God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1314 Two Conditions

Feng Yixiu nodded his head, he didn't spend much time in the Central China Headquarters, so he didn't have any special marks, but he still had the captain's badge of the Wind Department.

A glittering golden badge of the Wind Department appeared in his hand, on which was the medal of the Captain of the Wind Department that represented his identity.

Every badge in the Alliance Headquarters is specially made, and it will emit light only when the person sends spiritual power, which is one of the absolutely reliable ways to verify identity.

The imprint shown by Roland before is also a reliable way of identifying identity. It uses extremely special materials, and it will disappear automatically after becoming a blood mage.

When Roland saw the medal, he smiled and said, "If it's not what I expected, you are indeed a member of the Alliance Headquarters."

"It's just how did you find out my identity?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"Only people from our alliance headquarters can see this. The jujitsu you use shows that you have received very formal training. This kind of trace is invisible to ordinary people, and only experts can see it." Roland explained.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu is also aware of his flaws, although the face can be changed, but these details are difficult to control.

The Xingyi Baguazhang and Jujitsu that I often use were taught by Jialan Ziyu teacher, and then I studied in-depth with Master Xuanji, and I have already reached a very high level of attainment.

Teacher Xuanji and Teacher Jialan were also members of the headquarters of the Central China Alliance before, so it was naturally difficult to hide this unique ancient martial style when teaching Feng Yixiu.

If someone with a heart sees his flaws, or even recognizes his identity, the consequences may be disastrous...

"Could it be that the person who sent you here didn't know that you were a member of the alliance headquarters, or that you were an undercover agent?" Seeing Feng Yixiu's preoccupied look, Roland frowned.

Feng Yixiu nodded, and said in a deep voice: "That's right! I came this time to eradicate the Gluttonous Demon Palace, and by the way, bring down the Long Family who colluded with it."


Hearing this, Luo Xueer on the side couldn't hold back her laughter.

"What are you laughing at? Is there anything funny about this?" Feng Yixiu frowned and said coldly.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to look down on you. You are indeed strong enough at the same level. But you are only a sixth-level war spirit king. Is it a bit of a dream to eradicate the gluttonous demon hall? You know the palace here What kind of realm are the master and the master of the dragon family?" Luo Xueer explained very seriously.

"Xue'er, don't be rude!" Roland scolded his sister beside him angrily, and then stopped smiling.

"It's okay, what Xue'er said is indeed the truth." Feng Yixiu smiled and waved his hands, not too angry, and then smiled and said: "However, I am not prepared to confront others head-on, and the means to achieve the goal are not only force……"

"Could it be that Miss Feng'er has some plan?" Roland asked curiously.

"I was imprisoned in this ghostly place just after I came in, and I don't have any plans for the time being, I can only take one step at a time..." Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly.

"Cut... I really thought you had something to do! I think you still want to get out of this ghost place first." Luo Xueer said coldly.

"By the way... I heard from the prison envoy before that there is a chance to get out of this place. I don't know how?" Feng Yixiu suddenly remembered this crucial question and asked immediately.

"If you want to go out of the Endless Colosseum, you must meet two conditions. One is to become a rebel on your own, and the other is to accumulate 10,000 blood points before you can get out of this ghostly place. Anyone who can get out of this place, It will be specially reused." Luo Xueer explained very seriously.

The so-called rebels are a type of blood magus, who can become a blood magus without going through the blood spirit ceremony. This way, the strength and potential of becoming a blood magus will be even stronger.

And the conditions for becoming a rebel are naturally very harsh. Only by honing back and forth between endless life and death and inspiring the ultimate desires and evil thoughts in the heart can there be a chance of success.

It is obvious that this Endless Colosseum is such a place, he can force a normal person into a cruel and tyrannical monster...

It stands to reason that most of the people imprisoned here are war spirit masters, and they shouldn't be so cruel and tyrannical, but as soon as Feng Yixiu arrived here, he felt a strong evil atmosphere.

Roland also went on to explain: "In fact, as long as the second condition is strong enough, it can be achieved over time, but the first condition is really too difficult. I have been here for such a long time, and I have accumulated enough blood points. , it's just that I can't do it anyway..."

It can be seen that Roland is a person with an extremely strong sense of faith and justice, and even after staying under such extreme conditions for such a long time, his faith has not been shaken.

Otherwise, relying on her strength, it is impossible not to be reused by the fierce people...

"I want to ask how to accumulate this blood point?" Feng Yixiu said lightly, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"What's the use of asking this? Anyway, you can't even meet the first condition..." Luo Xueer frowned.

"It's not necessarily..."

After all, Feng Yixiu began to undergo subversive changes, and wisps of dark aura gradually spread.

The original silver hair turned into a light purple, and even the color of the pupils began to change, but in the blink of an eye, it became the appearance of an evil blood mage.

"You... how could you be a blood magus?"

Both Roland and Luo Xueer were stunned, and the eyes they looked at Feng Yixiu again became a little frightened


In an instant, the terrifying dark aura on Feng Yixiu's body instantly subsided, and he turned back into his original upright and awe-inspiring appearance, with a harmonious smile on his face.

Both of them looked dumbfounded. It was the first time they had seen someone who could seamlessly switch between a battle psychic and a blood psychic. It was simply amazing...

No matter how advanced a blood mage wants to hide his identity, it takes a long time to prepare, and he can't switch so easily. It is very difficult to restrain his breath after being exposed.

If it wasn't for Feng Yixiu's badge of Captain Feng, they would have doubted Feng Yixiu's true identity...

"Now can you tell me how to get the blood points?" Feng Yixiu smiled and said calmly.

Luo Xueer nodded in a daze, and subconsciously responded: "Obtaining blood points is very simple, as long as you defeat monsters, you can get blood points, and those monsters are also monsters that are unwilling to submit to the evil spirits. Beasts of matching levels will get ten to one hundred blood points."

"Oh? So you will get more blood points for killing monsters with a higher level than yourself?" Feng Yixiu quickly captured the key information.

"That's right, you are now a Level 6 Battle Spirit King, and the corresponding monster level is Disaster Level, that is to say, you have to hunt hundreds of Calamity Level monsters to accumulate 10,000 blood points, and you can leapfrog to kill Calamity Level monsters." Warcraft will have a tenfold bonus, that is, one hundred to one thousand blood points." Roland continued to explain.

"It's not as difficult as imagined..." Feng Yixiu shrugged his shoulders and said softly.

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