God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1859: New conditions

"How do you think we should handle this?"

Sun Mengyan knows very well that the antique market here is purely making money, or making money in a short period of time. It is not her goal. Her real pursuit is to hope that the entire antique market will develop very prosperously, whether it is domestic or even internationally. Fame, the antique market wants to develop, there are several factors. Among them, the sale of ghost markets and antique shops is very important, or it is directly the cornerstone. If people who come to the ghost market to set up stalls and those who open antique shops here make money If they don’t have money, they won’t put their minds on real business. Ji Ming Gou Pi is definitely the best choice. After ruining the reputation of the entire antique market, they turn around and leave. What is left is a mess, and the entire antique market will be abandoned. This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. Even at home and abroad, you can find antique markets that were eventually abandoned for this reason. The current development momentum of your own antique market is very good, very fast, but if you don’t pay attention, once People who open antique shops and antique stalls here can’t make money, and various things will happen, and various problems will happen, and they can’t be solved, or it’s too much until they notice. In the evening, Tang Miaomiao's reminder was very timely.

"The rent of antique shops can be relatively high, and the market will follow. After all, the prosperity of the antique market here is very terrible. They will definitely make money. Without such a prerequisite, these iron cock-like business people will not May be willing to bid a high price for antique shops."

Tang Miaomiao is very aware of the character of these business people. He is an antique shop. If he does not know that he can make money, it is not easy for the owners of these antique shops to take out even a penny from his pocket. .

"But there must be a certain degree. It must not be too expensive. If the cost is too high, these antique shops want to make money, especially if it is not easy to make money in a short time."

"I just wondered whether it is possible to adopt a stepwise rent collection. In the first year or two, the rent collection standard was relatively low, and in the end it gradually became higher. In this way, even if we The total rent collection has not changed, but the cost of antique shops in the past few years was relatively low. It will be easier to operate and make money easier. These people have hope, and things are much easier to handle."

"The other thing I think I can consider extending the lease period, so that the owner of the antique shop can spend a longer time to bear or share the rental cost, and at the same time allow them to stay rooted here."

Tang Miaomiao finished talking about his thoughts, picked up a teacup and drank tea, knowing that he had to give Sun Mengyan a certain amount of time to consider the suggestion he had made.

Sun Mengyan has a lot of experience in managing the entire antique market. After listening to Tang Miaomiao's proposal, after a little calculation, she immediately nodded in agreement.

A stepwise or phased rent collection method can ensure that the total rent collection amount remains unchanged. In the past few years, the rent collection was relatively small, allowing the owners of these antique shops to make more money and let them see hope. If the son comes, even if the amount of rent collected in the next few years is relatively high, it is still affordable. The other is the extension of the lease period, which allows the owners of these antique shops to share various costs over a longer period of time. From this At one point, it definitely greatly reduces the difficulty of operation.

"Our antique shop is now available for lease for five years. We can extend the lease period to ten years when it is officially auctioned. The staged rent collection is actually very simple. In the previous three years, we received relatively low rates. For the second three years, the rent was increased by one level, and in the last four years, it was the highest. In this way, people’s operating pressure can definitely be minimized if the antique shop here is taken down."

Sun Mengyan immediately explained her specific approach.

Tang Miaomiao knew that Sun Mengyan had a lot more experience in this respect than herself, and there was absolutely no problem with proposing such a specific approach.

Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao looked at the time and found that it was almost the same time. They simply went to the company’s second floor lobby. Today’s shop auction was going on there. Originally, I wanted to let a master like Shen Xue host it, but now she has something else. The matter and Song Yun had already left, and this matter was not particularly difficult, so I found a good auctioneer from the auction company to preside over the entire bidding auction.

Sun Mengyan announced the two things she had just decided, and immediately received unanimous approval from all the people who came to participate in the auction of the shop here. These people were very happy. As long as they were in business, they knew Sun Mengyan's approach. How great are the benefits? There is no reason to oppose it. Let’s not talk about a measure such as periodic rent collection. Just extending the lease period to ten years is enough to give everyone a more adequate time to run an antique shop. .

Sun Mengyan announced the auction after finishing the matter, and officially started in half an hour. This was mainly because of the new conditions. Those who opened antique shops or those who wanted to take down antique shops must be allowed to do so. Consider considering.

Yan Guohua and Situ Kongming stood in a corner of the lobby, surrounded by people.

"Too many people are here today, right?"

Situ Kongming looked at the people around him and couldn't help but smile. Yan Guohua was here to participate in the auction by himself. After thinking about it, he felt a little uneasy. After all, he is an old friend of his own for many years, although there will be some in the future. It may become its own competitor, but I still have to come and take a look. It is really stunned to see that the people here are like densely packed ants.

"It's estimated that there will be five or six hundred people who came here today."

Yan Guohua shook his head. Today or the second phase of the antique shops, there are a total of 100. So many people come here to participate in the auction, which means that at least five or six people will compete for one shop, which is already excluded. The numbers of people who know themselves and know that they will not be able to get it are all very competitive.

"Why is the antique market here, so prosperous? Everyone knows that this is a hen that can lay eggs and lays golden eggs. All of them come here. In recent years, there have been a lot of half-dead antique markets in other places. There are too few scenes like Song Mengyan here. Everyone wants to make money. In addition to the people who are currently opening antique shops, there are also some old men and women who have run out. It is strange that there are not many people."

Situ Kongming thought of Zhang Wenhua, who had made a lot of noise a few days ago.

"Who would say no? The business of antique shops in other places has really not been very good in recent years. After finally having an antique market like Sun Mengyan, it will naturally attract more people. So many people appear today. Not surprisingly."

Yan Guohua didn't want to see the situation in front of him at all. The more people appear here, it means that the competition will be fierce at the beginning, but this kind of thing is not under his control at all.

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