God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 992: Yellow ground green color cloud dragon pattern pierced ear vase

"Several seniors, can you tell me what is special about this bottle?!"

Zhong Mingyi pointed to the bottle on the table. At this time, it is more interesting to study antiques.

"The shape of this bottle is derived from a bronze wine vessel. According to some studies, it can be seen that it is very close to the guan ear pot of the Western Zhou Dynasty, especially with two perforations on the outer ring foot."

"However, the true characteristics of this antique are still in the shape and the glaze."

"The yellow-green color variety first appeared in the Jingdezhen official kiln at the beginning of the 15th century in porcelain. The earliest one discovered now is the green dragon-patterned plate on the Huangdi pile unearthed from the Xuande stratum of the Zhushan imperial kiln factory in Jingdezhen. The outline of the outer wall of the pattern plate is piled up with mud mud using a technique similar to enamel. The yellow and green colors in the Ming and Qing Dynasties are all low-temperature glazes that are glazed on the plain tires and fired twice."

"Yellow-green color was very popular in the Qing Dynasty, and it became the set-burning variety in the imperial ritual system. However, the yellow-green color at this time is a little different from the Ming Dynasty. A little light green is added. You will find that the overall color is more lively and vivid."

Shi Tiezhu said while pointing at the light green on the dragon bottle.

Zhong Mingyi nodded while watching. He hadn't noticed this at all before. Now after Shi Tiezhu pointed it out at this time, he found that it was really the case.

"Boss Zhong, if you really like antiques and want to make progress in the appraisal, you must pay attention to these things. For example, the glaze and light green on the plain tires just mentioned are important to appraise antiques from different periods. in accordance with."

"You must study it clearly, so that when you buy your own antiques, you will not be sold by others and count the money for others."

Song Yun patted the dragon pattern on the table gently.

Zhong Mingyi showed a thoughtful expression on his face. He played antiques for several years and spent a lot of money, but he always felt that he hadn't gotten started. He always felt that the identification of antiques was very mysterious. He couldn't do it anyway. He was confused. I didn't even know how to do it if I wanted to study hard. I heard Song Yun say this at this time, and I understood how to do it.

"Teacher Song, thank you very much!"

"What should I do now!"

Zhong Mingyi bowed his hand to Song Yun very gratefully.

Song Yun picked up three antiques and two of them have been sold. The remaining one is the most expensive one and left. Such antiques don’t worry about selling at all. The main reason is that if the news is released, someone will buy it soon. , There is no need to worry at all.

Shi Tiezhu saw that the time was almost the same, so he simply invited everyone to eat early, because it was the reason for getting up early and visiting the ghost market. After breakfast, they went back to rest.

After Song Yun returned to the hotel, he immediately went to sleep. When he woke up, he found that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He checked his mobile phone and found a message from Tang Miaomiao. They went shopping again.

"I don't know what it means to go shopping?!"

Song Yun shook his head, he really couldn't understand what was going on.

Song Yun sat on the bed and thought for a while, and found that he really had nothing else to do at this time. When he was considering whether to go out and go out alone, Zhu Deyuan called and said yes. If there is nothing to do, go find a place to have tea and chat together.

Song Yun immediately agreed. After changing his clothes, he went to find Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. The three of them randomly found a teahouse nearby, ordered tea, and chatted without a word. The afternoon sun came from the window. The irradiation came in, even though it had just finished sleeping, but now this time there is a feeling of laziness again.

Song Yun suddenly found that he was very busy during this time, completely relaxed like he is now, doing nothing, and spending very little time drinking tea and chatting all day.

"Song Yun, what are you thinking about?!"

Zhu Deyuan took a sip of tea and nodded in satisfaction. Although the small teahouse of the boss does not look very good, the tea inside is really good.

Song Yun said his feelings.

"This is nothing you can do. When you have no money, you have no time to make money desperately, but when you have money, you still have to make money desperately, because you do more than just It has something to do with yourself, and it also has something to do with other people. Needless to say, this is probably your interest. In any case, it is impossible for people to really stop."

Zhu Deyuan pointed to his nose while talking, and then pointed to Xu Desheng who was sitting next to him.

"For example, we two old men, now there is no shortage of money, there is no shortage of everything, but just to spend these antiques every day, to spend their own hobbies, sometimes there is no time to sleep, so, It is impossible for people to really stop and enjoy the so-called slow-paced life."

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