God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1698: Ding Shan gave up

"I pay 220,000!"


"I give out 250,000!"


"I pay 300,000!"


Voices one after another.

The smile on He Wenshi’s face is getting brighter and brighter, the bidding speed is very fast, and the increase is also very fast. It can be seen from this that there are many people who want to take down the antique shops in their hands. The will is very strong. The face that Sun Mengyan gave herself is really to make a fortune in the last moment.

"A few old men didn't make a move!"

"Today's price is estimated to be more than 500,000 iron!"

He Wenshi glanced at Feng Feibai and Ding Shan, who were sitting on the sofa. The people who bid for the price were just here to play, and it was impossible to win the antique shop. Feng Feibai and Ding Shan were real buyers , When they bid, they will definitely be higher than these people. This is actually normal. The same antique shop can earn far more money from people like Feng Fei Bai Dingshan than ordinary people. More, the higher the price the same Feng Feibai and Ding Shan can bear and pay. In other words, in the eyes of Ding Shan and Feng Feibai, the value and value of their antique shop The value in the eyes of ordinary people is different.

Feng Feibai’s face was gloomy like the bottom of a pot, and the situation before him was worse than he had imagined. He Wenshi just finished speaking, and the bidders can’t wait. This is enough to prove that he came here today. These people have been mentally prepared to face fierce competition and pay a huge price. The price of the outcry has risen very fast, and it has exceeded 400,000 in an instant. This is a very terrible phenomenon. , I thought that if you paid 500,000 or even 600,000 today, you would be able to win the antique shop in He Wenshi’s hands. Now it seems that it is far from enough. Neither he nor Ding Shan or even Zhang Ping who is sitting in the corner have spoken yet. Mouth opening must be 500,000 or even more than 600,000.

"Does it mean that the price of this antique shop today has to rise above 1 million?"

Feng Feibai had a ridiculous idea in his mind, but he didn't know why, he felt that this kind of thing was very likely to happen.

"If someone really called out the price of 1 million yuan, should they follow it or not?"

Feng Feibai seriously calculated this matter, and fell silent unconsciously.

"I pay 550,000!"

Ding Shan was sitting on the sofa. He originally held a cup of tea in his hand, but he didn’t know when he had already put it back on the tea table. He sat upright, his brows furrowed, and the expression on his face was very He was serious, listening to the increasing number of people shouting prices, and the higher and higher prices, it was a bit unbearable. Originally, I wanted to wait for Feng Feibai to make a bid and follow, but in the end I couldn't bear it.

Feng Feibai returned to his senses and looked at Ding Shan who was sitting opposite him.


Has it reached 550,000 now?

Feng Feibai couldn't help being shocked, the price like this was really unexpected.


Feng Feibai thought for a while and decided to open up a price. The scene suddenly became quiet. When Ding Shan just bid 550,000, some people gave up directly. Now the price of 600,000 has just been exported and many people give up.

"Crazy crazy, really crazy!"

"It's just an antique shop, and the transfer fee has reached 600,000 yuan. In the antique market here, nothing like this has ever happened. I think even in the antique market across the country, the market situation in recent years It is impossible for such a high transfer fee to occur below."


"Who said no? The price of 600,000 yuan is too high! If it is the shop of Song Yunzhen Treasure Pavilion, the price is about the same!"


"I bother!"

"Song Yunzhen Treasure Pavilion's 600,000 antique shop do you want to take down? Do you think there is a pie in the sky? Don't say 600,000 even 6 million people are willing to sell!"


"Forget it!"

"Now such a price has long been beyond the reach of those of us who open small antique shops!"


"We have all become melon-eating people now!"


"What are these old men? Are they all the old men in our circle?"

"No? Are you living in ancient times? What happened yesterday, don’t you know at all? The old man who bid 600,000 is Feng Feibai. It is said that he is the ashes-level figure in the circle of our collection. After leaving the antique market for more than 10 years, I don’t know why he suddenly ran out and wanted to open an antique shop. It was that he ran into He Wenshi’s antique shop to make trouble. The gourd bottle is now in the antique collection circle. There was a lot of uproar."


In the antique shop, most of the people who shouted for joy just now or at the beginning have already given up. After Feng Feibai and others shouted for the price, they have already become spectators and can only watch. Lively, there is no better way.


Ding Shan stared at Feng Feibai, his old rivals for many years knew each other's personalities very well. It was no tricks to take down the antique shop in front of you. It just depends on what everyone measured the value of the antique shop in front of you. For example, the highest value of He Wenshi antique shop is 850,000. If Feng Feibai thinks that the antique shop is more valuable, he will definitely not be able to compete today. He won this antique shop for the purpose of giving up. To make money, if the price paid is too high, it is completely unnecessary. They are all old foxes for many years. They will not be angry because they were once opponents, or even if they want to be angry, they will not really smash to the end. It will give up on the part. This is the quality that a qualified or excellent businessman should possess.


Feng Feibai directly added 50,000 yuan.

"800 000!"

Ding Shan did not hesitate to add another 50,000 yuan.


Feng Feibai looked at Ding Shan, secretly gritted his teeth and added another 50,000 yuan.


"Old man Feng, since you are so courageous, and since you think this shop is so valuable, let it go to you, I'll go and get my second-phase antique shop."

Ding Shan gritted his teeth. If his eyes were capable of killing people, he had already unloaded Feng Feibai at this time. 850,000 has reached his psychological bottom line. There is no need to continue to add more. Just open an antique shop, even if he really is. She is very optimistic about the antique market here in Sun Mengyan, and thinks it will be able to make money and make a lot of money, but it is not necessary to pay such a large sum of money on the transfer fee. The most important thing is that in addition to the antique shop here, there are two Period antique shops can be chosen. He believes that the price of the second phase antique shops at that time would definitely not exceed the sky-high price of 850,000, not to mention, that it was rented directly from Sun Mengyan, and subletting was different.

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