God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1693: Smart decision

"Yes, it's not wrong, it is true. I have made the final decision. The company hopes to go through the formalities with me as soon as possible."

He Wenshi nodded without hesitation. He couldn't be willing to leave the antique market, which is developing very fast and there are many trading opportunities, but the situation is stronger than that of people. In this situation, he really has to leave. In this case, it is better to leave. Just be neat.

"He Wenshi, you are a person who can see the situation clearly. To be honest, you can make such a decision so quickly, especially making such a decision so simply, it is beyond my expectation. outer."

Zhou Ling nodded lightly. He Wenshi did not expect it so simply, but this was definitely the best choice. He Wenshi left altogether. When meeting in the antique collection circle, he could still say hello. He Wenshi ignored Sun Mengyan. Sun Mengyan’s greetings, not giving face to Sun Mengyan, leaving the antique market is the price to pay. No matter where Sun Mengyan meets He Wenshi in the future, she will not deliberately make things difficult because of this time. , The final result will not change at all, we still have to go out, and the relationship with Sun Mengyan is very stiff. It is not so easy to continue mixing in the antique circle in the future, at least all related to Sun Mengyan He Wenshi is very clever and can even be said to be extremely clever. He can see everything in it very clearly.

He Wenshi didn't answer Zhou Ling's words, but just nodded gently.

"Miss Sun has already laid down the rules before. If you take the initiative to leave, you can now sublet the store in your hand to others."

Zhou Ling told He Wenshi of the rules Sun Mengyan had set before.

He Wenshi raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect such a thing. The store has always had an unwritten rule, that is, you can sublet yourself, but the usual agreement in the contract is that you cannot sublet yourself. Once I fell out with Sun Mengyan, it was impossible to sublet the shop to others by myself.

"Zhou Ling, this time I really did what He Wenshi did not quite authentically. Miss Sun's requirements are not very high. With forbearance, she can broaden the sky. Anyway, it always saves Miss Sun's face. I will be in the shop myself. I sublet it out for these two or three days, and I will leave as soon as I pack my things."

He Wenshi didn’t bother, the antique market is developing very fast, and the shop is very popular now. Sun Mengyan gave herself a face and allowed herself to sublet the shop. She could get back the premium of more than 200,000 yuan in just one shot, no matter what. Said that this is a huge sum of money, and more importantly, this incident shows Sun Mengyan’s attitude, that is, since you take the initiative to leave, this incident will stop here, there will be no additional things, even if there is If you have the opportunity, you can continue to cooperate.

He Wenshi left Zhou Ling's office and hurried back to his antique shop. He took out a piece of red paper with the words sublease written on it, and the contact phone number, which was directly pasted next to the shop entrance.

There are a lot of people in the antique market staring at He Wenshi's antique shop. This incident spread out immediately after it happened. It didn't take long for the antique shop owners of the entire antique market to know.

"Have you heard of it?"

"He Wenshi's antique shop has to be closed. A notice of subletting has been posted."


"No? Is there such a thing?"

"This kind of thing is written in black and white on it. Is there a fake? If you don't believe it, go to He Wenshi's antique shop and have a look!"


"Sun Mengyan is really as tough as in the legend. Those who don't listen to him must be driven out of the antique market!"

"Who said no?"

"I originally thought that Sun Mengyan was probably just a warning, saying that I didn't expect that He Wenshi would have to be driven out of the antique market in the end. Fortunately, I didn't do such a thing at the time. Otherwise, I might have to sweep the floor now and go out. I am one more person."


"It's a shame, it's a shame!"

"The antique market is developing very fast here, and now it is forced to leave at this time, and the loss is huge. I think He Wenshi has already regretted his intestines at this time!"


"He Wenshi is a great man! Just leave! Simply neat!"

"He Wenshi can't go if he doesn't leave! If he doesn't leave, Sun Mengyan must have many other tricks waiting for him. Sun Mengyan is the owner of the entire antique market, and some can deal with an antique shop!"


The antique shop owners here in the antique market are talking about it.

Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe were sitting on the sofa. Two cups of tea were on the tea table in front of them, steaming and fragrant, but their faces were as white as paper now, and they could even see that they were shaking constantly and did not drink at all. The mood of tea.

"How could it be like this?"

"Why did He Wenshi put up a notice so simply that he wanted to sublet the shop?"

Li Xuewen was disheartened, and when he spoke, his voice was very low, as if he was speaking to himself, but it seemed to be speaking to the conscience and listening of the opposite.

"Who knows what he is thinking in his mind? It is really unreasonable to do something like this. Now the antique market here is developing so fast, every day you can make more money, and it's not a small one. The number, I have made up my mind, no matter how to drive me away, the big deal will die!"

Yang Xinhe gritted his teeth, now the antique market here is too easy to make money, and he simply can't bear to leave. He Wenshi's approach really makes him wonder.

"It's not wrong, that's what we have to do. We absolutely cannot leave here easily. Our lease contract with Sun Mengyan is still several years away. She has no reason to drive us away. We have the right to continue working here. We are not afraid to open a shop and do business here, even if we go to court."

Li Xuewen waved his right hand vigorously to cheer himself up.


"Let's do it!"

"If Sun Mengyan has to force us to leave, then we will go to court with him, anyway, we will not take the initiative to leave here anyway."

"We are not He Wenshi's eggless people. Sun Mengyan just frightens and runs away like a dog."

Yang Xinhe patted his leg hard.

"I think we have to find a great lawyer now to prepare for a lawsuit with Sun Mengyan."

An idea came to Li Xuewen’s mind. He and Yang Xinhe were reluctant to leave. Then Sun Mengyan would have to take some measures. One lawyer was very relieved that everything can be solved by the lawyer, but just spend some money. The money you can earn by staying in the antique market here far exceeds the money paid by a lawyer.

Yang Xinhe and Li Xuewen discussed some details and immediately went out to find a lawyer. They knew that Sun Mengyan was moving very fast and that this matter must be finalized as soon as possible.

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