God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 990: No. 1 in the world

Song Yun picked up three antiques. The first two antiques were all worth more than ten million yuan, and the last antique was the highlight.

"Song Yun, I really didn't expect to find such a good thing in a place like a ghost market. It seems that vision is the most important thing. As long as you have good vision, you can find it in any place. good stuff."

Shi Tiezhu looked at the Qing Qianlong yellow-ground green dragon-patterned pierced ear vase in front of him, and exclaimed. Such antiques look colorful, very magnificent and very confusing. Many people who play antiques are very confused. The subconscious instinct feels that such antiques are fake. When you see such antiques on antique stalls, you have to be vigilant at the first impression. It cannot be true, because such antiques are in fact in line with Chinese traditions. The aesthetics are different.

Shi Tiezhu had seen many such antiques in antique stalls, but never thought that there would be real things in them, and it was even more impossible to appraise them carefully. He basically turned around when he saw them.

Shi Tiezhu recalled the situation at the time. Song Yun was just passing by the antique stall, and when he turned around, he asked Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue to buy the bottle in front of him. The reason for Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue was very simple. That is, the home needs a vase for flower arrangement. It looks good and has bright colors. The owner of the stall does not have to lie down on his own. A bottle turned out to be a rare treasure and sold for 300 yuan.

300 yuan? !

What can you buy for 300 yuan now?

After pondering for a long time, Shi Tiezhu didn't find out what useful things can be bought for 300 yuan.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Sun Xue only spent 300 yuan to buy an antique worth close to 50 million. This can't be described as making money at all. It is definitely stealing money, and it is a very good deal. The fierce one.

"Dead old man, now you have finally seen Song Yun's ability. This kid was too fierce when he found out. I think as long as he passes by, all the antiques will be invisible. In fact, if we people If you are visiting the ghost market, you must not follow him, or as long as he passes by, we turn around and leave. There is no need to stay, because he is absolutely impossible to miss any antiques for us. people."

"On the matter of picking up the leak, we can't even drink the soup when he eats meat."

Xu Desheng was actually very emotional in his heart. If he was his own bottle like this, even if he really saw it at an antique stall, he wouldn’t be able to start it. It looked like a fake, and he was really unsure of it. Antiques, unless you come to them for seven or eight times, or even more than a dozen times, you can only dare to start. It is impossible to determine the truth at a glance like Song Yun. The key to the problem is in a place like the ghost market. Let you have so much time to make a good identification, and you just miss the good things.

"Our Jumbo Pavilion is definitely not a joke."

"When it comes to picking up leaks, it is the best in the world!"

Shen Xue's words are very stinky, but no one can refute it. At least the harvest in today's ghost market is enough to prove that Song Yun is indeed a master of leakage.

Zhong Mingyi looked at the yellow-ground green colored dragon-patterned bottle on the table. Although he didn't say anything, the expression on his face was also very shocked. He is a rich man, but a very rich man. It is tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. It doesn’t make much sense to him. It’s just a number, but he knows very well that it’s not so easy to make money. Song Yun is just visiting the ghost market. After a few laps, I have had such a big gain, and the speed of making money is really amazing.

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