God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1312 The Cradle of Hell

"Give me all the honesty!"

The ghost-faced woman scolded angrily, and her powerful aura erupted instantly, and she was actually a strong man at the level of Zhan Lingzun.

The crowd who were still noisy just now quieted down instantly, not daring to make any more casual noise, their eyes were full of fear as they looked at the ghost-faced woman.

After the ghost-masked woman controlled the situation, she winked at the blood-masked men behind her, and immediately those men brought Feng Yixiu out of the prison.

When Feng Yixiu was brought out, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape, but after calming down, he dismissed this idea.

He wasn't sure if there were any other strong people here besides the prison envoy. If he was caught by some prison warden before he escaped, he might really be doomed.

Besides, I don't know where the exit of this underground world is. Even if I escape now, I can only run around like a headless chicken. It's only a matter of time before I get caught...

"Go in!"

Several blood-faced men violently pushed Feng Yixiu into the dungeon, and immediately locked the door.

When Feng Yixiu first entered, those people with green eyes dared not act rashly because they were afraid of the prison envoy, but the way they looked at Feng Yixiu was like looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The prison envoy glanced around, and immediately gave another look, and all the blood mages guarding the dungeon came out in a single file.

The ghost-faced woman gave Feng Yixiu a meaningful look, then turned around and left, there was no one guarding the huge dungeon.

In an instant, the dungeon that had just calmed down began to boil, as if a group of hungry wolves saw a delicious lamb.

A group of skinny men rushed towards Feng Yixiu, as if they were afraid of falling behind.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but frown coldly, piercing thunder continued to explode all over his body, and the violent thunder mode and dragon power were activated instantly.

The powerful momentum gushed out violently, Feng Yixiu's fingers turned into hard dragon claws, and like lightning, he grabbed the shoulder of the man who rushed forward.

The sharp and powerful fingers easily penetrated the man's skin, and the powerful thunder force instantly paralyzed the man's whole body, making him unable to move at all.

The other hand grabbed another man who saw the situation was not going well and wanted to run away. The fingertips comparable to sharp claws easily penetrated the man's calf, and the huge force was like picking up a chicken to give it to him. Shaking it up, the whole set of movements was clean and neat.

"The Cradle of Hell!"

I saw a cyan whirlwind of thunder sweeping away with Feng Yixiu as the center, his speed and strength had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Anyone who is contaminated by this whirlwind of thunder will be ruthlessly swept into the sky and accept the baptism of violent thunder.

When the storm subsided, dozens of people were thrown away by the strong centrifugal force, and the thunder all over their bodies was still "crackling".


The people scattered all over the ground howled in pain on the ground, and looked at Feng Yixiu again with fear in their eyes.

Several of them are masters who have unlocked the third-order gene lock level, and they are as weak as children in front of Feng Yixiu.

These people thought that Feng Yixiu was a soft persimmon, but they didn't expect it to be a hard stubble, it was simply too violent...

The thunder in Feng Yixiu's palm never dissipated, gradually condensed into the Azure Dragon Holy Spear, and the blue thunder made him look even more domineering and extraordinary.

I saw the holy spear in my hand raised high, glanced around coldly, and said lightly: "If there are still people who are not afraid of death, just come here together!"


Those who were about to move couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and slowly stepped back a few steps, not daring to continue to act rashly.

The strength shown by Feng Yixiu is really terrifying, especially the spiritual spear in his hand looks even more extraordinary.

"Hahaha... this little Huniu is really exciting, no one is allowed to compete with me!"

A path was automatically separated from the crowd, and a burly man over two meters tall stepped out of the crowd, his muscles bulging like horned dragons looked as solid as granite.

Many people around did not dare to look directly at him when they saw this man, and they all kept a certain safe distance. Obviously, this man is like a prison tyrant in a dungeon.

There are many people behind him, with a scale of hundreds of people, and their expressions are very arrogant.

Feng Yixiu glanced at the man in front of him. The spiritual pressure realm has reached the level of the seventh-level war spirit, but the body is stronger than the general seventh-level war spirit. It should have broken through the fourth-level gene lock and has With a terrifying physical fitness like a monster.

"Were you talking to me just now?" Feng Yixiu said calmly with stern eyes.

"Little Huniu, as long as you are willing to tell me that no one dares to bully you in this dungeon, and I have a good relationship with the warden, and I can arrange some weak monsters for you, how about it? Think about it?" The big man looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile, and said lightly.

Feng Yixiu almost spit out the last night's meal, frowned and said: "I'm sorry, even without you, no one here would dare to bully me."

"Oh? I don't think this is necessarily..." The burly man sneered, and then laughed loudly: "I dare to bully you!"

After saying that, the burly man rushed towards Feng Yixiu suddenly, a huge red-yellow meteor hammer suddenly appeared in his hand, and rushed towards Feng Yixiu while waving it.

"Boom boom boom..."

burly man has

Like a humanoid tank, the strength of every step it takes will almost shake the area within a hundred meters.

Feng Yixiu's expression gradually became serious, and when he was about to make a move, a huge black shadow swept up from behind him.

Soi Ying's body size was no less than that of a burly man, and her huge palm went to catch the opponent with her bare hands and quickly swung the meteor hammer.

Just when Feng Yixiu was about to help, the black shadow actually caught the rapidly spinning meteor hammer with his bare hands, and it looked very easy!

Holding the meteor hammer in his hand, Hei Ying punched the burly giant in the face, and the terrifying force instantly bent the opponent's iron barrel-like waist.


The entire head of the burly giant sank into the ground, and there were cobweb-like ravines and cracks all around.

"Hmph! Lao Niu, this little girl is covered by my mother, if you are sensible, get out!"

Although he didn't see the true face of Sombra, it could be heard from the voice that it was a woman's voice.

The burly man called Lao Niu suddenly pulled his head out of the ground, looking very embarrassed, his whole body was still shaking.

"Brother... are you okay?"

Many people surrounded him, and more than a dozen people barely supported the burly man.

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