God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1860: Dug a corner

"Come on!"

"I don't want this, some don't."

"The two measures Sun Mengyan just announced are of great benefit to those who have won the antique shop. From this we can see that Sun Mengyan really wants to run the antique market here better, not just thinking about it. It’s a matter of harvesting a rent from you to cut the wool, looking very long-term."

After listening to the measures announced by Sun Mengyan just now, Situ Kongming nodded in his heart. This is obviously a measure that has been deliberately changed considering the pressure of rent on the owner of the antique shop. The important thing is whether it is the periodic rent collection. Or from the beginning of the five years to the beginning of the ten years, you can let the people who have won the antique shop choose for themselves. For example, if someone chooses to pay the rent evenly, they will have to pay more rent from the beginning, but it will not increase year by year. If some people don’t want a ten-year lease, they can choose a five-year lease.

"This is indeed the case. Sun Mengyan really wants to make the entire antique market have a long-term development. But it can be foreseen that after the official start, everyone's competition will become more intense, and the rent will eventually become more The original is higher."

Yan Guohua couldn't help but grabbed his hair. These two methods of Sun Mengyan really made the business of the bosses who eventually won the antique shop easier, but with the impact of such measures, it has already been heated up. The bidding will become even more intense. If one million can win an antique shop, it now costs at least 1.5 million.


"This is the legendary pain and happiness!"

After Situ Kong was stunned for a while, he couldn't help but laugh. It is true that the two new measures proposed by Sun Mengyan, the main purpose of course is to make it easier for the people in the antique shop that eventually won the antique shop. , But objectively let the already relatively high rent rise up.

"There is no way!"

"These people around are all like wild wolves staring at the meat."

Yan Guohua looked around while speaking, and everyone was gearing up.

Situ Kong had nothing to say, everything in front of him or the atmosphere in the lobby at this time is like this.

After chatting with Yan Guohua for a while, Situ Kongming left Tang altogether. He felt that the atmosphere here was about to be dignified like freezing, and there was no need to stay here. It would be better to go outside to get some air.

Sun Mengyan saw that it was almost time for the person hosting today’s auction to start bidding for the shop. She and Tang Miaomiao stood by and watched. Although she was mentally prepared for the whole process, the madness that appeared in the end was still a big shock. In less than an hour, all 100 antique shops can be sold. The final transaction amount is terrible. The smallest one with the worst location has an annual rent of more than fifty. Wan, the one with the best location and the largest area, the person who finally took it down paid 4.5 million. You must know that this is an antique shop, and it is pure rent, not including other costs. It is definitely a very scary thing.

Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao returned to the office.

"To be honest, the final price really surprised me."

Sun Mengyan shook her head quietly while looking at the table of the final transaction price. The amount in it was at least 50% higher than what she had predicted. If it were placed in the antique market across the country, the rent would be pretty much. It is unprecedented.

"This is a good thing for us, after all, you can make a lot of money by shopping like this."

Tang Miaomiao smiled while drinking tea and said that he, Song Yun and Shen Xue are now shareholders in the antique market, and these rents have their own part.

"Tang Miaomiao, you were worried that the rent was too high before the auction started, but now I don't worry about seeing you at all."

Sun Mengyan is a bit strange. Before the auction started, they did not always worry about the high rents of the shops, the operating costs of the people who obtained the shops or the high risks caused a series of things. Now the auction results have come out and the prices are even higher than previously predicted. Gao, Tang Miaomiao did not seem worried at all, the attitudes before and after were quite different.

"It's going to rain, the girl wants to marry someone. No one can tell this kind of thing. Before the matter officially starts, we can think of some ways, but now it's a foregone conclusion. We can't tell these people who won the store. I am worried that the cost of operation is too high and I will charge you 50% less. Isn't this the most nonsense thing in the world?!"

Tang Miaomiao smiled and shook his head. Before the auction, he was really worried about this, but now it’s useless to worry. He and Sun Mengyan can’t directly lower the rent of these people. If this kind of thing spreads out, it will definitely be a chaos in the world. .

"The two measures we announced before the start of the auction can greatly reduce the pressure on the owners of these antique shops. If they cannot make money in this situation, it means that they have no ability. We don't need to worry about it. Things."

Tang Miaomiao has a very clear view on this matter, and he can do some things beforehand, but afterwards, or the matter has become a foregone conclusion, there is really no need to think too much and manage too much, whether you can make money, in the final analysis It depends on the owners of these antique shops.

"These people who can eventually win antique shops are all elites in the antique shop industry. It is impossible for ordinary people to have such courage to pay such a large price to take down these shops. From this point of view, these People's business methods and business methods are very powerful. They all have their own fixed buyers. Unless there is a big accident, they will not lose money. The only problem is that they make more or less."

Tang Miaomiao knew this very well.

Sun Mengyan thought for a while, and raised her brows. This is really the case.

The rental level of antique shops far exceeds that of peers and other antique markets. Dare to open antique shops here and dare to spend such a large sum of money to win shops and open antique shops, which means that these people have enough confidence to make money. Money, people with this kind of ability are originally in the circle of antique shops or the masters in the industry, the elites in the elite, as long as the big environment of their antique market has not changed significantly, relying on these It is impossible for a person to lose money.

"How did I suddenly feel that through this antique shop's lease, I dug a corner for other antique markets?!"

Sun Mengyan thought of this suddenly, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was like this, or that she did something like this unintentionally.

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