamed on myself.

Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe blushed for a while. He Wenshi’s words were not wrong at all. It is true. He did not share He Wenshi’s money when making money. At this time, all the responsibilities are blamed on He Wenshi. It can't be said at all, but the two people have no other way at this time, they can only stare at He Wenshi.

"Anyway, this plan was proposed by you. Now that something goes wrong, of course you have to find a way to solve it."

Li Xuewen gritted his teeth. He Wenshi must be forced to find a solution to this matter. Otherwise, he and Yang Xinhe would really have to be driven out of the antique market. The loss would be too great to bear.

"Yes Yes!"

"He Wenshi, you have to give me an explanation to Li Xuewen!"

Of course Yang Xinghe understands what Li Xuewen’s idea is. At this time, two people must stand on the same front and force He Wenshi to find a way to solve this problem. Whether it is to apologize to Sun Mengyan or lose money, in any case, you must You have to stare at He Wenshi, absolutely can't let it go.



He Wenshi smiled angrily, Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe clearly only wanted to carry this pot by themselves.


"Come at me if you have the ability!"

"I want to see what you two are capable of!"

He Wenshi looked at Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe with contempt.

Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe were immediately dumbfounded. They thought they could hold He Wenshi with a hand, but at this moment, once He Wenshi went crazy, there was no way at all.

"He Wenshi, you can't be like this!"

Li Xuewen was stunned for a long time and finally recovered. He pointed to He Wenshi with a very guilty conscience. Apart from this, he couldn't think of any other way to deal with He Wenshi.

"Retract your paw for me, otherwise I will break it!"

He Wenshi looked at Li Xuewen coldly.

Li Xuewen was taken aback, and instinctively retracted his hand, not daring to point at He Wenshi at all.

"If you have nothing else, get out of Lao Tzu's antique shop and don't be embarrassed here."

While talking, He Wenshi held up the tea cup in front of him, lowered his head and started drinking, without even looking at Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe.

Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe, look at me, and I look at you. They are very embarrassed. What's more important is that they don't know what to say or what to do. They turn around and leave He Wenshi's antique shop.

He Wenshi slowly raised his head, looking at the back of Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe, the expression on his face was very solemn and hideous.

"It seems that this place really can't be mixed!"

He Wenshi gritted his teeth and made a decision. His arms can’t twist his thighs. This kind of thing is the same no matter what place, field, or industry it looks like. He is so fascinated that he has to listen. Sun Mengyan’s greeting, now that others are taking action, it is completely unstoppable. The only end is to admit defeat, otherwise the consequences will be more serious.

"I really don't want this place, now it is really a good place to do business."

He Wenshi sighed, raised his head and looked at the antique shop he was very familiar with, then walked to the entrance of the shop and looked at the very familiar Antique Street. The situation in front of him was found by himself, no wonder who, no The more important thing to see who your opponent is is arrogance.

He Wenshi took out his cell phone and made a call to Zhou Ling. After asking where he was, he hurried over and arrived at the office in a while.

Zhou Ling poured a cup of tea, placed it in front of He Wenshi, and sat down on the sofa opposite.

"Boss He doesn't know what you want to do with me?"

Zhou Ling knew that He Wenshi must have something to do with the antique shop when He Wenshi came to see her. What she didn’t know was whether she wanted to ask for love or want to play with herself. If it’s the former, there is no possibility. Sun Mengyan has made the final decision. He Wenshi must leave the antique market. This is related to Sun Mengyan’s management authority in the antique market. There is no room for compromise. Even at this time, He Wenshi kneels down to beg for mercy, and even wants to pay a large sum of money to compensate. No, if it is the latter, it is even more impossible. If He Wenshi dared to make trouble here, or dared to run to Sun Mengyan's office to make trouble, the end would only be even more miserable.

"Zhou Ling, I plan to terminate the lease of the shop ahead of time. I hope to complete the formalities immediately. If there are no problems, I will cancel the lease today. Then I will move my things and leave the antique market here within three days."

He Wenshi has already made a decision. Of course, there will be no verbosity or hesitation at this time, and he just said his decision.

Zhou Ling was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect He Wenshi to come and talk about something like this. Now the antique market here is developing very fast, making money is very easy, and there are many opportunities to make money. He Wenshi's greatest possibility is to find herself. I want to ask for love, but He Wenshi now says that he wants to leave the antique market, which is beyond expectation.

"Boss Ho, is this your final decision? I mean, have you considered the whole thing?"

Zhou Ling was silent for a while, and looked at He Wenshi sitting across from her very seriously.

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