God-level Perspective

Chapter 3006 The Barbarian King was captured!

Chapter 3287 The Barbarian King is captured!

Outside the Barbarian King's City, the terrifying battle was still going on, but after Ye Han killed four strong men with ninth-level witchcraft power, the pressure on the upper-level strong men of the Evil Spirit Tribe naturally weakened a lot.

Moreover, Ye Han's powerful killing of four powerful men with ninth-level witchcraft power greatly increased the fighting spirit of the people of the Evil Spirit Tribe. Although the Evil Spirit Tribe had already lost many people in the face of the barbarian army of 500,000 people, As long as Ye Han gets rid of the Barbarian King, the leader of the Barbarian tribe, the half-million barbarian army will definitely fall apart.

In his first confrontation with Ye Han, the Barbarian King felt how powerful Ye Han was. As the king of the barbarians, he was quite powerful. However, after one confrontation with Ye Han, he was at a disadvantage.

"Huh, you want to kill this god. Tens of thousands of years ago, this god never backed down in the face of God. Just you?" Ye Han held the battle ax in his hand and smiled coldly; "King Barbarian, to be a dog, you must have the consciousness to be a dog. You, the barbarian tribe, can turn over and rebel, but you should not bite your master back. Today, God will make you, the barbarian tribe, my evil spirit tribe’s dog again!”

After saying this, the moment Ye Han laughed wildly, he was already holding his battle ax and killing the Barbarian King again.

The key to controlling the outcome of this war lies in the Barbarian King. Whether Ye Han kills the Barbarian King or captures the Barbarian King, the entire Barbarian clan will lose its backbone.

"Damn it, Qian Ya, you can't even think about stepping on my barbarian tribe. I will kill you today!" The barbarian king has a murderous intention. The barbarian tribe has finally risen under the evil spirit tribe. Now that it is about to turn over, how can he Tolerate the barbarian tribe and become a dog under the evil spirit tribe again?


The terrifying iron fork was like a spear. As the barbarian king shot out, the void was instantly penetrated by the blow.

The rolling witchcraft between heaven and earth gathered together. Before the battle ax and iron fork in the hands of the two people clashed, the billowing witchcraft between heaven and earth had already collided with each other, and the surrounding heaven and earth were crazily squeezed and destroyed. .


The dull critical sound resounded throughout the world again, like the collision between mountain peaks, and the whole world was trembling crazily.

The majestic power like the sea roared across the world, and this kind of terrifying movement made the strong men of the barbarian and evil spirit tribe extremely frightened.

Seeing the Barbarian King being suppressed by Ye Han, the strong men of the Barbarian Clan felt a little depressed. The strong men of the Evil Spirit Clan naturally had a surge in fighting spirit. As long as Ye Han killed the Barbarian King, the Evil Spirit Clan would be close to victory in this first battle. Far.

However, when he collided with Ye Han again, the barbarian king's majestic body was knocked back again. Even if he faced Ye Han, he still could not gain the upper hand.

"Hmph, you have such little ability and you dare to talk about killing this god. Compared with the original Hanman King, your ability is far behind!"

Ye Hanhan snorted, he put away his battle ax, and as he stepped forward, he suddenly punched the Barbarian King. After testing the strength of the Barbarian King, Ye Han no longer had any fear of him. With Ye Han With his current strength, it is not difficult to kill this barbarian king.

Of course, if Ye Han uses his unique skills such as the Nine Transformations of God Killing to destroy this barbarian king, he can completely resolve the battle with an instant kill.

However, in the world of Jiuli, Ye Han did not dare to use the secret skills of the Gods and Demons Continent, especially the Nine Transformations of God Killing.

And after testing the strength of the Barbarian King, Ye Han has given up the idea of ​​killing the Barbarian King. Instead of killing the Barbarian King, it is better to gather him under his command. Moreover, what Ye Han wants to do next will also require the help of the Barbarian King. This force.


The Barbarian King roared, facing Ye Han who had abandoned his weapons, making him feel extremely humiliated.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the Barbarian King suddenly swelled, like a little giant, growing to a height of five meters. There was a terrifying explosive power gushing out from that majestic body.

At this moment, the Barbarian King's combat power has instantly increased by 10%. Although it is not as abnormal as Ye Han's Nine Transformations of God Killing, which can double it, it is already very powerful.

However, facing the Barbarian King who had already used his strongest method, Ye Han still hit the Barbarian King with his punch.

The Barbarian King roared angrily, and he also punched Ye Han to greet him. The opponent's fist was as big as a basketball and contained terrifying power that could destroy the world. However, when this terrifying fist was compared with Ye Han's thin The moment their fists collided, all the strong men in the world could clearly hear the sound of bones breaking.


A mouthful of blood spat out from the Barbarian King's mouth. His face instantly turned extremely pale, and his right hand had been completely destroyed by Ye Han's punch, with all the bones broken.

"Barbarian King!" When the strong men of the barbarian tribe saw this, their hearts beat wildly.

"Hmph, the blood power of the barbarians is quite good, but unfortunately, even if you activate the original bloodline, you are still vulnerable in front of this god!" Ye Han was as cold as ice. When he finished speaking, Ye Han had already moved toward him again. The Barbarian King shot forward.

"Surrender or die!"

An astonishing punch came down from the sky, causing a look of horror in the eyes of the already wounded Barbarian King. He could not defeat such a powerful Ye Han, but the Barbarian King still roared, and another The fist met Ye Han again.

Click, click, click!

In an instant, the sound of broken bones was heard again, and the other hand of the Barbarian King was also disabled by Ye Han.

After this blow, the Barbarian King was severely injured in an instant, and both hands were disabled. How could he fight with Ye Han?

"Repair the injury to my king!"

The powerful barbarians were plundering wildly one after another. Once Ye Han killed the barbarian king, the entire barbarian tribe would surely fall into a trough.

"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die!"

Ye Han took a step across, and struck out with a fist that could destroy the world. Several powerful barbarians who came towards Ye Han were killed on the spot. Even the barbarian king was not Ye Han's opponent, so they were naturally even more unbearable.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the barbarian army suddenly sank. However, after killing those powerful barbarians, Ye Han appeared in front of the barbarian king like a ghost. One of his hands reached out and held it like lightning. The Barbarian King's throat, and at this moment, the Barbarian King's hands were crippled, and he was like an ant in front of Ye Han.

"Qianya, how dare you!" The Barbarian King roared loudly.

"Why don't you dare, God?" Ye Han had a murderous look on his face, and then he slammed down with one hand, slamming the Barbarian King's majestic body to the ground like a dead dog.

With a bang, the Barbarian King's body came into close contact with the earth. This collision made him feel as if his internal organs were shattered, and his body almost exploded.

At this moment, the Barbarian King felt a flash of fear in his heart.

"Surrender, or die?"

Ye Han descended from the sky, like a god, with overwhelming murderous intent, and stepped on the Barbarian King with one foot. He stared at the Barbarian King with a pair of cold and emotionless eyes, as if as long as the Barbarian King dared to say a word, he would It will be wiped out immediately!

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