God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1774: Ji Qing and Carmine

Song Yun nodded lightly and didn't say anything. Li Tenglong wanted to appraise these two antiques, so he asked him to see what happened. From this, we can also measure and evaluate Li Tenglong's antique appraisal. Do you have any skills?

Li Tenglong nodded when he saw Song Yun, and picked up the antique that Shi Tiezhu had bought before. The value of this one was slightly lower, of course starting with this one.

"This is a Yuchun pot in the Song Dynasty style. The bottle is slender and full, with smooth lines and beautiful shapes. It has a typical open neck with a high ring and a swollen abdomen."

"In terms of glaze, the mouth, inner wall, and outer bottom are traditional white glaze, which is white and moist. It is very rare or its biggest feature is that the outer wall of the bottle is blue glaze, which is uniform and pure, and it looks like a precious light under the ultimate elegance. , Very rare."

"The six-character seal script of the Qianlong Years of the Qing Dynasty."

"A proper Qing Qianlong blue-glazed jade pot spring vase."

Li Tenglong said what he knew in one breath, and immediately turned his head to look at Song Yun after speaking, as if a primary school student wanted to see the teacher's reaction after answering a question.

"Boss Li, what you said is not wrong. This is indeed a jade pot spring bottle from Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. You can tell the style and its characteristics very clearly. The biggest feature of such a jade pot spring bottle is indeed The blue glaze on the outside is actually called blue glaze. The real name used to be called Jiqing."

After listening to Li Tenglong's words, Song Yun knew that the person in front of him was not only money, but he really liked collecting antiques very much. He knew much more about porcelain than ordinary people, and he could just pick up a piece of porcelain and he could tell its origin. There is also the biggest feature, you must have a little real ability, not to mention that Li Tenglong speaks very professionally, but fans can never do this. These things are very small details and can be said. Those who can come out are definitely veterans.

When Li Tenglong heard Song Yun say this, he immediately gained confidence and picked up the bowl he had bought from the stall.

"When I went there this time, there happened to be someone who was also bargaining, but the stall owner offered 5,000 yuan, and that person was unwilling to give it. He had to ask for 1,000 yuan and finally failed. I paid 4,500 yuan and bought it. ."

When Li Tenglong remembered this incident, he was afraid after another. When he saw someone holding a bowl and bargaining with the stall owner, he felt that his heart had to jump out of his voice, according to the rules of the antique collection circle. , At that time, I can’t speak, I can only make a move when that person can’t agree with each other. Fortunately, that person is unwilling to give more money. Otherwise, it’s nothing to do. It is possible that I have to see the bowl in my hand being bought by someone else. Even though things are over now, I have already bought this bowl, and I still have to worry about it.


"Boss Li, do you think it's very exciting to play antique collection, especially when picking up leaks?!"

Shi Tiezhu couldn't help making a joke when he saw Li Tenglong like this.



"That's true. Don't say that even now I still feel my heart beating. I never thought that collecting leaks would be so exciting. People who play antiques like collecting leaks, not just because they can make a fortune. At the same time, the feeling that the adrenal glands stimulated during the whole process is equally fascinating."

When Li Tenglong was talking, he couldn't help but glance at Song Yun, who was sitting beside him calmly drinking tea. Facing an antique of five or six million, he almost couldn't control his emotions. He couldn't imagine Song Yun. What kind of mood such a master would feel when facing an antique worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, but he immediately shook his head. The mentality of the master is definitely not what a rookie like himself can imagine.

"This bowl is very good. I saw one at an auction before, but at that time I just started to play antique collection. I was not particularly sure. I did not ask a master of antique appraisal to check it for me. In the end, I pass by, and sometimes I think about it, but one of these things is counted as one. It’s not easy to find one if you miss it. I didn’t expect to encounter one in the ghost market today and I bought it. Coming down, while still picking up the leaks, it simply gives people a feeling of being predestined."

Li Tenglong held the bowl in his hand and looked over and over again. He really felt a little bit fond of it.

"This bowl has a typical curved belly with a constricted mouth. The lines are very smooth. What is rare is that the carcass is light and thin. The outer wall is carmine red glaze. The color of the view is like clouds. The inner wall and bottom of the bowl are traditional white glaze. If you look at it, you will find that the glaze layer is as shiny as white jade, and the six-character regular script "Dai Qing Yongzheng Year System" is used in the double circle. The font is very dignified and regular."

"This bowl is very special. The carmine used on the outer wall of the bowl is originally the material of enamel. Gold must be used as the colorant, and then the glaze method must be used to glaze. The firing temperature must be controlled. At 800 degrees, the final glaze color is like the rouge used by women. This is the origin of carmine."

"This is a very typical Qing Yongzheng outer carmine red glaze inner foreign color tea bowl."

After Li Tenglong finished talking, he gently placed the bowl he held on the table. If he could still control his emotions when he said Yuhuchun just now, now that he has finished talking about this tea bowl, I don’t know. Why is the emotion a little bit agitated? I don't know how to continue speaking for a while.

"The reason why antiques are fascinating is not only because they are valuable, but more importantly, if we really like antiques, we can appreciate antiques and we will find that these antiques have a beauty condensed by time, such as this one in front of us. A carmine tea bowl is like a woman who is still beautiful after the vicissitudes of time."

Song Yun looked at it and said slowly.

Li Tenglong was stunned for a moment, but he reacted with a smile and nodded. The carmine bowl in front of him was really like what Song Yun said, a woman who was still beautiful after the vicissitudes of life.

"Teacher Song Yunsong, I have an unrelenting request. I wonder if you can agree to it?"

Li Tenglong looked at Song Yun's face suddenly became very serious.

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng and Shi Tiezhu. Look at me and I will look at you. They have already guessed what Li Tenglong wants to say to Song Yun. It is very likely that Song Yun should be used as the appraisal of the "queen". Teacher, when Sun Mengyan mentioned it just now, Song Yun refused. I don't know if he will change his mind at this time or if he still sticks to his previous views, what reasons will he have.

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