God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1846: After all, it’s because of money


"I really have to buy something back to feed the little goldfish in this fish tank."

Zhu Deyuan walked out of the room, holding a set of tea sets in his hands, a pot with two cups, a small pot of tea, and a hot pot.

"Looking back, we have to get an iron kettle, and of course we have to get a small stove to boil water here. Before we get up in the morning or go to bed at night, we two old men have a few cups of tea there and feed the little goldfish. Yes, this is simply the top enjoyment in the world, especially at our age, being able to live like this is very good."

Zhu Deyuan said while putting the tea set in his hand on the stone table. The water in the kettle has just been boiled. The temperature is very high. It is not as good as using it directly in the teapot. The water and the tea set are just slightly better things, but after getting up and moving and sweating a little at this time, I have two cups of tea. There is nothing to force, it is the top enjoyment.

Xu Desheng sat down on the stone stool, picked up the freshly brewed tea, and drank it in small sips. He was full of energy.

"Old Man Zhu!"

"Have you ever noticed that the rooms in such an ancient building are actually not very big? The space left after putting down the bed and table is not very big. I originally thought that sleeping in such a place was not particularly comfortable, but I don’t know. Why did I sleep very securely last night, even these few nights, but I feel that this kind of space is just right. In contrast, the space of the villa we live in is a bit too big, giving people a feeling of not being secure. "

Xu Desheng has lived in the courtyard these days. At first, he felt that the rooms here were a bit small, but after a few days, he found that they were very comfortable.

"This is not surprising. If the space is too large, our people will appear very small, but it will give people a sense of oppression. Although it seems that the space is large, it will be very comfortable, but in fact it may not be good for the body. On the contrary, these small spaces in ancient buildings will make us feel more comfortable as a whole."

Zhu Deyuan also feels like this. He has been sleeping here for a few days. Every day, he feels that he sleeps very securely, and all his previous small insomnia problems have disappeared.

"I really like this yard now. What I regret is why we didn't think of a way to buy it."

After Zhu Deyuan lived in a few days, he liked the yard more. If there is such an opportunity now, he thinks he would buy a yard.

"What you said is not wrong, it is indeed the case. If we knew that this vision has so many benefits, we should buy it. Even if it is a bit difficult for you to buy it alone, there is nothing wrong with the two of us. The problem."

Xu Desheng also regretted it a little bit. I couldn’t help knowing that a courtyard like an ancient building was shocked. It was much better than imagined. Not to mention that there was a huge hall. The hall was antique. Appreciate antiques in a place like this. Good friends are here, and everyone can study and study each other. People of this age like to live this way the most.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng chatted while drinking tea. After a while, he heard a slight footstep, and the two looked up towards the moon gate, and one person appeared after a while.

"Song Yun. Why did you get up so early?!"

Zhu Deyuan knew that after they left with Xu Desheng last night, Song Yun, Gongyangqiu and the others must have discussed some things. It is absolutely impossible to go to bed early. In addition, they have been busy during the day for the opening of the treasure pavilion, so they should have to sleep. I only got up at noon, and it was only eight o'clock now, and even before nine o'clock, I had already seen Song Yun.

"Get used to getting up early!"

"Even though I slept a little later last night, I still got up."

Song Yun shook his head. Yesterday, he just slept a little later. In fact, even if he really didn't sleep all night, he is still full of energy at this time.

"Why are you two so interested? You start drinking tea early in the morning?!"

Song Yun saw the tea set on the stone table, and the steaming tea fragrance was overflowing, so he was drinking tea and chatting.

"We were still discussing it. Your yard here is so good. I regret not buying it."

Zhu Deyuan told Song Yun about the chat with Xu Desheng.



"After you pass this village, you won't have this shop. Now it is impossible for you to buy such a yard."

Song Yun heard what Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were talking about, and smiled triumphantly. When they bought this yard, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng even felt that they had too much money to burn or had no place to spend. They really don’t seem to need to do such a thing, but now they really only have envy and jealousy. The main thing is that whether it is Zhu Deyuan or Xu Desheng, they have the ability to buy such a yard. If they knew that the yard had been repaired to such a level or that it was so comfortable to live in, the two of them would definitely find a way to buy it. There is nothing to regret in the world. Now Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng can take medicine. No matter how much you want to buy, you can’t buy a yard like this. Of course, there are other yards nearby to buy, but they are all yards of ordinary people. The layout is too far from the one you bought. There is also a small yard here, and that place is already very different from here. No matter how repaired the small yard is, it can't be compared with the big yard I have now.


"I know that when you talk about this matter, you kid will be very happy, but there is no way. On this matter, the eyes of Old Man Zhu and I are really not as good as you."

Xu Desheng shook his head.

"Old man Xu, what you said is not accurate at all. In the final analysis, this kid Song Yun's money is easy to come. The money spent on buying such a yard and the money for repairs, although it is an astronomical figure, but he ran away casually. Pick up one leak and you can earn this amount of money. Even if one doesn't work, pick up more!"

"Although we have money in our pockets, if we want to buy this yard, especially with the money for repairing this yard, we have to grit our teeth, or think carefully. Of course we have to make a decision. Consider it carefully, how can it be so refreshing, but things in this world are like this, as long as you hesitate, good things become someone else’s."

Zhu Deyuan knew that Song Yun didn't have any pressure to buy such a yard, but if it was himself and Xu Desheng, he would have to think about it. It was indeed possible to buy it, but it would not be so easy. In the final analysis, is there any Money or the reason there is not enough money.

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