God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 938: People who sleep and go shopping

Song Yun and Deng Xiaolan ate their breakfast slowly. The two of them were really exhausted these few days, but the matter was over, and the rest of the time could finally be relaxed.

"Sister Tang and Sister Shen are on the plane this afternoon?!"

Deng Xiaolan asked carefully while dealing with the soup dumplings in the bowl.



"The plane at three o'clock this afternoon!"

Song Yun nodded. In order to deal with the matter, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue flew back to Ninghua City a few days ago. Now the matter has been processed, all the antiques purchased here have been shipped back to Zhenbao Pavilion, and the fastest The speed was sent to those customers, most of the funds had been returned, and a large amount of money was made again. After Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue had dealt with the matter, they decided to come here again to continue their unfinished journey.

"When Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue called me just now, they said that after they got here, they would go shopping immediately. If you are interested, go with them, buy whatever you want, and I will give you a bag later. A big red envelope!"

Song Yun picked up a shrimp dumpling and put it in his mouth. Thanks to Deng Xiaolan for helping him in the past few days. Otherwise, even if he can deal with it, he would have to be tired and a half to death. He collects a thousand and hundreds of antiques every day. What a joke.

It is impossible for Deng Xiaolan to refuse such a proposal. A woman is born to be a shopping animal, not to mention that she does not have to pay for shopping now, so she immediately nodded in agreement with a chicken pecking at rice.

Song Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Deng Xiaolan accompanied Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue. This is a big good thing, otherwise he would have to be a cow and a horse, rather it seems that the Guinness World Records would not be willing to go shopping with a woman.

Song Yun asked Deng Xiaolan to pick up Tang Miaomiao and Sun Xue at the airport when the time was up, and go shopping directly, and then return to the hotel after shopping.

After all, Deng Xiaolan was relatively young and had no social experience. She didn't know that Song Yun was actually selling herself, and she nodded her head happily.

Song Yun finished his breakfast and returned to the hotel with Deng Xiaolan.

Song Yun returned to his room. He didn’t think he was busy before. Now he relaxes and feels that all his strength has disappeared. The only thing he wants to do now is sleep. He still wanted to take a bath or something, but It's really unsustainable, the kind of unconsciousness that fell asleep in the blink of an eye just after lying on the bed.

Deng Xiaolan returned to her room, took a nap, got up when the alarm clock was set at 1 o'clock, and rushed to the airport to pick up Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, and then went shopping. When she returned to the hotel again, it was nine o'clock in the evening.

"What do you think of this dress?!"

"Too discerning!"


"This pair of shoes is pretty good!"


"Oh my god, my god, I didn't expect that I actually bought a bag that I dreamed of!"


Tang Miaomiao, Shen Xue, and Deng Xiaolan kept making gestures in the room. After a few days of busy work, they should have been exhausted, but they were so excited, as if they were beaten with blood.

If Song Yun watched by the side at this time, he would definitely fall into the ground and admire him greatly. At this time, he is still sleeping in bed, and there is no sign of waking up.

Song Yun’s next door is Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s room. The two are drinking tea and chatting at this time.

"Why didn't Jiang Guangming act?! Didn't he keep saying that he wanted to deal with Song Yun?!"

Zhu Deyuan is a little strange, this is not Jiang Guangming's character at all.

"What's so weird about this?! It seems normal to me!"

"Jiang Guangming's old man, including Zhou Dongshan, definitely couldn't think of a way to deal with Song Yun. If they were sure, they would have already taken action. It is impossible to wait until this time!"

Xu Desheng sneered, and took a sip of the hot tea in his hand, feeling the fragrance of tea flowing between his lips and teeth, and his brows spread out with comfort.

Zhu Deyuan laughed. Xu Desheng said nothing wrong. Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan have not taken action at this time. The only possibility is that they cannot find a way to deal with Song Yun.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?!"

Zhu Deyuan is not interested in talking more about Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan. This time I have met many good friends here. I plan to continue to have tea and chat with old friends tomorrow. I have to find another one.

"I contacted the old man Shi. He came back from outside tomorrow, as if he had collected an antique. Let's just sit at his place and enjoy the antique by the way!"

Xu Desheng immediately stated his arrangements.

Zhu Deyuan nodded. Old man Shi refers to Shi Tiezhu. He has known each other for more than 30 years, and his true deep feelings are completely different from those of Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan.

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