God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1794: Unfamiliar number

"What do you think of this matter?"

Xu Chenglong sat on the sofa and said while putting the iron kettle filled with water on the stove to cook.

"Is there anything to say about this? We have no good way at all. If we want to make money, we can only follow Zhang Wenhua's path. To put it bluntly, we can do whatever he wants us to do. Even if we follow him, we can only drink soup. , But the soup we drink with him is far more profitable than doing it alone."

Xu Heng is very depressed. If he can choose, he certainly hopes that he can speak his words and do whatever he wants. However, years of experience and facts have proved that these people will really make less money if they leave Zhang Wenhua. a lot of.

"I thought that this time I could use Li Tenglong's opportunity to force Zhang Wenhua to give us more, but the final result was really disappointing. Zhang Wenhua knew that we had nothing to do, or he could not do without him, so he would not let us go. In my eyes, Li Tenglong is indeed a customer developed by him alone, but after so many years of maintaining such a customer, no matter how hard it is, it would be powerful. If it were not for us, people like us have searched for all kinds of things over the years. Li Tenglong might have left Zhang Wenhua long ago. From this point of view, even if there is no credit, there will be hard work. For such a big piece of cake, if there is no one, there will be no. No, it seems that all this is our fault. Thinking of this thing is really depressing."

"Xu Heng is right. We have no more choices in this matter. Although we are very depressed, it is indeed more profitable to follow Zhang Wenhua than to open an antique shop by ourselves. We can only do this according to his statement. Although the cost of opening an antique shop in Sun Mengyan's antique market is very high this time, who will let us not have more choices?"

Ma Dongliang shook his head and sighed as he talked. Today, when dealing with Zhang Wenhua and Zhao Qiang, he couldn't bear to look back. He had no power to defend himself. To put it bluntly, it was his own way of making money, or the door of life in the hands of others.


"There is nothing wrong with what you said. It is true. We have no other choice but to obediently obey Zhang Wenhua's arrangements. But this time we want to open an antique shop here. The cost is really very high."

Ma Dongliang was silent for a while, and it was difficult for a few people to be able to discuss a solution, but the fact is that the situation is better than others, and there is no way at all. Zhang Wenhua is still the same Zhang Wenhua, and these people still have no way to deal with Zhang Wenhua, for decades. Over time, this situation has not changed at all.

"In all fairness, Sun Mengyan's antique market shops here must have very high rents, especially the second phase antique shops. But if we want to make money, or if we want to have the opportunity to make big money, we can only accept it. These days Everything we have seen here proves that the antique market here is really prosperous. If there are no surprises, it will definitely make money and make a lot of money."

Xu Heng knows that opening an antique shop here is very expensive, but if you consider the overall antique market, the risks involved are relatively large, but they are still within an acceptable range, and indeed It is possible to make a lot of money, and the greater the typical risk, the greater the return.

"Since everyone has no better way and has accepted this state, we have nothing to say. Next, we have to see when Sun Mengyan will start renting. We will do our best to take down the shops there. We will have to tell those old men who are waiting for news about our thoughts and practices so that they all act together."

Ma Dongliang waved his hand very simply, this matter was decided like this, there is no need to be more verbose, to save even more depression.

Xu Heng drank two cups of tea, and felt a little uncomfortable, or felt that the inside of his mouth was very light, so he simply took a bottle of wine and opened it.

"This is a whiskey imported from a friend some time ago. Have a taste of what's going on."

Xu Heng opened three cups while talking, and took out a pack of peanuts from under the coffee table.

"Old man Xu, I said that the matching of your box is really speechless. In the words of young people now, it is too low!"

"Foreign brand-name whiskey is paired with our traditional peanuts. This combination is really hard to describe."

Wang Hua found it a little funny when he saw the wine that was poured out and the food to go with.

"What's the matter with this? The wine belongs to me. I can drink whatever I want. Is it because this wine is imported from abroad, so I have to get some other imported peanuts or imported beef? Just fine?"

Xu Heng curled his mouth and didn't care at all. He touched the broken shell of a peanut, threw it into his mouth, chewed a few times, drank a sip of wine, and was very satisfied. No matter what kind of wine it is, fried peanut can There is no doubt about it.

"There is nothing wrong with what Old Man Xu said. The wine is in our hands. You can drink it as you like. You can accompany whatever dish you want with it. No one stipulates that whiskey cannot be paired with fried peanuts. I think this is the case. The drink is very good."

While talking, Ma Dongliang put the tea cup in front of him to the other side, peeling peanuts and drinking wine like Xu Heng.

Wang Hua stretched out his hand and held up the wine glass in front of him. Before he could drink it when he put it to his mouth, the phone rang, and he looked at it and found that it was a strange number.


"Hello there!"

"I am Wang Hua, I don't know what you call?!"

Wang Hua pressed the answer button and put it to his ear. He heard a woman's voice inside. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after hearing the other party's self-report, he almost threw the phone in his hand. It took a long time to come back, and it took a few words to hang up.

"Wang Hua!"

"Who called? Could it be that who introduced you to a good customer?"

Ma Dongliang was peeling peanuts while continuing to drink wine without lifting his head. This kind of thing often happens. Business people will always receive strange calls. Many times they are introduced by people who have been in business. Another person who has never met.

"You must have never thought of who made the call just now!"

Wanhua threw the cell phone in his hand on the table, then picked up the glass in front of him, and poured at least two or two whiskey into his mouth. The taste was too strong, and his eyes narrowed. He grabbed a handful of peanuts and found The shell hasn't been peeled yet, so I can only lift the teacup and drink the tea inside, which makes it a little more comfortable, but my tears have already choked out.

"I said, what the **** is going on with you? How do you do things like this old man, how can you drink frizzy whiskey like this?!"

Ma Dongliang shook his head helplessly, took out a tissue and handed it to Wang Hua.

"Who is calling that made you so gaffe?!"

Xu Heng was a little strange. He didn't know who made the call that shocked Wang Hua.

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