God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1715: Bad comer

"I'm really sorry, Jumbo Pavilion has not officially opened, and does not greet outsiders."

Tang Miaomiao stood up and stopped Zhang Ping. The people who came to kick the pavilion were not very polite.

Zhang Ping didn't expect that they didn't stop him directly. After a moment of stunned, he forced a smile on his face.


"Miss Tang, hello!"

"My name is Zhang Ping, and my grandfather is Zhang Wenhua. Some time ago, I got an antique. After watching for a long time, my grandfather was a little bit undecided. Zhenbao Pavilion is going to open an antique shop here in the antique market. Teacher Song Yunsong is very good at identifying antiques. After Grandpa learned about this, he simply asked me to bring this antique over, hoping that Teacher Song could give it a hand and let us communicate together."

Although Zhang Ping did not expect Tang Miaomiao to stop him, he reacted very quickly and immediately found an excuse, and he reported Zhang Wenhua's name directly. He knew very well that if this were the case, Tang Miaomiao would never It's impossible to evade it, and you can't just drive yourself out of the antique shop.

Tang Miaomiao took a deep look at Zhang Ping and saw that the situation was not right. He immediately carried Zhang Wenhua out. Zhang Ping did not have a big reputation in the antique market or in the antique collection circle, so he pretended not to know him. It’s fine to go out, but now that Zhang Wenhua’s name is lifted out, anyway, Zhang Wenhua is an old senior in the antique collection circle, and this face must be given.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng did not speak, but their eyes squinted, seeing Wei Zhizhu. Zhang Ping’s remarks were so dripping that Tang Miaomiao or Song Yun had to take a look at what he brought today. Needless to say, that antique piece of mine must have made a huge hole.

"Mr. Zhang!"

"You are so kind!"

"The visitor is a guest!"

"They are all people in the antique collection circle. Everyone eats food in this rice bowl. Zhang Wenhua is an old senior in our antique collection circle. He is really curious. Even he can't make up his mind about the antique. What's the matter."


"sit down!"

"Drink a few cups of tea, chat, and then take a good look at this antique you brought."

Song Yun pointed at the sofa opposite to him with a smile, with a bright smile on his face, like the sunny sun, as if he didn't even realize that there was something wrong.

Tang Miaomiao, Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Shen Xue, who was sitting next to him, almost laughed in their hearts. The expressions on their faces were very strange. Song Yun’s remarks sounded very polite on the surface, but they were It is an out-and-out soft nail. It is emphasized that Zhang Wenhua cannot understand the antique that Zhang Ping brought today. In other words, it is the antique that Zhang Ping brought today. Zhang Wenhua cannot identify it at all. True or false, to put it plainly, it is actually denying the vision of a master like Zhang Wenhua, or Zhang Wenhua's ability to appraise antiques. It is not as powerful as the legend, and it is directly slapped on the faces of Zhang Wenhua and Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping heard the meaning of Song Yun’s words, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained, and disappeared without a trace. An anger came out of his heart. He wanted to get angry, but he thought of the purpose of coming here today. , Pressed down abruptly, walked to the sofa opposite Song Yun and sat down, and gently placed the box he carried inside by his feet.

Song Yun picked up the teapot and poured tea for Zhang Ping.


"Taste the tea in our Jumbo Pavilion. Although it's not a particularly good thing, it's not far behind."

"Come here early in the morning, and seeing the sweat bead on your forehead, I guess you should be more anxious. No matter what it is, you can't be anxious, especially for people like us who play antiques. In this way, the heart is impetuous, it is easy to look away, and we will talk about other things later, let's drink tea first."

Song Yun raised the teacup in front of him as he spoke, took a sip, and slowly put it down. The clouds were light and breezy.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue's faces were tight, and they didn't dare to relax at all. They were worried that once they relaxed, they could not help but laugh. If they said those few words just now, they would hit Zhang Wenhua severely. In terms of the face, these few words now seem to be very kind to persuade Zhang Ping to be calm no matter what he does. However, the fact is far from the case. It is clearly teaching Zhang Ping on the shelf. To say that Zhang Ping was frizzy when he just ran in. This is the tone that elders have toward younger ones.

Zhang Ping's face turned red all of a sudden, even after a few hard punches, it turned blue in a blink of an eye, his body began to tremble slightly, his hands were clenched into fists, and the blue veins appeared. Of course he could hear what Song Yun meant by saying this, but he couldn't refute it. In the antique collection circle, Song Yun was about the same age as himself, but he made his debut earlier and is more famous. From this point of view, it is true. The lesson to myself is that there is nothing wrong with traditional ethics.

"Teacher Song, what you said is not wrong. Those of us who play antique collections must always remain calm, so that we can't make mistakes when appraising antiques."

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and suffered a dumb loss. There was no way he could only swallow it abruptly.

The atmosphere in the Jumbo Pavilion antique shop became very solemn, and at the same time very weird, no one spoke for several minutes.

"Ms. Song!"

"Three cups of tea have been drunk, don't know when you will have time to see this antique I brought?"

Zhang Ping put down the tea cup he was holding in his hand. He had already drunk three cups just now, but he couldn't taste the taste at all. He was always thinking about the antiques he had brought, thinking about the purpose of coming here today. No other thoughts.

"no problem!"

"Now there is time!"

"It’s better to hit the sun if you choose another day. I’ll just take a look at this antique you brought. To be honest, I’m really curious about what kind of antique it looks like. Even Zhang Wenhua, Teacher Zhang, Senior Zhang Not determined."

Song Yun nodded.

Zhang Ping's mouth couldn't help but twitched. In this case, I said it once, and now I say it again. It is obvious that I hit Grandpa Zhang Wenhua in the face once and felt uncomfortable. Now I am hitting it again, and the anger in his heart is fierce. I pressed it down hard, pretending that I didn’t hear it at all, or even if I didn’t understand what Song Yun’s words meant, the only advantage was that I thought Song Yun would find an excuse to shirk, but I didn’t expect that he would just agree. .

"Ms. Song!"

"In that case, I will show you the antiques now."

As Zhang Ping spoke, he couldn't wait to pick up the box at his feet.



"Don't worry!"

Song Yun waved his hand while talking, stopped Zhang Ping, and stood up at the same time.


"Teacher Song, I don't know what else you want to do? You don't mean to say that you have something to deal with temporarily, do you?"

Zhang Ping was a little anxious. He had promised well just now, and suddenly stood up. In case he found an excuse to run away, his purpose of coming here today would have failed.

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