God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1311 Endless Colosseum

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The prison van specially responsible for transporting Feng Yixiu was galloping on a dark path, which seemed to be going downhill all the time, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

This place should be extremely deep underground. If there is no teleportation circle, I am afraid that there will never be a way to explore this underground world...

Feng Yixiu tried to break free from this cage, but found that the material of this cage was abnormally hard, and there were residual toxins in his body, and he felt a little dizzy.

He tried to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body, but he couldn't do it. Even if the spiritual power recovered, he didn't dare to escape indiscriminately.

Because the purpose of my coming here is to break into the enemy's interior, escaping will only make me the object of suspicion, and maybe I will be caught by the black gauze woman. It is doomed.

He wasn't stupid enough to think that he, a level 6 battle spirit king, could fight against the entire Gluttonous Demon Palace, and now he could only take one step at a time...

"Hey! Beautiful young lady wearing a ghost mask, can I ask where this is going?" Feng Yixiu looked at the ghost masked woman with an aggrieved face.

The ghost-faced woman glanced at Feng Yixiu, and said coldly: "Endless Colosseum... I don't know where you offended Lord Black Demon Envoy, but you can only blame yourself for being unlucky."

"Endless Colosseum? Where is that place?" Feng Yixiu asked with some doubts.

"Originally, according to the regulations, high-quality newcomers should first meet with the deputy hall master, and then he will assess you. If you pass the test, you can become a member of the gluttonous demon hall, otherwise you will be thrown to the endless Colosseum..." The only pupil of the ghost-faced woman revealed a sympathetic look.

"Is there any hope of getting out after being sent to the Endless Colosseum?" Feng Yixiu asked immediately.

"I hope there will be... just a very small chance, about a one in ten thousand chance." The ghost-faced woman said lightly.

"One out of ten thousand... This shit is going to kill me..." Feng Yixiu had helplessness written all over his face, he was provoking someone!

This woman's jealousy is really terrible, but I still have troubles that I can't tell. If I say that I don't know Long Yun now, I'm afraid I will die sooner...

"You can ask for more blessings... The Endless Colosseum is a place to transform newcomers on the surface, but it is actually a place specially used to feed monsters and collect blood, but in order to make the best use of it, it has been transformed into a It's just the Colosseum, and many big shots like to go there to watch beasts, in order to collect extra income such as tickets." The ghost-faced woman sighed.

"You just said that there is a one-in-10,000 chance of getting out, which means there is still a chance, right?" Feng Yixiu quickly calmed down.

Since I can't avoid it, I can only face it, and I must get out of that ghostly place as soon as possible...

"I advise you not to dream. I said one ten-thousandth is just an analogy. The Endless Colosseum has been established for decades, and there are only a few people who can come out. I advise you to give up your heart." ..." The ghost-faced woman sneered.

"You mean this dungeon has existed for decades?" Feng Yixiu immediately grasped the key information.

"Is this something you should ask? Are you trying to trick me..." the ghost-masked woman was a little wary.

"No, no... I'm just a little curious. The owner of the Long Pavilion told me to take me to the secret base of the Long family, but I don't know why I appear here." Feng Yixiu repeatedly waved his hands in denial.

"Hey...it seems that you were also tricked into coming in." The ghost-faced woman seemed to have gotten used to it, and immediately continued: "Forget it...you can't come out anyway, so it's okay to tell you, in fact, the dragon, one of the four sages, The family has been in contact with us for a long time, without their cooperation, it is impossible for us people to cross the city wall so easily and build such a large-scale dungeon."

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu frowned unavoidably, it turned out that the Long family had always had problems.

He suddenly remembered that Long Heng became the Minister of the Mountain Department, which must have provided a convenient door for those fierce people to sneak in.

This is only on the surface, and it is really hard to say whether there are people from the Long family in the seven headquarters behind the scenes...

Without the support of the Long family, it would be absolutely impossible for the Sky Fiends to build such a huge dungeon and survive decades of time.

"Then are there any other families from the other four holy families joining you?" Feng Yixiu tentatively asked in a low voice.

Immediately, the ghost-masked woman gave Feng Yixiu a hard look, and said coldly: "Don't push yourself too hard, figure out your current situation!"

Feng Yixiu quickly raised his hands, and said with a smile: "Beautiful young lady, I'm quite curious, so don't think too much about it, just pretend I didn't ask."

"Hmph... a person who is about to die still talks so much, I really don't know what it means!" The ghost-faced woman snorted coldly, and then began to close her eyes to rest her mind, and did not talk to others.

Seeing that he couldn't speak, Feng Yixiu also slowly closed his eyes, and waited quietly until the prison car arrived at its destination.

I don't know how long it took, Feng Yixiu, who was half asleep and half awake, was awakened by a sudden brake, and he was already outside a huge Colosseum.

The picture in front of him is slightly different from what Feng Yixiu imagined. Originally, he thought that the Endless Colosseum must be a dilapidated Colosseum, but he did not expect it to be a large and magnificent Colosseum. .

The voices of people in the Colosseum can be faintly heard, including the roar of monsters and the screams of human beings, making it extremely lively and crazy.

However, all of this does not belong to the current Feng Yixiu. Before he had time to observe the magnificent building in front of him, he was transported to a hidden underground passage by the slowly moving prison car.

The prison car passed through the long and narrow underground passage, and the roar like a beast gradually became clearer. Feng Yixiu could only feel an extremely dangerous aura rushing toward his face.

Feng Yixiu also gradually became vigilant. As the prison car passed through the underground passage, what came into view was a huge dungeon, in which at least thousands of people were imprisoned.

These people had different expressions, most of them looked at Feng Yixiu with extremely greedy eyes, and let out a low growl like a beast.

Because he is now a tall beauty because of his mask. This dungeon is not so humane. There is no preferential treatment for women at all. Everyone is locked together...

Some people seemed to be very terrified, stretching their bloody hands forward, and they were still muttering: "Master Prison Envoy, I agree to join you evil people, please let me out! "

"Master Prison Envoy, I didn't perform well before, please give me another chance, I will definitely prove my own strength, as long as you are willing to let me out, I am willing to be a cow or a horse!"

The prison that these people are calling out is naturally the ghost-faced woman who is escorting Feng Yixiu, but she is not moved at all until she grabs his ankle with both hands.

The ghost-faced woman stopped suddenly, and the hand that had been holding the handle of the knife suddenly moved. A flash of saber flashed, and a pair of arms flew out together. In the direction of the flying, there were still many prisoners fighting hard, as if they had found a treasure.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help frowning when he saw this, the method of this Gluttonous Demon Palace is too vicious, even a person with firm belief will be driven crazy...

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