God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1315 Megalomaniac

"There is no difficulty as imagined? I really don't know if you are confident or ignorant. Everyone has only one chance to go to the Colosseum once a month. Unless you win consecutively, you can't keep challenging. The time it takes is one Astronomical figures, do you still think it is simple?" Luo Xueer frowned.

"Oh? It's great to be able to challenge consecutive victories..." Feng Yixiu was even more excited when he heard that he could continue to challenge.

"You! It's hopeless!"

Luo Xueer originally thought that Feng Yixiu would retreat in spite of difficulties, but seeing his reaction, she became even more angry.

"If you lose in the Colosseum, what will happen?" Feng Yixiu then asked.

"If you lose, there are only two outcomes. Either you will be swallowed by the monster, or you will pay ten times the blood points and admit defeat. If the blood points are negative, you will be executed in public!" Roland said with a serious face.

"Oh...that's interesting." Feng Yixiu stroked his chin, and gradually fell into deep thought.

No wonder not many people can get out of this endless Colosseum, the conditions are indeed somewhat harsh.

Under normal circumstances, monsters of the same level are stronger than war spirits of the same level. Ordinary war spirits can only challenge monsters of the same level, and will never take the risk of challenging high-level monsters.

If you are unlucky and encounter a powerful monster, you will take a great risk, either you will die at the mouth of the monster, or you will be deducted ten times the blood points.

Even if you have been winning consecutively, you have to consider whether your spiritual and physical strength can support it, but no one will wait for your spiritual power to fully recover before starting the next beast fight.

And the blood points deducted for failing to challenge high-level monsters is an astronomical figure, and it is very likely that they will be executed in public...

But this is an ordinary war spirit master, but is Feng Yixiu an ordinary war spirit master? The answer is of course no!

"So I still advise you to accumulate blood points honestly, and don't take risks and choose to challenge high-level monsters. I estimate that with your strength, you can go out in less than three years." Luo Xueer said earnestly.

"Three years? I don't have so much time to waste..." Feng Yixiu frowned and shook his head.

The shelf life of the phantom mask is only three months. If he can't complete the task within three months, he can't imagine how miserable his end will be.

"According to Miss Feng'er, is it possible that she is going to leapfrog to challenge a natural disaster-level monster?" Roland was obviously also a little worried.

Feng Yixiu nodded subconsciously, and said in a deep voice, "That's right... I still have the confidence to deal with the natural disaster level monsters."

"I think you should think carefully about it. After all, you have reached the most difficult condition now. As long as you have enough time, you will definitely be able to go out. At that time, you will definitely be able to be reused by the fierce people. This is also a good thing for you to perform the task." Roland also persuaded Feng Yixiu earnestly, not wanting Feng Yixiu to continue taking risks.

"Sister...it's useless. I think she is determined to seek death. You can't persuade her." Luo Xueer said angrily.

"Hey... Xue'er still understands me, so don't worry, I know it well." Feng Yixiu was not angry either, and said with a smile.

"Well, since you are so determined, you must have the confidence, but I still want to tell you that since your identity has not been exposed, you must not use ancient martial arts in the Colosseum, and there will be many alliance headquarters who will defect Let the blood mages watch the game, so as not to arouse suspicion."

Seeing that Feng Yixiu was so firm, Roland didn't persuade him anymore, but he still reminded Feng Yixiu.

"Thank you Sister Luo for reminding me, I will definitely pay attention." Feng Yixiu politely cupped his fists to express his thanks.

"Then you have a good rest. This room is Xue'er's room. Recently, all the rooms here are full. We really can't afford a room. I can only wrong you." Roland stood up slowly and smiled. road.

"Huh? This is not very good..."

Feng Yixiu glanced at Luo Xueer, and said a little embarrassedly.

"Hmph... I don't even have any objections yet! What are you?" Luo Xueer crossed her arms and said angrily.

"Then why don't you share a room with me? Now we are the only ones who have a single room, and the rest of the room can accommodate four or five people, and there is no room for them." Roland said very seriously.

Feng Yixiu glanced at Roland's somewhat exaggerated figure, and subconsciously shivered.

He was really afraid that Roland would accidentally crush himself to death when he was resting...

"No...no need, I'd better live with Sister Xue'er." Feng Yixiu shook his head like a rattle.

"In that case, I'll go first and rest early." Roland strode out of the room, leaving only Feng Yixiu and Luo Xueer behind.

"Hey! Megalomaniac, you don't snore at night, do you?" Luo Xueer asked with a frown.

Feng Yixiu shook his head, and the other party went on to say: "That's good, then I'll forcefully squeeze with you..."

"No, I'll just lay a floor on the ground, so I don't need to bother you."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu randomly picked some hay and laid a simple bed on the ground, and lay down on it.

"Hmph...what a weirdo."

Luo Xueer muttered something in a low voice, and then she took off her armor, leaving only a thin layer of obscene clothes, and immediately lay on the bed made of hay, her slender and flawless figure looming.


Feng Yixiu's throat twitched, and he turned around very consciously, with his back facing the direction of Luo Xueer's bed, and slowly closed his eyes.

Eyes closed.

Now he doesn't have the mind to think about it, he is just thinking about how to get out of this ghost place as soon as possible.

Xingyi Baguazhang and Jujitsu were no longer available, but he didn't dare to use Niluanbashi and Jiguijianshu easily.

His Azure Jade Linlong has just evolved not long ago, so not many people must know about it, so he is not afraid of what will be exposed by the use of the battle spirit skill.

And there is not only one monster card, as long as you don't use the holy spirit card, you won't be at risk of being exposed, only the source martial arts will have flaws.

Now the safest way can only be to learn new source martial arts, so as to ensure that there will be no flaws.

"Looks like it's time to learn the new Nichaan Eight Styles and Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship." Feng Yixiu silently made up his mind.

Feng Yixiu began to fall into a state of meditation, and his spiritual consciousness gradually communicated with the sacred door, and gradually and completely entered the world of spiritual consciousness.

The appearance in his spiritual consciousness is not affected by the illusion mask, it is still Feng Yixiu's original appearance.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The sacred door was slowly pushed open, and Feng Yixiu strode in. The uncle in white seemed to know that he was coming back, and he was already standing not far away.

Feng Yixiu walked over with a smile: "Uncle Baiyi, I'm here to see you!"

The Holy Spirit King in white turned around slowly, and said indifferently: "You kid, you always go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so tell me... what's the matter?"

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