God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1793: Can't wait to die


"We really have to take this matter seriously. If Sun Mengyan really contacted Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang and successfully convinced them, we would face very serious consequences."

Zhang Ping is also very anxious. He now knows the whole plan of his grandfather Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang, and he knows how much influence or damage such things will have if they happen.

Zhang Wenhua was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"Zhang Wenhua!"

"what do you mean?"

When Zhao Qiang saw this, he became even more anxious. When Wang Hua, Xu Heng, and Ma Dongliang forced the Gong Zhang Wenhua just now, he was watching the excitement next to him. He was not worried at all. He knew Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang very well. These people definitely have nothing to do with Zhang Wenhua, but if Sun Mengyan made the shot and directly contacted Wang Hua and Xu Heng, the consequences would be really unthinkable, and we must find a way to stop it, but Zhang Wenhua is shaking her head now. The appearance of stopping is really worrying.

"It's going to rain Niang to marry someone. We have no good way to do things like this. We can't stop Sun Mengyan from seeing Wang Hua."

How could Zhang Wenhua not know that once Sun Mengyan went to see Wang Hua and Xu Heng, they would most likely cause a series of serious consequences, but there was really no way she could not stop Sun Mengyan. She did know a few people and even had them in her pocket. A lot of money, there is no problem in dealing with ordinary people or ordinary competitors, but if you want to deal with Sun Mengyan, you are simply hitting the stone with a pebble, and there is no chance of winning at all.

"Could it be that you just watched all this happen before our eyes? Grandpa! We have to do something, and absolutely can't sit and wait."

Zhang Ping stood up and walked around in the room. He was very anxious in his heart, wanting to find a suitable solution to this problem, but his mind was blank, like an ant on a hot pot, except for tumbling around. There is no other way out.

"Do you think I don't want to solve this problem? The crux of the problem is that we have nothing to do now. Sun Mengyan is our opponent and our enemy. He wants to see Wang Hua. How many people should we stop?"

"Don’t forget that this place is Sun Mengyan’s site now, and our every move may fall into his eyes, not to mention, even if it’s not Sun Mengyan’s site, we can’t do this kind of thing, regardless of our connections. Or the money is much better than us, and Sun Mengyan is much more than us. To deal with such a person, you can never use the method of dealing with small gangsters."

Zhang Wenhua glared at Zhang Ping. If this happened, it would have a huge impact on his entire plan. He didn't want Sun Mengyan to see Wang Hua at all, but he really couldn't stop it.

"Now I will go to Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang and warn them not to contact Sun Mengyan."

Zhao Qiang stood up immediately, turned around and wanted to walk outside.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you think this method is useful? If it is useful, how could I just say that I can't think of a way?"

Zhang Wenhua grabbed Zhao Qiang. The method used in this matter was useless and unnecessary.

"How could there be no way at all? I have to give a good warning. If Xu Heng and the others want to follow us to eat and drink, they must listen to our greetings. If they contact Sun Mengyan, please don't, blame me for being polite. ."

Zhao Qiang was furious. If Sun Mengyan went to meet and persuade Wang Hua, Xu Heng, and Ma Dongliang, and others, Zhang Wenhua and herself would simply wrap up and go home with peace of mind, and wait for death.

"It's really useless!"

"As I said earlier, or after many years, we have already known that Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang are the legendary rich mothers. If the conditions Sun Mengyan gave them far exceeded the conditions we gave him, Wang Hua and the others will definitely leave us aside without any hesitation."

"We can't stop Sun Mengyan and warn Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang that they are also useless. The world is so big and there are so many ways. Even if Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang promise us not to meet Sun Mengyan on the surface, meeting in private is definitely inevitable. As long as they want to do this, they can always find a way. In other words, it is our warning. It is really useless at all, at least it will not be of much use."

"Now you go to Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang and say something like this. It is very likely that a result will be that they didn't have the thoughts in this area, but remind them, or they would take such a thing. Come to blackmail us and want more benefits."

Zhang Wenhua sighed and warned Wang Hua and Xu Heng that they certainly have some usefulness, but overall, the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits. There is no need to do such a thing to be thankless.

Zhao Qiang was stunned for a while, and was very depressed to find that what Zhang Wenhua said was right. At this time, going to Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang would do more harm than good.

"Could it be that we really can't do anything? Can it be that we really can only watch all this happen before our eyes and can't do anything?"

Zhao Qiang was sitting on the sofa, holding his head with both hands, very painful. After so many years in the antique collection circle, he encountered this situation for the first time, and for the first time felt that he could not do anything.



"We really can't do anything about this thing!"

Zhang Wenhua was very helpless. He didn't want to admit this. The facts were before him. If you didn't want to admit it, you had to admit it. If you didn't want to accept it, you had to accept it. In the final analysis, the only reason was that the opponent he and Zhao Qiang faced this time was Sun Mengyan. Very powerful.

The atmosphere in the room was very solemn. Whether it was Zhang Wenhua, or Zhao Qiang, including Zhang Ping, he had no desire to speak, and his eyes stared.

After Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang left the place where they ate, they did not go back to their homes. Several cars moved together. After driving for nearly an hour, they appeared in a remote place and finally stopped in front of a huge villa. The lights are brightly lit, obviously prepared.

Wang Hua, Xu Heng, and Ma Dongliang got out of the car and walked directly into the villa. The people who got off the cars behind were relatively young. Wang Ming, Xu Chenglong and some others.


"I really want to know what happened to the small box inside at that time!"

Xu Chenglong looked at his grandfather, and after Xu Heng and others entered the villa, they entered another room, very curious in their hearts.


"All we can do now is wait!"

"Grandpa and they are discussing things, I think if there is a result, I will tell us!"

After Wang Ming walked into the villa, he went to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of wine and a few glasses. Now there is not much that can be done, so he just waited while drinking.

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