God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1898: Huo Tianqiren


"Speaking of this matter, it is really depressing. Why haven't we found that there are problems with the sky, the earth, the earth and the axis of this painting before?!"

Xu Desheng patted the back of his head vigorously. This is the depressing thing, or the most depressing part is here. Song Yun has already bought the painting, and he clearly knows that this painting is definitely valuable, but People like myself stared at them for a long time, but still didn’t notice the slightest. They didn’t notice until Song Yun pointed out the problem. This really made him and Zhu Deyuan wander in the antique collection circle for a lifetime. If you say that this kind of thing has only happened once, you can still accept it, but after getting to know Song Yun, this kind of thing has happened again and again, except to prove that the eyesight is indeed inferior Besides, there is no other excuse.

Tang Miaomiao and Sun Mengyan including Shen Xue couldn't help but laugh after hearing Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's words, similar things did happen again and again.

"Old Man Zhu and Old Man Xu, I don't think you need to be depressed at all, because if you have the skills like Song Yun, wouldn't the leaking today happen to you?"

"You are not Song Yun. You don't have such skills. At the beginning, you couldn't find out what was wrong with this painting. This is normal."

Shen Xue laughed while talking.


"Your words are not comforting us at all, on the contrary, you are obviously ridiculing us. Don't you think we can't hear it?"

Zhu Deyuan glared at him. On the surface, Shen Xue's words really sounded as though they were comforting herself and Xu Desheng, but in fact the real intention was absolutely ironic.

"Shen Xue, you girl definitely has a bad conscience!"

Xu Desheng is an old man and has a wealth of social experience. The real intention in Shen Xue's words can be heard right away. It is absolutely just like Zhu Deyuan said, the name comfort is really ironic.

"I said why you two old men are so dirty in their minds? It is obviously to treat a gentleman's belly with a villain. I am really comforting you. Isn't what I said is true?"

Shen Xue's eyes widened with an innocent look, but her words like this were another knife, and they slammed Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng fiercely.

Li Tenglong and Luo Hu couldn't help but laugh when they saw this. It can be seen from this that Shen Xue and Zhu Deyuan Xu Desheng have a very good relationship with the older generations in their circles. Otherwise, it would be impossible to talk like this. , The simplest example is that these two of them would definitely not be able to make jokes with Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng about something like this.

"What shall we do now?"

As Luo Hu spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the ancient painting on the table. There must be something wrong with the painting in front of him. There must be something else hidden underneath. This can be confirmed. No doubt, the most important thing now. What is it, and how valuable it is.

"We can't handle this matter now!"

Zhu Deyuan hesitated. Originally, he wanted to do it himself. In this regard, he has good abilities. He has done something like this before, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided not to deal with it or not. To do this, I don’t know what is hidden inside the painting in front of me. I don’t know how many years ago what is hidden. If you want to remove the painting outside, you must Be very cautious, not that you can't handle it, but I think you have to find a professional person to handle this matter to be more secure.


"Let's let this matter go first. It may take a little later to know what is in this painting. We have to find a master framer to handle this matter."

Xu Desheng nodded. This matter is indeed the same. Be serious. In any case, neither he nor Zhu Deyuan are masters in this aspect. They know a little bit, but are not proficient. They don’t have enough tools. Considering this Whether it is a painting or a calligraphy work, the one in the sub-painting is very likely to have a very high artistic value and market value. No matter how careful it is, it cannot be overstated.

"Elder Huo Tianhuo is here with us now, do you want to tell him and see if you can ask him to come and take a look at us?!"

Luo Hu frowned and thought for a while, remembering that there was a master framer in his place recently. If he could invite this person, there would be absolutely no problem, and he would be able to take out this painting without fail.

"That old man Huo Tian is here?!"

Zhu Deyuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took out his cell phone to make a call.

"Huo Tian!"

"Why did you die old man come here? I mean, why did you come here in G city!"


"I'm at the Mid-Levels Hotel right now, you can get me here quickly and ask you for help if you have something to do!"


After Zhu Deyuan finished the call, he put his cell phone back into his pocket.

"This old man is really here. If he is here, everything will be fine. I have asked him to come over now."

Zhu Deyuan turned to Xu Desheng and said.

"This old man is really strange, why did he come here all of a sudden?!"

Xu Desheng shook his head. Huo Tian is a well-known master of framing throughout the country. Such people are very rare, because in a society like this now, they are willing to do such things and are willing to do such things in decades. There are too few people involved in things. One of the most important reasons, of course, is that at the beginning of the business, it was really impossible to make money. In the era of such rapid economic development, it is very rare to be able to calmly do such things.

"When the old man Huo runs here in a while, we will ask again!"

"Originally, I wanted to find someone to deal with this matter after I went back. Now that the old man is here, everything is very simple."

Zhu Deyuan didn't dare to deal with the painting in front of him personally, but Huo Tian was definitely a master among the masters, and he would handle this matter without any problems.

"Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, you young people may not be very clear about the old man Huo Tian's abilities, or that you have heard of his name, but have not seen his abilities. I will let you take a good look. Look."

Xu Desheng knew that people like Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao were relatively young, and Huo Tian rarely showed up in public at all. He stayed at home to repair various things all day long. It is estimated that he has never met.

"Old man Huo Tian heard that he has been hiding in the palace to repair some ancient paintings and calligraphy in the past few years. I don't know if this is the case?!"

Tang Miaomiao really hadn't seen Huo Tian, ​​but his people and things spread very widely in the circle, and he was definitely an awesome figure.

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