God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1063 0 Ghost Night Walk

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"so close……"

Feng Yixiu was sitting on the steps, gasping for breath, and the two hands just now were less than half a meter away from him.

After a short rest, Feng Yixiu continued to move towards the third floor non-stop. This was the penultimate floor. As long as you passed this floor, you could reach the top of the pyramid.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from above Feng Yixiu, and the entire pyramid trembled violently.

"It's not good...it is estimated that the fight has already started." Feng Yixiu became a little nervous.

This pyramid is a holy artifact, and its sturdiness is far from comparable to that of ordinary sealing instruments. Even so, it can produce such large fluctuations. It can be expected how intense the fight above is.

After passing through the long stairs, Feng Yixiu came to the third floor of the pyramid. This time, it was no longer a long and narrow corridor, but a mass grave.

Before Feng Yixiu stepped out, he felt an eerie and terrifying feeling. Every ancient tombstone was filled with eerie ghost fires, which made people shudder.

The stairs leading to the highest floor are directly opposite Feng Yixiu. If you want to pass, you must pass through this strange mass grave...


Another slight shock came, and Feng Yixiu became more anxious in his heart, and before he had time to think about countermeasures, he rushed forward with a bit of a scalp.

Xiaobailou and Xiaoyao protected Feng Yi from left to right, trying to avoid those weird tombstones as much as possible.

As Feng Yixiu went deeper and deeper, he felt more and more that he was being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and an indescribable and inexplicable fear surrounded his heart.

Those floating ghost fires seem to be moving with the wind, and the rapid movement of Feng Yixiu makes the calm air begin to flow, and all the ghost fires begin to converge towards Feng Yixiu.

Just when he reached the very center, he finally couldn't help but look back, almost not scared to death.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu was followed by thousands of ghost fires, but they were no longer natural ghost fires that had no shape before, but formed the shapes of skulls.

Thousands of ghost fires formed a huge net of fire, which was rapidly approaching, and it was about to catch up.

"Xiaobailou, stop them!" Feng Yixiu immediately issued an order.

The first mummy soldiers were afraid of thunder and lightning, and maybe these ghosts were afraid of thunder and lightning.

Xiaobailou immediately turned his head, and dazzling thunder burst out from his body, rushing towards the ocean-like group of ghost fires.

The violent ghost fire was raging wildly, but what Feng Yixiu did not expect was that these ghosts were not afraid of thunder at all.

These ghost fire skulls are not only not afraid of these thunders, but they seem to be constantly absorbing the spiritual power of Xiaobailou, and they are constantly getting bigger and bigger!

Xiaobailou seemed a little unwilling. Seeing that Lei Ting was useless, he began to attack these ghost fires with his strong tail whip.

woohoo hoo...

The sharp tail whip scattered several ghost fire skulls in a row, and they turned into tiny flames and scattered in the air.

After a while, these scattered flames quickly merged together to form an even larger ghost fire skull!

"Little White House! Rewind!"

Feng Yixiu ran quickly and looked back at the situation behind him. He cried out in his heart when he saw the formation of the huge skull!

These ghost fires are also undead soul creatures, and ordinary attacks cannot make them disappear at all.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Xiaobailou immediately obeyed Feng Yixiu's order and ran back, but it was a pity that it was already surrounded by ghosts.

The ghost fire skeleton stepped forward like a hungry tiger rushing towards Xiaobailou frantically, and soon completely submerged him in it.


A strange flame started to ignite on Xiaobailou's body, and no matter how much he rolled on the ground, he couldn't put it out.

These ghost fires seem to be burning people's souls and spiritual power. Feng Yixiu can't help but frown. As the owner of Xiaobailou, he can naturally feel the pain of the other party.

Feng Yixiu took the time to take it back into the magic book, and let it go back to restore spiritual power and injuries.

"They're catching up..."

The thorny enchantress, who has always been aloof, also looked nervous and reminded aloud.

"I know... but these ghosts are too weird. We can't actually cause him any harm. Instead, they will absorb our soul power, and the speed is very fast. I don't know how to deal with them." Feng Yixiu frowned. Tightly wrinkled.

This is the first time he has encountered such an incorporeal creature. Naturally, he does not have much experience, and he can't think of a good way other than running.

On the one hand, the frequency of the pyramid vibration is getting higher and higher. It is difficult for him to calm down. The more anxious he is, the more confused his hands and feet are.

"Have you forgotten that you own the Asura Domain? Thousands of resentful spirits are also soul creatures, and they may be able to deal with these ghost fires." The thorn monster said solemnly.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu suddenly realized: "Yeah... I really care and mess up, I forgot that I still have such a means."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu began to concentrate, a pale red blood shrouded him, and his eyes began to emit a crimson light.

As if the blood had stained the earth red, with Feng Yixiu's feet as the center, all the space was shrouded in a faint red.


A somewhat transparent Shura phantom slowly condensed behind Yixiu. The huge Shura phantom had three heads and six arms, blue face and fangs, and had an oppressive aura.

Within a radius of fifty meters, the Asura Domain was within the range. The Asura phantom slammed his palms together, and a blood-red formation appeared behind him, with dense lines engraved on it.

Suddenly, transparent resentful spirits spewed out from the blood-colored formation, and the number reached a terrifying thousands!

Asura Domain Skill, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!

These resentful spirits are loyal to Feng Yixiu. After all, Feng Yixiu rescued them from the boundless hell.

Thousands of resentful spirits formed a soul storm, madly attacking the ghost fire army, and it was completely washed away by just one face-to-face!

These ghost fires could no longer gather after being dispersed, but were instead absorbed by Feng Yixiu's army of hundreds of ghosts.

Previously, these resentful spirits were nearly transparent, and only a vague purple figure could be seen, but now it is like a lavender flame burning.

However, these ghost fires are different from ordinary flames. Ordinary flames are warm, but ghost fires are extremely cold, and even the soul will feel extremely cold if they are a little closer.

Feng Yixiu slowly put his hand down, and the Shura phantom behind him gradually dissipated, and the immediate crisis was finally resolved.

"Huh... I didn't expect that an inadvertent act of kindness would actually save my life..." Feng Yixiu couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, he suddenly recalled what the original Holy Spirit King had said to him, asking him to keep his pure heart and his bottom line.

If he hadn't had a benevolent heart before, I'm afraid he wouldn't have obtained the Asura Domain by accident, and he wouldn't have been followed by thousands of loyal resentful spirits.


There was another violent roar, and Feng Yixiu almost stumbled to the ground.

The entire pyramid began to vibrate violently, and since a trace of cracks began to appear...

call out!

Feng Yixiu did not dare to delay any longer, and immediately turned on the mad thunder mode, disappeared in place in an instant, and ran towards the stairs of the last floor.


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