God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1847: Empty shelf

Xu Desheng was really speechless when he heard Zhu Deyuan say this, because this is the fact. If he can pick up the leaks like Song Yun, he must buy it right away if he encounters such a yard. In the final analysis, it really was because there was no money, or there was not as much money as Song Yun, or there was no way to make money as easily and happily as Song Yun.

"Old man Zhu, you have to make this cruel fact. Isn't there no way to play happily anymore?"

Xu Desheng shook his head helplessly, and put a cup of freshly brewed tea in front of Song Yun. He decided not to talk about it anymore, because the more he said it, the more sad he became, so he could simply change the subject.

"Song Yun!"

"What do you think of Sun Mengyan's plan?"

"I mean, is there any specific method of operation? Or what should be done next? Is there a timetable or something?"

Xu Desheng is very interested in this matter. He has been playing antiques all his life. Now he has no worries about food and clothing, and he has a lot of money in his pocket. He always wants to toss some meaningful things. Sun Mengyan's plan is really a very Meaningful things, in fact, he would occasionally have such thoughts, but he knew that with his own ability, it was impossible to do such things. Now Sun Mengyan and Song Yun are all involved. In addition, people like Gongyangqiu and Li Tenglong are already very powerful. It is no problem to implement such a plan. He can't wait now.

Song Yun explained some of the things he discussed with Gongyangqiu and Tang Miaomiao last night, or some specific methods. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have rich experience and the whole plan can proceed smoothly. They are very Important, there is nothing to hide.


"Song Yun, you have a very clear view of the whole thing. It is indeed just like what you said. There is really no need to buy some antiques at a price much higher than their true value. You can put them away first. If you have a chance in the future, it will be more appropriate."

Zhu Deyuan immediately agreed with Song Yun's approach.

"It's a good choice to start at the auction."

"There will be many auctions during the recent period, maybe we can pay attention to it."

Xu Desheng very much agrees with the basic principles or basic practices mentioned by Song Yun. There will be many auctions in the antique collection circle during the recent period. Not all of them are large auctions, but small auctions are true. There are so many, if the opportunity is right, you can try your skills.

"Shen Xue mentioned this point last night. I asked her to pay attention to the information of these small auctions recently. If there is a chance, we will take a look. The prerequisite is that there are antiques in the catalogues of those auctions. It's worth our shot."

Song Yun nodded. Shen Xue also mentioned this issue last night. The auction field is definitely the field that Shen Xue is most familiar with. In the specific action plan, the auction is the highlight.

"The current operation and management of Jumbo Pavilion is not practical for me. The most important thing for the next period of time is to start implementing Sun Mengyan's plan."

When Song Yun went back to bed last night, he had already listed this as his top priority in the recent period. There are no real antiques on the shelf in the Jumbo Pavilion antique store, or even if these antiques are on the shelf. It will not sell to those who come to the antique shop. The business model of Jumbo Pavilion is to accept reservations. You don’t need to stay in the antique shop all day. You can even just ask someone to register in the shop. Yes, neither you nor Tang Miaomiao, including Shen Xue, need to stay in the antique shop all the time. Such an antique management method may be an independent part of the entire antique collection circle.

"Song Yun!"

"If you decide which auction you are going to take a look at, you must tell us, we must go for a stroll."

Zhu Deyuan and Song Yun immediately requested that they must participate in this event. He and Xu Desheng actually have nothing more important now. On the contrary, this matter is the most important thing and must be done.

"no problem!"

"You two are definitely indispensable."

Song Yun smiled and nodded. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are really free now, and there is nothing more to do. They must participate in things like auctions, and they are very active.

Song Yun's cell phone rang, and when he looked at it, he found that Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue had already gotten up. It might be necessary to ask where he was. Press the answer button to tell them that they were in the courtyard of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. Two people will come together.

"Sun Mengyan just called to ask if we are already up. If we get up, we will have breakfast together and go to the office to discuss the whole thing. The most important thing is that we must hurry up the first time, or this The gun must be a good start."

Tang Miaomiao is eager to try at this time, and he is also very much looking forward to implementing such a plan.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Zhu Deyuan and others drove to a teahouse near the antique market to drink tea. By the time Sun Mengyan was already waiting there, there was also Li Tenglong, including Ou Yaping, a few people drank it. Morning tea, originally planned to go back to Sun Mengyun's office, but after thinking about it, I decided to go to Jumbo Pavilion. Now that Jumbo Pavilion is open for business, it is impossible to lock the store door the next day. No one is inside.

Song Yun opened the door of Treasure Pavilion and walked inside. Behind him were Sun Mengyan, Tang Miaomiao and others. They sat down on the sofa to make tea with water.

Zhu Deyuan was a little uncomfortable sitting on the sofa. He looked at the surrounding antique shelves and there were antiques, but the quantity was very small, and most of the places were empty.

"Song Yun, every time I walk into your antique shop, I always feel very uncomfortable. There should be antiques on these shelves, but now they are empty. Can't you put more antiques on them? ?!"

Zhu Deyuan really couldn't help but began to complain.

"There is really no way. If we put a lot of antiques here, someone will have to buy them when they come in, and they have to explain the whole thing clearly. It is very laborious, and we simply don’t bother to put antiques on the antique shelves. Or maybe just put a few pieces at all."

Song Yun also feels that there are no antiques on the antique shelves in the antique store. It is a bit unconvincing, but these shelves are all with antiques. Someone will definitely rush into the antique store and want to buy antiques. If only one or two people are there. If you ask, it's still the past, but if there are too many people asking, and everyone has to explain it, then it is really unbearable.

"If you don't plan to display antiques, wouldn't it be better not to make these shelves?!"

Xu Desheng also complained.

"This is even more impossible. If the antique shop doesn't even have such antique shelves, it is not an antique shop. I don't know what kind of shop it looks like."

Song Yun shook his head again. There are shelves and antiques cannot be placed on them, but if there are no shelves or even empty shelves, the antique shop will not become an antique shop. This is definitely a dilemma. This matter, In fact, he and Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue had studied them, and finally decided that they would rather leave these shelves empty.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have nothing to say.

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