God-level Perspective

Chapter 3007 The Barbarians Surrender!

Chapter 3288 The barbarians surrender!

In the sky and earth outside the Barbarian King's City, countless eyes looked at the Barbarian King who was being stepped on by Ye Han at this moment. The earth-shattering sound of the battle weakened a bit at this time.

The barbarian army turned pale with horror. They had never thought that the barbarians who gradually emerged from the Evil Spirit Tribe would suffer such humiliation. The king of the Barbarians would be trampled under their feet by the Evil Spirit Tribe. The dignity of the entire Barbarian Tribe would be destroyed. At this moment, they were trampled severely by Ye Han.

The strong men of the Evil Spirit Clan were excited. The young man who trampled the Barbarian King under his feet has become a completely irreplaceable existence in their hearts. The dignity of the Barbarian Clan has been trampled on. This seems to represent the Evil Spirit Clan. The rise is general.

"Qianya, your repairs will hurt my king's life."

In the world, countless powerful barbarians came one after another, but looking at the Barbarian King whose life had been controlled by Ye Han, although the powerful barbarians were furious, they did not dare to make any move.

"Surrender, or die?" Ye Han ignored the cold gazes around him that were about to eat him alive. He spoke coldly again, looking at the barbarian king who was trampled under his feet like a dead dog.

"Qianya..." The Barbarian King roared. At this moment, he felt unprecedented humiliation. This kind of humiliation was probably only experienced by the barbarians tens of thousands of years ago.

"God will give you one more chance. Surrender or die?" Ye Han spoke again, astonishing murderous intent enveloped the Barbarian King under his feet. If the Barbarian King really did not surrender, then Ye Han would have no choice but to kill him. .

If it cannot be used by me, it will naturally be eliminated.

Feeling the crazy killing intent released from Ye Han, the Barbarian King's heart trembled wildly. He underestimated the ruthless man in front of him, so that at this moment his life was in the hands of the other party.

The faces of the barbarians were extremely ugly. The life of the barbarian king was now controlled by Ye Han. They had no choice but to do anything. Once they took action, the barbarian king would be wiped out by Ye Han in an instant.

"It seems you have a strong backbone. Since you choose to die, God will let you die!"

After the words fell, Ye Han, who was filled with endless killing intent, raised his foot and was about to step on the Barbarian King's head. With the power Ye Han had, once this kick fell, the Barbarian King's head would definitely be trampled to pieces. , exploded directly.

"Surrender, surrender, I surrender..."

The Barbarian King roared crazily, as if he had lost his mind and gone crazy. Ye Han's actions just now frightened this barbarian hero.

Seeing this scene, the barbarians in this world suddenly felt endless humiliation. At this moment, they seemed to have returned to the era when they were oppressed by the evil spirits. Facing the powerful evil spirits, they had no chance of survival at that time. It's very humble. People who face the evil spirit tribe can only walk with their heads down.

Hearing this, Ye Han slowly lowered his raised foot, but his eyes were still extremely cold; "It seems that you, the king of the barbarians, are also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but God likes people who are ambitious and greedy." Those who are afraid of death, now that you have surrendered, now you know what to do, right?"

Hearing this, the Barbarian King looked humiliated, but now he had no other choice at all; "Barbarian, cease the war!"

In an instant, as the Barbarian King roared out these words with a look of humiliation, the battle between heaven and earth gradually stopped. The entire barbarian army looked at Ye Han with extremely gloomy eyes. If it weren't for him, the barbarians would now be How could he suffer such humiliation? If it weren't for him, it would be very easy for the barbarian army of half a million to destroy the tens of thousands of evil spirits.

But for the barbarians, it was humiliation, but for the evil spirit tribe, it gave them a blazing fire of hope. Now Ye Han's status in their hearts has been improved again.

"Humiliation?" Ye Han looked at the barbarian army in this world; "In the past tens of thousands of years, how much humiliation has the barbarians brought to the Evil Spirit Tribe? The barbarians can betray me, but you should not attack me, the Evil Spirit Tribe, so , Surrender is not enough.”

Hearing this, the Barbarian King looked at Ye Han with a gloomy face; "Then what else do you want?"

"With the blood of the barbarian race as the root, we established a spiritual contract and surrendered to the original god. Remember, we surrendered to the original god, not the evil spirits!" Ye Han looked at the barbarian king in front of him with an indifferent expression.

Hearing Ye Han's words, the hearts of the barbarian army in the world trembled. The soul contract is one of the highest contracts in the Jiuli world. Once such a contract is made, one must obey the other party's orders in everything. This is nothing like a slave. Both.

"Don't even think about it..." The Barbarian King stared at Ye Han with a ferocious expression. He was still waiting for the rescue of the Shura Clan and the Buddha Clan. Once the Shura Clan and the Buddha Clan arrived, it would be Ye Han's death. Now he surrenders to Ye Han It's just temporary. Once the spiritual contract is established, the barbarians will have no choice but to live under Ye Han in the future.

"Humph, then, you still have to die today." Ye Hanhan laughed. How could Ye Han not know what the Barbarian King was planning? "You should know very well that if I kill you, I will destroy you with the power of the gods." It is not difficult to defeat the barbarians. Even if they do not destroy your barbarians, they will definitely be severely damaged. By then, a dog will have no effect. Do you think the Shura tribe and the Buddha tribe will still waste time on your barbarians once they are gone? With the support of the Shura Tribe and the Futu Tribe, I think it would be easy for the small races around the Barbarian Tribe to swallow up your Barbarian Tribe.”


The Barbarian King's heart trembled. He did not deny that what Ye Han said did make sense. The faces of the barbarians in the entire world were also extremely ugly. Ye Han's move was tantamount to holding the lifeblood of the barbarians.

Faced with the choice given by Ye Han, what would the Barbarian King choose?

Ye Han said with a cold smile; "So, you have no choice now, either surrender to this god and follow this god's path to the dark side, or you, the barbarian, just wait to disappear from the world of Jiuli. My patience It’s limited, I’ll give you half a quarter of an hour to think about it.”

Hearing this, the Barbarian King fell silent with a gloomy expression on his face. All the barbarians in the world were looking at the Barbarian King.

"Half an hour is up!" Not long after, Ye Han looked at the Barbarian King and said coldly, "Now you have thought about it clearly. There are two roads, one of life and one of death. Which one should you choose?"

The Barbarian King struggled. Once he made a spiritual contract with Ye Han, the Barbarians would no longer have the possibility of betrayal. However, if they did not establish a spiritual contract, the Barbarians would also suffer a miserable fate, and they might even be expelled from the Jiuli world.

"Barbarian King, God's patience is limited. There are two ways, life or death?" From Ye Han's body, the amazing power of murder spread out again. The barbarians once betrayed the Evil Spirit Clan, and they will naturally betray Ye Han in the future. Han, so Ye Han must block the barbarians' retreat!

"I promise!"

The Barbarian King looked decadent. After saying these three words, all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained. From today on, the Barbarian tribe has become another's servant again!

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