God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 991: Make money also No. 1 in the world?

"Boss Zhong, do you think I made too much money by picking up leaks?!"

Song Yuan immediately noticed that Zhong Mingyi was actually looking at him all the time, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear and clear.

"That's right, it's like that. I really think it's too easy for you to make money!"

"I'm a rich man, and I'm the very rich kind, but I never thought it would be so easy for someone to make money."

"Those antiques are on the stall, just like waiting for you to take them away. A few hundred dollars can make tens of millions. The cost and method of making money like this are still efficient. I don’t know anymore. What kind of words can I use to describe the shock in my heart at this time?"

Zhong Mingyi has now turned his attention away from antiques at this time. As the boss of a multinational company, he immediately realized that Song Yun made a lot of money and was much better than himself.

"This thing cannot be counted like this. I do make more money when I pick up the leak, but this kind of thing only happens when I pick up the leak. It's not something that happens every day. Sometimes I can pick up a few antiques a day, but More often, there is no such opportunity for days or even months."

"For example, I did miss a few antiques today, but if I come here tomorrow, I should not have such good luck, and even in the next year or two, I will not be able to meet today again. Harvest."

"Boss Zhong, your business is different. Although the risks are the same, when the company grows, the ability to resist risks is very strong. Generally speaking, unless there is a major problem, you can continue to make money. It’s a long-term business, mine is just a handful of business."

Song Yun shook his head, picking up leaks is indeed a deal

Zhong Mingyi thought for a while, and found that this made sense, and that was indeed the case.



"Boss Zhong, don't lie to Song Yun!"

Zhu Deyuan couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhong Mingyi nodding.


"I don't know what is wrong?!"

Zhong Mingyi was stunned for a moment, Zhu Deyuan, he felt that something was really wrong with that, but for a while he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Boss Zhong, you are a little unfamiliar with the things in the antique collection circle, so you can't hear what Song Yun said."

As Zhu Deyuan said, he stretched his finger at Song Yun.

Zhong Mingyi looked at Song Yun, then at Zhu Deyuan, Shi Tiezhu, and Xu Desheng, and found that his old man's face was all smiles, and he knew that he was definitely fooled by Song Yun.


"Is what Mr. Song said incorrect? Why do I think it makes sense?!"

Zhong Mingyi was even more confused.

"It's really not very common in the antique circle to pick up and leak, especially when it comes to a person."

"Many people have played with antiques for a lifetime, and they have never had such an opportunity. Picking up leaks is not something that people in the antique collection circle often encounter.

"In this sense, what Song Yun said just now is not wrong. Picking up omissions can only make a fortune. It is definitely not a matter of sustainable development."

"The crux of the problem is that others may only be able to pick up the omissions once, or not even once. Song Yun is different from others, and pick up the omissions once every three to five. In this case, if your company has to make money, especially If it is pure profit, it really may not be as good as Song Yun."

Zhong Mingyi patted the back of his head vigorously, thinking how he had forgotten this. Zhu Deyuan said nothing wrong. The key problem is that Song Yun's leaks are completely different from others. He came here every three to five times. It’s tens of millions or even higher. Even if it’s really like what Song Yun said, if you missed it today, there will be no such good opportunity tomorrow or even in the next few months, but don’t forget, implement today By picking up leaks, they made more than 70 million or more. This is definitely a huge number that cannot be joked.

"Teacher Song, if it weren't for Mr. Zhu to tell me the key to this, maybe I really made you flicker."

Zhong Mingyi laughed while talking.

Song Yun rubbed his nose and didn't know what to say. What Zhu Deyuan said was the truth, and he was indeed different from others.



"You see this kid has nothing to say, right?!"

Zhu Deyuan laughed.

Zhong Mingyi shook his head and decided not to think about it anymore. He felt that if he really had to compare, he would be hit hardest. A multinational group's ability to make money is not even as good as an antique player. Discouraged.

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