God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1310 Inexplicable

"This woman is also related to my Long family. She had a good relationship with Long Yun before, and Long Yun even gave her the real dragon crystal core. Although she is only the King of War Spirit now, she has great potential. Be sure to cultivate it well." Long Lan gave a general introduction.

The woman in black veil suddenly frowned, and there was a trace of anger on her face hidden under the veil, she said coldly: "It's just a war spirit king, just call a pick-up messenger, why do you ask me to personally escort you? "

Long Lan smiled slightly: "The Black Demon Envoy doesn't know something. Although he is only a war spirit king, his potential is excellent, and he has a real dragon war spirit. His own strength is also amazing. It can be said that I have seen the talent The best person, if possible, I hope to focus on cultivating..."

"Oh? To be able to praise the Dragon Hall Master like this, there must be something special about it." The eyes of the black-veiled woman Gujing Wubo had a slight ripple, and she glanced at Feng Yixiu lying on the ground, and said softly: "However, I still only trust my own eyes. Our Gluttonous Demon Palace still has its own set of criteria for judging. If she is truly outstanding, she will naturally be reused."

"That's natural... I still understand the rules of the Gluttonous Demon Palace, just follow the rules." Long Lan didn't say anything more when he saw that the Black Demon Envoy seemed a little unhappy.

Although she hoped that Feng Yixiu would be taken seriously, she would not be foolish enough to offend the Black Demon Envoy for a woman she met by chance.

The status of the Black Demon Envoy in the Gluttonous Demon Palace is also quite high, her position is second only to the High Priest, so naturally she will not offend the other party easily.

"If there is nothing else, then I will take her away."

After saying that, the woman in black gauze dragged Feng Yixiu's leg and walked slowly towards the space teleportation circle.

Feng Yixiu only felt like a dead pig being dragged mercilessly on the rough ground, even though there was some pain, he couldn't show it.

I don't seem to have anything to offend this woman, why Feng Yixiu treats himself so roughly...

Although I don't know the name of the black-gauze woman, but I roughly remember her appearance, and this beam is finally settled!

The woman in black gauze flipped her palm, and a magic weapon specially used for teleportation appeared in her palm, with blood-colored magic lines flashing on it.

This is a teleportation magic weapon that only high-level deacons are qualified to use, that is to say, ordinary blood mages are not qualified to freely enter and exit the Gluttonous Demon Palace, and must be carried by someone to enter and exit.

The light flashed and disappeared, and the entire teleportation circle emitted a light red light. The figure of the black-veiled woman and Feng Yixiu gradually became illusory, and finally disappeared completely in place, as if it had never appeared before.

Feng Yixiu felt like he was weightless, and he didn't know how long it took before the feeling of weightlessness gradually disappeared.

With the disappearance of the sense of weightlessness, a strong smell of blood and faint wailing came, and the temperature suddenly rose a lot.

However, in order not to arouse suspicion, Feng Yixiu still didn't open his eyes, so he couldn't see clearly what the surrounding environment was like.

If he opened his eyes, he would definitely be amazed at everything in front of him. The surrounding fiery rivers of magma were constantly flowing, and crimson flames burst out from time to time, and the ground was a piece of scorched earth, just like a real purgatory.

From time to time, there are blood mages with blood faces patrolling back and forth, but when they see the black magician, they are very respectful.

"Master Black Demon Envoy, what kind of genius actually asked you to receive it in person, could it be this woman?"

A woman with a black ghost face came up, first glanced at Feng Yixiu, and then said coldly.

"That's right...it's this woman, but she's just a war spirit king, and she dared to bother me to pick it up in person. I don't know if the head of the dragon pavilion was kicked by the donkey!" The thin high-heeled shoes kicked Feng Yixiu, and continued: "Throw this woman into the endless Colosseum!"

"Ah? But our Taotie Demon Palace's rules for selecting talents are not like this..." the ghost-masked woman was a little puzzled.

The woman in black gauze glanced at the ghost-faced woman coldly, her sharp eyes mixed with a strong aura made her lower her head immediately.

This is indeed against the rules of the Gluttonous Demon Palace. The Endless Colosseum is specially used as the last resort to deal with those war spirit masters who refuse to give in.

Those war spirit masters who refuse to give in will be sent to the endless Colosseum, where they have to fight to the death with powerful monsters every day, so as to wear down the will and faith of the war spirit masters.

Most of the battle spirit masters will die at the mouth of powerful monsters, and the possibility of war spirit masters being able to survive is very small...

"Subordinates obey!"

The ghost-faced woman didn't dare to ask any more questions, so Dang Shijiang let his subordinates bring Feng Yixiu into a prison van, and threw him into it casually.

At this moment, ten thousand alpacas are flying past in Feng Yixiu's heart, this woman in black gauze is going to punish herself to death...

Finally, Feng Yixiu couldn't hold back anymore, pretending to wake up in a daze.

He first looked around the cage that trapped him, and couldn't help frowning, exclaiming: "What's the situation? Where is this place..."

Seeing that Feng Yixiu woke up, the woman in black gauze seemed a little surprised, and said coldly: "Huh... I really don't know what Long Shao has taken a fancy to in you, isn't it just an airport..."

Feng Yixiu first glanced at his chest, question marks were written all over his face.

This is really bad luck for eight lifetimes. I didn't expect this girl in black gauze

There is also a relationship between Zizi and Longyun, and it seems that there is still a lot of resentment.

"Hey, hey, hey... My relationship with the owner of Long Lan is very good. If something happens to me, she will definitely trouble you." Feng Yixiu had no choice but to move out of Long Lan, trying to make the other party feel scruples .

The woman in black veil sneered, and said lightly: "You really take yourself seriously, do you think Long Lan would care about your life or death? Hold it off for me!"

"Good good!!!"

Feng Yixiu laughed back in anger, it seemed that this woman in black gauze was determined to kill herself, and she said three good words in a row.

Several blood-masked men were driving the prison van, and the ghost-faced woman was in charge of escorting it. The prison van walked towards a gloomy and strange path, as if it was the road leading to hell.

The woman in black gauze watched Feng Yixiu drift away, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, and said softly: "I pray that Young Master Long hasn't gotten a real dragon crystal core for so long, why are you a bitch! I will let you die in despair!"

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