God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1899: Dong Tiantian

"That's right, it's true. In the past few years, Old Man Huo has been hiding in the palace to restore those ancient paintings and calligraphy. For him, this is not just a job, but a more important thing is an interest."

"Old man Huo is not like the other masters who repair calligraphy and calligraphy. He has his own studio outside. Apart from repairing or mounting calligraphy and calligraphy for some old friends, he spends the rest of the time hiding in In the palace, there are not so many people who know, but his skill is definitely the top one."

Zhu Deyuan nodded. Huo Tian is different from the other masters of painting and calligraphy, especially those masters, who are very scarce in the society now. If you open a studio outside, you can definitely make money. It’s full, but all of this has nothing to do with Huo Tian. He doesn’t care about it at all. He is very willing to take a fixed salary and hide in the palace to do this, which is very boring to others. At the same time, very low-paying work.

Song Yun did not speak, but he really admired people like this. In the current social environment, it is really incredible that someone can do this. It is definitely not something ordinary people can do. At least he thinks I don't have this kind of ability, this kind of consciousness, or I don't have this kind of spiritual realm.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng told some things about Huo Tian. Everyone felt very surprised. They never thought that there is such a master in the world, and the most important thing is that they can stand loneliness and endure. It is the most important thing to survive the temptation of money, and at the same time it is a difficult thing to do.

Song Yun and the others were drinking tea and talking about Huo Tian. An hour passed quickly when the doorbell came from the gate.

As soon as Zhu Deyuan walked over, two people would follow in. The one who walked in front was an old man about the same age as Zhu Deyuan. Next to him was a young girl, who seemed to be in her early twenties.

"You are Song Yun?!"

After Huo Tian walked in, he saw Song Yun at a glance and immediately asked.

"Hello Teacher Huo!"

"It didn't say that I was Song Yun."

Song Yun immediately stood up, walked to Huo Tian and nodded gently. Such an old man must show enough respect. He was hiding in the palace all day to receive his salary, not outside. Making money without the temptation of money is already impressive.

"The young man looks very energetic."


"You young people get to know him, this is my apprentice, and of course he is a student in the current way of speaking, Dong Tiantian."

"You are all young people."

Huo Tian said, and at the same time, the girl standing next to him waved her hand.

"Hello Song Yun!"

Dong Tiantian stepped forward and stood in front of Zhao Tian, ​​but his face immediately blushed when he spoke, and he was very shy.


"Let me introduce to you!"

"Zhu Deyuan, Zhu and Xu Desheng, I don't think I need my introduction. You should already know him. This is the boss Li Tenglong and the boss Luo Huluo. They are all buyers of antique collections."

"This is Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue. They and I opened an antique shop called Zhenbao Pavilion."

"This is Sun Mengyan. The antique market where our Jumbo Pavilion is located belongs to her."

Song Yun understood at once what Huo Tian wanted to do. It was obvious that he brought his apprentice out to meet the world, and he could see that the character of this apprentice was a bit shy, or a bit introverted, so he took the initiative. I introduced her to Sun Mengyan and others. They are all young people. Although they were a bit strange at the beginning, they were able to speak and talk together very quickly.


"Song Yun, this kid is really good. Needless to say, the ability to identify antiques is no longer necessary. I have heard a lot of old guys saying that they are very powerful, but this is also very incredible in terms of being friendly to people or being so sophisticated."

"Dong Tiantian, this girl always has problems dealing with strangers, but now that she is led by her, she seems to have become a part of Tang Miaomiao and the others."

Huo Tian whispered to Zhu Deyuan sitting next to him while drinking tea.

"You don't need to worry about this. Whether it is Song Yun or Sun Mengyan, these people have very rich social experience. Dealing with your baby's apprentice Dong Tiantian is really easy to catch. It's so simple. Their status and status They are relatively similar, they are about the same age, and it’s not surprising to be able to blend together. You don’t need to worry about these things."

Zhu Deyuan has already heard of Huo Tian, ​​the baby apprentice Dong Tiantian, who has been studying with him for ten years, and his skills are very impressive. The only problem is that it seems to be a little more troublesome when dealing with people. The typical social experience is relatively small. This time Huo Tian brought it out and estimated that it was a long-term social experience to see, and he wanted to deal with people in the circle. After all, Dong Tiantian was still You have to deal with people in this circle.

"These young people are pretty good, and it's estimated that these few people in this circle are more powerful."

Although Huo Tian doesn't make much money outside, the most important aspect of his status is his work. The contacts in this circle are actually very wide. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are all old friends for many years. They speak naturally. No need to worry about anything.

"This is really not wrong at all. These young people are probably the top figures in the antique collection circle. At least from the current situation, will there be more powerful young people in the future? People, that's not necessarily true."

While talking, Xu Desheng picked up the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea for Huo Tian.

"Old man Zhu, Old man Xu, I have an idea, I don't know what you think?!"

Huo Tian looked at Dong Tiantian, who was brought to talk with Song Yun Tang Miaomiao and the others from afar, and a thought suddenly popped into his mind.

"Do you old man want Dong Tiantian to follow Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao for a while?!"

Zhu Deyuan guessed Huo Tian's thoughts at once.


"Song Yun, this kid, including Sun Mengyan, has been mixed up in the antique collection circle. Whether it is personal connections or experience, even the knowledge and experience and the things they do are very powerful, Dong Tiantian Naturally, there is no need to say that the girl’s skills need to be said. I have been teaching for more than ten years. I can guarantee that blue is better than blue. However, her social experience is really too little. Miao Miao and the others get along well. In this way, let her follow Song Yun and others for a long time."

Huo Tian brought Dong Tiantian out this time. In fact, it was for this purpose. However, he knew that he had a very wide network of contacts in the antique collection circle, but in any case, he only brought Dong Tiantian to know all kinds of things. All kinds of people are useless, the most important thing is to let Dong Tiantian see the various bureaus in the antique circle, all kinds of open and secret fights, only in this way can they grow up in the shortest time. People like Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao are undoubtedly the best teachers. If they are with Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao, they will surely increase their knowledge and understanding of their precious apprentices. The growth and future path of life, or to put it directly, rolling down in this circle have very good benefits.

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