God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1714: Nothing is wrong, right?

Zhang Ping didn’t sleep all night, and it was a bit unsustainable at dawn. When he arrived in the hotel room, he washed his face with cold water and drank a big cup of hot coffee. Very early, I simply sat on the sofa in the lobby of the hotel, took out my mobile phone and prepared to pass the time. As soon as I turned on the screen, I immediately saw the group in the antique market that I had just joined two days ago. News popped up constantly. It was very lively. I clicked in and took a look. My face suddenly became very serious. The group was talking about one thing at this time. Song Yun appeared in the ghost market about two hours ago and missed an antique. It was accurate. Said that the missing piece was a Buddha statue.

"What's the matter? Why did something like this happen at such a time?"

Zhang Ping plans to go to Zhenbao Pavilion to seek advice and exchanges with Song Yun today. At a time like this, Song Yun was picking up leaks in the ghost market. He did not fall asleep all night last night, and he was already very unhappy. The news like this is really a bit furious.

Zhang Ping took a few deep breaths, and finally calmed down slowly, knowing that no matter how angry he is at this time, it will not help. Song Yun's omission has become a reality, and his plan cannot be changed.

Zhang Ping searched the group for a long time to see if he could get more information about the antique that Song Yun had missed. It took half an hour to read the information from beginning to end. Apart from knowing that the missing piece was a Buddha statue, there was no other information such as photos.

"Is this Song Yun really so powerful? Is it really as simple as drinking water?"

Zhang Ping was really a little reluctant to believe it, but suddenly such news came out of the ghost market today, thinking of what he had to do for a while, and the feeling of anxiety in his heart immediately became stronger out of thin air.

"I can't take into account so much. It's a stab to stretch your head and a stab to shrink your head. Anyway, you have to go to Song Yun's Zhenbao Pavilion to see and see."

"I have to see if you are really as powerful as the legend."

Zhang Ping gave a sneer, stood up, and walked out in large strides. It is not early now, find a place to have breakfast, and rush to the antique market Jumbo Pavilion. It is just right at nine o'clock.

Song Yun took the Buddha statue in his hand, and slowly returned to the treasure pavilion. The gate of the treasure pavilion was not officially opened. He walked in and sat down on the sofa. He put the Buddha statue in his hand on the table and made boiling water for tea. After five or six minutes, the air began to smell of tea. I just wanted to drink a few glasses. Suddenly, there was a sound of car engine from the door of Zhenbao Pavilion, followed by the sound of brakes, which was a little messy footsteps. A few people rushed in, looked up and found Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng at the front, and Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue at the back.

"What the **** is going on with you guys? Why do you suddenly ran in and panting, did something happen?"

Song Yun was very curious. The expressions on the faces of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were a bit anxious, and they disappeared without a trace from the calm and leisurely appearances. It was clear that something was happening.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng did not speak. They looked left and right with their four eyes. They quickly locked the Buddha statue on the table, and ran over quickly. The two extended their hands. I wanted to grab the Buddha image in my hand, but stopped suddenly, staring at the Buddha image on the table very seriously, looking at it for more than five minutes, the expression on his face became very strange.

"Song Yun, is this the antique you bought at the ghost market early this morning?"

After holding back for a long time, Zhu Deyuan couldn't help but put his finger on the Buddha statue on the table, turned his head to look at Song Yun.

"Song Yun, are you sure you are not mistaken. This is the antique you bought at the ghost market early this morning?"

The expression on Xu Desheng's face was dubious, and the boss with two staring eyes seemed to be unable to believe what he saw.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, look at me, I look at you, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are saying very strange at this time. I don’t know what happened, but it must have something to do with the antiques that Song Yun just picked up. I walked over and looked at it carefully.

"Is there any problem with this? Could it be that there is something wrong with this Buddha statue?"

Song Yun held the tea cup in his hand and continued to sip the tea slowly. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng heard what they said in their ears, but they didn't lift their eyelids, as if it were not the same thing at all.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were flushed immediately, they had something to say, but now they don't know what to say.

"Song Yun, is this really the antique you bought in the ghost market today?"

Tang Miaomiao stared fiercely at the Buddha statue on the table, as if he had seen a **** enemy, and he didn't even look at Song Yun when he spoke.


"You are right. I bought this antique in the ghost market this morning."

Song Yun was a little helpless. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng had asked this question twice, and now Tang Miaomiao asked it again.

"Song Yun, do you think there is no problem with this Buddha statue?"

Tang Miaomiao stared at the Buddha statue for more than ten minutes. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was a problem with the Buddha statue. After hesitating for a long time, he couldn't help it.


"Do you really think there is something wrong with this Buddha statue?"

Song Yun looked at Tang Miaomiao's face unchanged.

Tang Miaomiao turned his head to look at Song Yun, not knowing what to say for a while.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, you look at me, I look at you, they are very confused in their hearts, this situation is so weird, I have never encountered them.

"Song Yun!"

"How much is this Buddha statue?"

Shen Xue was not an expert in antique appraisal, and she didn't hear it at all. Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Tang Miaomiao had a very strange tone at this time, and their only concern was how much it was worth.

When Song Yun had time to answer, there was another footstep outside the treasure pavilion.

"Could it be that Sun Mengyan is here?"

Tang Miaomiao was waiting for Song Yun to say how much the Buddha statue in front of him was worth. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and looked at the entrance of the antique shop. He has not yet officially opened the Jumbo Pavilion. He is definitely a familiar person. It may be Sun Mengyan. After seeing the person who walked in, the expression on her face suddenly became very serious. The person who is walking in is certainly not Sun Mengyan, a young man in his early 20s, and to be precise, a young man. He carried a box in his hand.

"This person must be Zhang Ping!"

Tang Miaomiao had such a thought immediately in his mind.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were thinking about asking about Song Yun's Buddha statue. When they saw a young man walking in, they closed their mouths. They also guessed that the young man who was walking in in front of them was definitely Zhang Ping, Zhang Wenhua's grandson, in other words, what we discussed or predicted last night has already appeared.

Shen Xue has no smile on her face. She is not a master of antique appraisal, but it does not mean that she is a person with intellectual problems. On the contrary, she is very smart. At this time, we can also guess that the gentle young man in front of me is Zhang. level.


"Sure enough!"

"Weasel pays New Year's greetings to the rooster, uneasy and kind!"

"But if you want to get a good deal here, take advantage of it, it's a pipe dream."

Shen Xue kept sneering in her heart. Zhang Ping's purpose in coming here was what she had guessed thoroughly when she discussed it last night. She glanced at the Buddha statue on the table, thought about it, and put it away.

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