God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 939: Do you know the origin of this bowl?

Song Yun woke up, and it was noon the next day. He stretched his waist, slowly got up, moved his hands and feet, and suddenly found that all his energy and spirit had returned to him.

Song Yun walked out of his room, trying to find something to fill his stomach, and immediately ran into Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng.

"Song Yun, do you have anything tonight?"

Zhu Deyuan asked immediately.

Song Yun shook his head, and the purchase of antiques came to an end for the time being. There were no other arrangements tonight.

"We made an appointment with an old friend tonight. If you have nothing to do, go there and sit there together. The other is Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue if they have time."

Zhu Deyuan has no nonsense.

Song Yun immediately nodded and agreed. He knew that Zhu Deyuan wanted to know more people in the antique collection circle. It would be of great benefit for him to continue rolling in this circle in the future, and there was no reason to refuse.

Song Yun immediately called Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue and found that they were shopping with Deng Xiaolan again, and couldn't help but shook his head. Shopping was simply a woman's second life, and no one could stop her going crazy.

When Song Yun walked out of the hotel, he thought of eating at the restaurant, but he was a little wasteful by himself. He simply left the hotel and wandered around without a destination. It didn't take long before he saw a noodle shop and walked in immediately.

"The boss brought me a bowl of ramen for 15 yuan!"

Song Yun shouted, and found a place to sit down. A few minutes later, a large bowl of steaming noodles came up. It was very solid, all noodles, and the top of the noodles was spiked beef.

Song Ding watched the big bowl of beef noodles in front of him, did not move his chopsticks for a while, and sighed softly after a while.

"Boss, come here."

Song Yun turned his head to look at the boss who was busy at the show. An old man in his 50s had wrinkles on his head, his body and even his waist had begun to bend a little, and his face was frowning. The importance of life.


"what happened?!"

"Is there anything wrong with this noodle?!"

The old man ran over immediately, nodding and bowing, looking panicked.

"Boss, it's not what you think. You have no problem with your noodles."

"Such a big bowl of noodles, plus so much beef, and they are all the best beef, 15 yuan a bowl, it's so authentic!"

Song Yun's words are not a joke. The current prices are very high. If you put the bowl in front of you somewhere else, don't say it costs 15 yuan, you won't be able to buy it even for 25 yuan.

"That's good, that's good!"

"Don't know what you want to take?"

"Get some vinegar or something?!"

"Oh! By the way! I have relatively little noodle soup here. This is mainly because I want you to eat some noodles first, and then add soup to you, so that you can be full!"

Song Yun was even more speechless at this moment. When others were selling noodles, they wanted to have less noodles and more soup. The old man in front of him was too real.


"I want to ask, isn't your business here too good?!"

Song Yun looked at the noodle shop and found that it was very clean, but it has been a while since he came in, and there was no other person at all. From this, it can be seen that the business should not be very good.

The old man shook his head, his face was like a bitter gourd. There is really nothing to say this time, business is definitely not good.

"Do you know what the origin of this bowl is?!"

Song Yun said as he tapped the bowl of noodles with the head of his chopsticks.


"The boss, what do you mean?!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand what Song Yun meant.

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