God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1309 Teleportation Array

"It would be great if you can figure it out." Long Lan showed a knowing smile, and immediately took out a contract, handed it to Feng Yixiu, and said with a smile: "As long as you sign this contract, you They are members of the Long family."

Feng Yixiu glanced at the contract and found that there were many hidden conditions in the contract. For example, if he died during the mission, the Long family would compensate the family members a large amount of compensation, and there were other unreasonable conditions.

No wonder the deaths of so many outstanding talents have not aroused people's vigilance. One is that they are afraid of the powerful strength of the Long family, and the other is that the conditions for compensation are indeed very attractive.

In fact, many family members have been murdered together, and Bai Yuan is a bloody example...

However, Feng Yixiu didn't think too much, and signed his current name at the last signature with a wave of his hand, and then handed it to Long Lan.

Long Lan glanced at it, and said with a smile: "Miss Li is not only bold, but also has an unyielding air, and even her handwriting is majestic."

Feng Yixiu smiled and said nothing, he was a man, so naturally he couldn't write elegant handwriting, but the other party obviously didn't care too much...

"This is a survey of your family situation, please fill it out too. If you have any accidents during the secret mission or training of the Long family, we will hand over the compensation to your family..." Long Lan continued He took out a form and handed it to Feng Yixiu with a smile.

"Your Long family is really caring!" Feng Yixiu smiled all over his face, but he didn't fill out the form, and immediately explained: "But I'm an orphan, and my parents left me since I was a child, so I don't think I need to write Alright..."

When he said this, he seemed very sincere. After all, what he said was the truth, so he seemed very sincere.

It is certainly useful for the Long family to ask Feng Yixiu to write this form. I am afraid that Bai Yuan's family information was leaked at that time...

At that time, in order to gain the complete trust of the Long family, Bai Yuan filled in the real information, and the Long family would check them one by one. If he found that he had filled in false information, he would naturally be unable to infiltrate the Long family and gain trust.


Long Lan subconsciously looked at Bai Yuan at the side, and only took the form back after seeing the other party nodding.

I wanted Feng Yixiu to write down the couple's names, but thinking that Long Yun was already dead, he didn't mention it again.

At the same time, she was also giggling in her heart, thinking that this little girl really saves trouble, if something really happens, the compensation will not have to be paid, but it saves a lot of money...

"Since the contract has been signed, you can be regarded as a member of our Long family. I will take you to the secret training base of the Long family later." Long Lan got up slowly, and immediately reminded: "But there is one thing I have to remind you, after entering Longfu Manor, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, I'm also doing it for your own good..."

Feng Yixiu nodded lightly, thinking about something in his heart.

Sure enough, the entrance to the Taotie Dungeon is indeed within the Dragon Manor. No wonder the black-clothed butler did not allow them to continue searching in the Dragon Manor, probably because they were afraid that they would find out something serious...

And the secret training base they talked about should be going to the Gluttonous Demon Palace.

Long Lan first made a phone call alone, and immediately led Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu out of Qinglong Gymnasium. As soon as he went out, a high-end car stopped at the door.

Feng Yixiu took the lead in sitting in the back seat of the car, and Long Lan also sat beside Feng Yixiu.

Bai Yuan originally wanted to go with him, but found helplessly that the seats were already full and there was no place for him at all.

An icy woman wearing a black veil sat on the co-pilot of the car, and there was a faint sense of mystery.

Long Lan explained with a smile: "Bai Yuan, you don't have to follow, I will personally send her there..."

"All right……"

Bai Yuan watched the black car go away helplessly, and he was also sweating for Feng Yixiu.


The luxury car entered Longfu Manor smoothly, Feng Yixiu was surprised to find that the windows inside the car were all pure black, and he could not see the outside scenery at all.

The front glass is also specially treated, only the driver and co-pilot can see the direction ahead, while the rear seats can only see the darkness.

Although Feng Yixiu was already prepared, he still felt a little vigilant in his heart. I have to say that the Long family was indeed cautious enough.

The woman in black gauze sitting in the co-pilot didn't speak, only Long Lan chatted with Feng Yixiu without saying a word, probably to make Feng Yixiu not so nervous.

Half an hour later, the car stopped without warning, Long Lan and the woman in Hei Sha got out of the car first, followed by Feng Yixiu.

As soon as he got off the car, Feng Yixiu saw a space teleportation circle, with blood-red magic lines faintly distributed on it, full of mysterious and chilling atmosphere.

Feng Yixiu scanned the surrounding environment again, but he didn't know where he was in Longfu Manor, the surroundings looked very desolate.

The area occupied by the Dragon Manor is really too large, almost occupying one tenth of the entire Azure Dragon City. If Feng Yixiu came in to search again, I'm afraid he might not be able to find this ghostly place for half a year...

Besides, seeing that the teleportation circle should be newly built, maybe they will transfer the teleportation circle regularly, so it can be said that it is almost leak-free.

I'm afraid this is one of the reasons why the East China Headquarters has been suspicious of the Long family, but has been unable to find evidence for so long.

Long Lan is here

Beside Feng Yixiu, he handed Feng Yixiu a black blindfold, and said with a smile: "This is the teleportation circle of our Long Family's secret training base. This is related to the secret of our Long Family, so we must be careful." , I hope Miss Feng'er doesn't mind."

Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile, trying to squeeze out a smile: "Understand..."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu put the blindfold on his eyes, but just as he put on the blindfold, he felt a needle-like object piercing his neck.

A paralyzing toxin quickly spread in Feng Yixiu's body, and all of this was written by Long Lan. At some point, she wore a dark green fingertip on her fingertips, and there was a touch of light green venom on it. .

Feng Yixiu only felt that his body became a little limp, but he didn't completely lose consciousness, but he still pretended to fall down.

At this time, Feng Yixiu's physical strength was already different from that of ordinary people, and ordinary toxins could not harm him at all, not to mention that Long Lan also controlled the amount of venom, he just wanted Feng Yixiu to pass out.

"What's the origin of this woman, and she wants me to pick her up in person?" the woman in black gauze walked over and said calmly.

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