God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1064 is not ashamed

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Top of the pyramid.


The ugly girl spit out a mouthful of blood, and her face has become extremely pale.

All the blood vessels on her body have turned green, which is the sign of being poisoned!

More than two months ago, in order to save Feng Yixiu, she gave her Wood Spirit Orb to Feng Yixiu, which made her unable to deal with the poison of the Sky Poison Demon Toad in front of her.

At this moment, she is already scarred, and the remaining eight Nine Fate Spirit Orbs have already been crushed into five pieces, which are gold, water, fire, earth and wind.

Rao So is still not the opponent of King Taishan. After all, he is a legendary monster. Even if most of his power is sealed, he is still not an opponent...

"King Taishan, why are you attacking me as a desolate demon general?" A Chou slowly stood up and wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his entire body still shaky.

King Taishan jumped suddenly, his entire body was like a cannonball being fired, and the huge body fell heavily in front of A Chou, causing a powerful shock wave.

I saw it spit out people's words: "This king is indeed a member of the Heavenly Fierce Crowd, but he is the Heavenly Fierce Crowd in the ancient times, not the trash that is suppressed by the human race and can't get up! Since you can't do it When you arrive, then you just die, the power of the pyramid is getting weaker and weaker, as long as I absorb your power, I can break through this damn pyramid in one fell swoop..."

Hearing this, Ah Chou's complexion became ashen, and she could see that this King of Mount Tai would not care whether he was a member of the Heavenly Fierce Crowd.

"You can rest assured that your death will not be in vain. I will definitely let the whole city of sin come to bury you with you, so you can go in peace!"

The figure of King Taishan suddenly disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared directly above A Chou, the speed was not proportional to his size at all.

Ah Chou looked desperately at the giant Taishan King above his head, and his heart was already plunged into despair.

The gap is really too big. This is a demon general in the ancient times, and his strength is only a little weaker than the four beasts. It is definitely not an existence that she can resist!

She suddenly felt that it was fine again, at least she didn't have to struggle anymore...

The two months A Chou and Feng Yixiu stayed together could be said to be the happiest time in her life. There was no so-called intrigue, and she could unconditionally trust that man.

But the more Feng Yixiu treats her, the more she wants to keep him by his side forever, but the thought of lying to him all the time makes her feel extremely guilty from time to time...

"Feng Yixiu... If there is an afterlife, I hope I'm just an ordinary person..."

I saw that she slowly closed her eyes, and she had completely given up her resistance.


There was another loud bang, Ah Chou just felt that the wind pressure was getting closer, but he didn't feel any pain.

A Chou slowly opened his eyes suspiciously, and saw a majestic figure standing in front of him, it was Feng Yixiu who arrived at an unknown time.

At this time, Feng Yixiu's entire shirt was burst open by the bulging muscles, the purple dragon pattern on his body exuded a dazzling light, and the blue veins on both arms burst out!

A Chou couldn't help but stare blankly.

He actually ran to save himself!

This is clearly a matter of ten deaths and no life, and he actually came to save himself!

There was a burst of intense emotion at first, followed by a burst of inexplicable anger!

"Feng Yixiu, are you crazy? Are you here to die?" A Chou roared loudly.

Feng Yixiu smiled nonchalantly, gritted his teeth and said, "You saved my life, now it's time for me to repay you!"

"Do you know who it is? It started as a demon general in the ancient times, the legendary King of Mount Tai, you are not an opponent!" Ah Chou said nervously.

"So what, I only know that you are in danger now, let alone a toad, even if the King of Heaven comes, I will save him!" Feng Yixiu roared.

Ah Chou was stunned for a while, and he didn't react for a long time, and the tears flowed out at some point.

"You fool... we're all going to die!" Ah Chou said with tears in his eyes.

"Can you stop being touched for now? I can't stand it anymore!" Feng Yixiu's body was gradually bent, and his feet were gradually getting closer and closer to the ground.

The King of Mount Tai is worthy of being a desolate demon general. Feng Yixiu was extremely surprised by his strength. He had carried countless mountains on his back, but none of them had the weight of the King of Mount Tai!

He now somewhat understands that this Sky Poison Demon Toad will have this title, and his body has the weight of Mount Tai...


Ah Chou squeezed out one of his Nine Fate Spirit Orbs again, it was the Lei Ling Orb with the most explosive power!

A golden halo enveloped Ah Chou, accompanied by the violent power of thunder.

At this time, behind A Chou, there are already six auras of different brilliance, each of which will greatly enhance her power.

Just when Feng Yixiu was about to take it no longer, A Chou suddenly stood up and used all his strength to lift it up.

King Taishan finally couldn't stand it anymore, his huge body was shaken abruptly, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

"how is this possible……"

The King of Mount Tai was thrown dozens of meters away by the two of them together, and slammed into the wall of the pyramid with the seal rune.


Immediately, the seal rune emitted a dazzling golden holy light, and bounced it forward again.


Feng Yixiu and A Chou both gasped for breath at the same time, and they smiled at each other.

"How... I am what we can definitely do!" Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

Ah Chou looked at Feng Yixiu's smile and felt a lot more relieved, and then said softly: "You are really a desperate fool, is it worth it for such an ugly woman like me?"

"It's worth it!" Feng Yixiu replied without hesitation.

Hearing this, Ah Chou trembled in his heart, and a hint of crimson appeared on his dark face.

"Enough! To be gentle in front of this king, do you really think this king does not exist?"

The King Taishan, who was lifted up, turned upside down with a carp, and the huge body made the entire pyramid tremble again.

Feng Yixiu immediately stood in front of A Chou and looked at the King of Mount Tai fiercely: "Well, you toad... You are still so dishonest when you are sealed, if you are wise, let us go, otherwise let us go. You can't regret it!"

"Hahaha... A human being of the blood spirit king level is so shameless. I think you are also a member of the Heavenly Fierce Congregation? Haven't you heard of this king's name?" King Taishan let out a arrogant laugh, as if listening to The funniest joke in the world.

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