God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1699: Feng Feibai gives up


"Admit it!"

Hong Feibai smiled bitterly. Although he had won the antique shop of He Wenshi, he was not happy at all. The price paid was a bit high. 850,000 is just the transfer fee, which is an astronomical figure anyway. This means that the antique shop has not had time to open, and it has already generated a huge amount of negative equity. It means that he will have to sell several antiques next to be able to tie this number. To be honest, he is in his heart at this time I regret it a little bit, such a price is enough to get an antique shop with a very good size and location in the second phase of Sun Mengyan's expansion. From this point of view, I do have a little impulse, but what I say is like spilling it out. Water, and in the face of so many people, it is impossible to take it back, and it is even more impossible to repent. If you really do such a thing, you don't need to open an antique shop here.

He Wenshi smiled so much that he couldn’t see his eyes. He thought it would be good to have 200,000 or even 300,000. The final figure is 850,000, which is far beyond his psychological prediction. In other words, Sun Mengyan's last favor gave herself 850,000, which is a huge sum of money no matter where it is.

He Wenshi swallowed a mouthful of water, just about to speak, and settled the matter in front of him, suddenly a voice rang.


"I give out 900,000!"

He Wenshi was dumbfounded and couldn't help but look in the direction where the voice was coming from. He looked over and found that he was a young man who had never seen each other before. He was very young, and even the hair on his mouth did not grow straight.

"What are you talking about?"

He Wenshi really couldn't react, and couldn't believe what he heard.

"I said I paid 900,000 yuan, and there is no problem with your ears. No doubt, what I said is 900,000 yuan. As long as you transfer this shop to me, I will give you a transfer fee of 900,000 yuan. If you want cash, you can If you want to transfer money, you can also do whatever you want."

Zhang Ping looked at He Wenshi who was a little away from him, with a calm expression on his face.

Feng Feibai’s face was red and white. He thought he had already taken He Wenshi’s antique shop, but he didn’t expect to put it in the picture. Suddenly someone popped up and opened the price higher than himself, even though he regretted the bid. 850,000, but now someone bid higher than their own, an anger immediately popped up in their heart, it was clear that he was hitting himself in the face severely, and hitting himself in the face in front of everyone.

Feng Feibai followed the voice and looked over, and his anger was immediately suppressed, because he discovered that it was Zhang Ping who was talking, the precious grandson of Zhang Wenhua, an older monster in the circle.


Feng Feibai didn’t hesitate to add another 50,000 yuan. He had already won it, but suddenly he was cut off early by others. If he didn’t take any action, he would give in, after the incident, people in the antique circle would laugh at him. , Even a young man can't match it. At this time, it's actually a struggle of spirit, but this tone must be contested.


Zhang Ping glanced at Feng Feibai and added 50,000 yuan.

"1.05 million!"

"1.1 million!"


"1.25 million!"

Feng Feibai gritted his teeth. Such a price has already exceeded his bottom line. If it weren't for the sake of fighting for a breath, it would never be possible to offer such a price.

"1.3 million!"

Zhang Ping immediately added another 50,000 yuan without hesitation.

Feng Feibai looked at Zhang Ping who was sitting in the corner, his eyes seemed to burst out with fire, and his breathing was very heavy, like an angry bull.

"The back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach. The young people nowadays are really incredible. This shop is yours."

Feng Feibai felt that there was a huge volcano in his body that was erupting and the anger rushed to his Tianling Cap. He was about to explode, but in the end he gritted his teeth and controlled his anger. The circle was rolling for many years. Knowing that this kind of thing is useless no matter how angry you are. If you have the ability, you can offer a higher price. If you don’t have the ability or are unwilling to offer a higher price, you can only admit defeat. The only end of a tantrum is to become a god. The big joke, whether it is buying and selling antiques or other things in the business field, the final thing is whether you have money or no money or how much money you are willing to pay.

"young people!"

"You are not here to make trouble, are you?"

He Wenshi's face was also very ugly, and he never thought it would be such a price. The first instinctive reaction felt that this matter would not be true. This young man shouted the price indiscriminately, and if he could not pay for a while, he would eventually suffer. It is still himself. For example, at this time, if this young man is unwilling to pay 1.3 million, Feng Feilai would definitely not be willing to spend 1.25 million.

Zhang Ping didn't speak, and walked over to open the bag he was carrying in his hand, took out the money from it, and placed bundles on the table directly.

"There are 130 bundles in total here, each is 10,000 yuan, a total of 1.3 million, you count."

He Wenshi looked at the huge pile of money on the table, a little dumbfounded. Although he has opened an antique shop for many years, he has handled a lot of antiques, not to mention 1.3 million. Even 10 million would not care, but he I have never seen anyone actually bring 1 million in cash, and put it directly in front of me. I have to admit that although more than 1 million is not that much, but if it is all cash, it still looks a little bit Shocked.

The people in the antique shop had the same reaction as He Wenshi. More than 1 million is no longer a huge sum of money in this age. For example, if you buy a house, especially in a big city, you have to spend five or six million or even more. Ten million, the problem is that nowadays, there are really very few people who will directly take so much cash with them to walk around, and they will not take so much money to buy things. They directly transfer to a bank. It is very safe, more important, and very Convenience.

"What the **** does this young man come from?"


"It looks like he should be a rich man! He should be a rich second generation or something!"


"Rich second generation?"

"There is no doubt about this. I am just curious about the origin of this young man. It seems that he should be a member of our antique collection circle. Otherwise, it is impossible to use the money to rent this shop. I am very curious now. Yes, which family is it from?"


"Anyway, this young man is really awesome, but he wanted to rent an antique shop, and he didn’t hesitate to take out 1.3 million. This is still subletting money. This kind of handwork, this kind of courage, is really Rare."


"What kind of courage is this? The 1.3 million yuan far exceeds the market price of the transfer fee for He Wenshi, an antique shop!"

"This is obviously just spending money!"

"Or it's called selling Ye Tian with cubs, it doesn't hurt at all!"


The people around who watched the excitement came back to their senses, and they were very curious about what this young man came from. At the same time, more people felt that this young man had a problem with his brain and even spent so much money. .

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