God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1773: Don't follow Song Yun on the evil road

After Li Tenglong was stunned for a while, he finally reacted with a helpless expression on his face.

"Ms. Song!"

"It's not that my grandmother sells melons and boasts. I think I still have a bit of money. The money spent on antiques every year is not earned by others in my life. I have collected a lot of antiques, but I will not take one like you. To use Gu Jingzhou’s tea set, what I have to say is that Mr. Song’s behavior or behavior is simply too prodigal.”

Li Tenglong doesn’t know how to describe how he feels in his heart at this time. What he has is money. He has collected a lot of antiques with a net worth of tens of billions. This is the last tea set that you don’t care about Gu Jingzhou, but the others are the same. There are several sets of grades, but these tea sets are in their hands, like eyeballs, and they are as careful as eyeballs. It is absolutely impossible to use them to greet friends and drink tea-even I can't bear it, let alone bring them to other guests. To use it, Song Yun took a set of Gu Jingzhou's tea set worth tens of millions to drink tea, and it was used to greet friends for daily use. The local tyrants did not do this.

"Boss Li!"

"This is not my local tyrant, or my prodigal. It's just because we have different views on antiques. As you said, what you have is money. Buying a set of Gu Jingzhou's tea set to use, there is no problem. Even if it is really broken, the loss of this little money is not in your eyes. You did not do such a thing, it is because you think these antiques are very precious and must be carefully taken care of. This idea and practice Nothing is a good question. This is a very correct attitude. I take Gu Jingzhou’s daily use of tea sets, but I think I need such a set of tea sets, whether it’s pretending, or I really like to take such antiques. To use it, anyway, I feel that as long as I want to, or I want to use such a tea set, it has nothing to do with other things directly."

Song Yun knew that a person like Li Tenglong had a net worth of tens of billions, definitely more wealthy than himself, at least for now. A set of Gu Jingzhou’s tea set was not in his eyes, and he did not bring such a tea set. It's just that he thinks that tea sets like this should be collected carefully, which is different from his own attitude.

"Boss Li!"

"In terms of value alone, perhaps there is not much difference between a yacht and Gu Jingzhou. I think you are willing to spend tens of millions on buying a yacht, but it is absolutely impossible to store the yacht in your house. It is often used. Why is there such a difference? But your attitude towards antiques is different from that of yachts. It has nothing to do with being a local tyrant or a local tyrant.

Song Yun slowly expressed his opinion. Li Tenglong didn't take it seriously at the beginning. He felt that this was a strong word, but when he heard the example of a yacht, he suddenly realized that this statement really made sense. It is also a thing of tens of millions. A yacht must be used frequently and shared with friends, but if it is antique, it is definitely treated with care. If you want to take a set of antique tea sets to drink tea, there is no problem, your own financial resources I can definitely support it, but I have never done anything like this. It's really just like Song Yun said. It's just a different attitude, and the essential difference is here, not in the prodigal.


"Boss Li, you must not be influenced by Song Yun's words. These are clearly deceitful words to deceive the public. Is it possible that we can't pick a salted duck egg with a Yuan blue and white pot because we have money? What kind of **** logic is this?"

Zhu Deyuan was not polite and started to complain directly.

"Yes Yes!"

"Boss Li, Song Yun, who is doing this kind of thing, is really a prodigal. There is no other reason, no other reason. Those of us who like antiques and those who like to collect antiques absolutely do this kind of thing. If you don’t come out, you must not be influenced by him. There are only two reasons why this kid did such a thing. Another thing is that this kid often picks up and leaks antiques. The antiques in his eyes are essentially different from the antiques in ours. The simplest example is that the two antiques we just bought from the stall are very good. In any case, we can sell 3 million or 5 million. Such antiques are already very impressive in our eyes. Pidian Pidian has to get it quickly. Song Yun is completely different. In his opinion, these antiques Put it on the stall and buy it next time if you have a chance. If you don’t have a chance, just forget it, or turn around and forget about it. When you think about it in the future, it definitely means that antiques have no relationship with you. Do you think that serious people like us can do it?"

"There is nothing wrong with what Old Man Zhu said just now. Don't be influenced by this kid like Song Yun. You can never follow him on crooked and evil roads."

Xu Desheng followed Zhu Deyuan's words with full firepower.

Song Yun heard Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng say this, smiled, did not answer, doing something like this by himself, in the eyes of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng is definitely a prodigal, he should definitely be criticized, but it seems to him to be true It's just like what I just said, different people have different attitudes towards antiques, there is no need to persuade others to seek common ground while reserving differences.

Li Tenglong thought about it carefully, and finally nodded slightly. Zhu Deyuan and Qu Desheng said that they were right. You can never learn from Song Yun for this kind of thing. One day he really took a blue and white porcelain worth 10 million. Such salted duck eggs, it is estimated that the people in your family will feel that you are crazy and send yourself to a mental hospital.

"Ms. Song!"

"I don't know what the origins of the two antiques we missed today are like? Could you just talk about it briefly?"

Li Tenglong pointed to the two antiques placed on the table, the things that were just bought from the ghost market, since they have already been obtained, of course, they must be appreciated at this time.

"Boss Li!"

"I have heard people say that you are not just an ordinary collector. In fact, you can be regarded as an expert. You have your own experience in antique appraisal. If you look at antiques, you should just give us Explain and explain?"

Sun Mengyan put down the tea cup she was holding in her hand, and when she raised her head to look at Li Tenglong, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Don’t watch Li Tenglong ask Song Yun for advice, what he really wanted to do was to identify the two antiques himself. Immediately set up a ladder to let Li Tenglong climb up.



"In that case, I'm not welcome!"

"Just help the door today!"

"What's wrong, Teacher Song and Teacher Zhu, you are all real masters, Teacher Xu, forgive me and give me some advice."

Li Tenglong is not polite. He really wants to do the appraisal by himself. All of you here are experts in antique appraisal. It is rare to have such an opportunity to ask for advice. For a person who likes antique collection very much and has little research, he usually spends money. It is also a rare opportunity like this.

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