"Hahaha... I really can't hide anything from your eyes. Didn't I enter the gluttonous dungeon? This ghostly place is full of dangers. I have to learn something new." Feng Yixiu felt a little embarrassed. Touched the back of his head.

"You are so courageous that you dare to enter this vicious place alone, aren't you afraid to confess here?" The uncle in white looked at Feng Yixiu with a serious face.

"I'm afraid... But if that old guy Long Xiao comes out, I think he will kill me sooner or later. I might as well strike first!" Feng Yixiu said sternly.

"Not bad...you have a bit of courage, and this is a bit of my demeanor back then. If this is the case, I will help you."

The uncle in white probed the palm of his hand, and Feng Yixiu's Azure Dragon Sacred Spear appeared in his palm. The Azure Dragon on it seemed to be alive, and even began to make a deep dragon chant sound, the ancient and heavy breath slowly spread out.

"The name of the third form of the Eight Rebellious Forms is Breaking the Clear Sky! A powerful spear technique that maximizes the true meaning of extreme penetration. The reason why it was not taught to you before is because you have not yet integrated the Azure Dragon Sacred Bead. The Domineering Dragon Spear is absolutely unable to withstand such an astonishing penetrating spear intent, but now the time is ripe."

The white-clothed uncle was talking to himself, the pure white and golden-blue thunder continued to emit dazzling light beside him, and the sun in the sky would feel ashamed in front of him.

"Old rules, I will only demonstrate it once, whether you can comprehend it or not depends on your understanding!"

After saying that, the white-clothed uncle disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was still high above the sky, and the violent spiritual pressure and momentum continued to spread like a stormy sea.

Feng Yixiu didn't even dare to blink his eyes, for fear of missing any crucial details.

Suddenly, the terrifying thunder power around the uncle in white began to condense gradually, and it was divided into pure white thunder and the green thunder that came with the Azure Dragon Holy Lance. superior.

It is extremely difficult to compress two different types of lightning, let alone compressing two types of lightning into a liquid state like the uncle in white is even more difficult.

At this time, the Azure Dragon Sacred Spear was covered with dazzling brilliance of glaze color, and the hidden thunder began to slowly gather towards the tip of the spear, forming a tiny blue and white spot of light.

But such a small spot of light erupted with a piercing thunderstorm sound, which shows that the energy contained in it will have the power to destroy the world!

Feng Yixiu now somewhat understands why the white-clothed uncle refused to teach the third form before. I'm afraid this kind of terrifying energy will make the Overbearing Dragon Spear burst instantly...

"Inverse Chaos Eight Styles Breaking the Clear Sky!"

A dazzling thunder beam erupted from the tip of the Azure Dragon Holy Spear, and a slight dragon roar could be heard faintly.

This time the uncle in white chose to attack a series of majestic mountains far away. The thunder light instantly penetrated the eight majestic mountains, and there was still no intention of stopping, as if the limit of this ray of light was the end of the world!


Feng Yixiu looked dumbfounded, as expected of the ultimate pole-penetrating spear intent, if such power is appalling.

The eight mountains all left a smooth hole of the same size, on which light blue thunder ripples are constantly shining.

Just when Feng Yixiu calmed down a little, a series of roars sounded again, and the cyan thunder roared violently again.

The hole that was originally no more than the size of a fist was deeply blasted into a cave with a diameter of about one meter. This is the effect of viewing from the front. If Feng Yixiu detours behind these mountains, he will definitely find a more terrifying scene.

Majestic deep pits appeared on the back of these majestic mountains, as if they were blasted from the inside. There was not much damage on the surface, but in fact, most of the mountains had been completely destroyed.

Feng Yixiu didn't realize this at first, but after hearing the roar, he noticed the abnormality, and immediately walked around behind a mountain range, looking at the mountain blooming like flowers, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

The uncle in white appeared next to Feng Yixiu in an instant, and said in a deep voice: "Po Qingkong not only possesses extreme penetrating power, but if several different types of thunder are fused, it will produce such a roaring effect. The perfect combination of piercing and roaring true meaning. If you learn this skill, you can use it not only to break the clear sky, but even a basic attack will have roaring attack power."

"But how to integrate the different Thunderbolts?" Feng Yixiu immediately asked.

"This depends on your own perseverance and savvy. The Qinglong Holy Spear already has this kind of ability, there is no one else, only you are familiar with it..."

While speaking, the uncle in white suddenly threw back the Qinglong holy gun in his hand to Feng Yixiu, and then his figure gradually became unreal.

"Uncle, let me ask you one last thing. Do you know where the Suzaku secret realm is?" Feng Yixiu asked loudly when he saw that the uncle in white was about to disappear.

"I'm sorry...I can't tell you this, if I do, you will never find the Suzaku secret realm." The figure of the uncle in white has completely become illusory.

"Ah? But why?" Feng Yixiu was full of doubts.

"If you are destined, you will meet naturally, you can't force everything..."

The voice of the uncle in white gradually faded away, and finally completely disappeared in the long echo.

"Hey... why does the uncle in white always talk about it every time he talks, why can't he be more straightforward." Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly and sighed.

But complaining is nothing but complaints, Feng Yixiu can only honestly start practicing the third of the eight Nichao moves, breaking the clear sky!

It is no exaggeration to say that breaking the clear sky is definitely the strongest single-target penetrating stance Feng Yixiu has mastered so far, and it is also the most difficult stance.

This is not to say that the other two styles are useless. The first style, Scattering Stars, can be said to be the spear technique with the largest attack range, which can sweep the battlefield on a large scale. However, if you want to use this trick to kill a strong enemy, it is probably a bit whimsical, and the scattered attack will not be too strong after all.

But Zhan Yuehua is between the two. It has the intent to cut spears, and it is not a simple single-target attack or group attack. It does not need to be charged, and it is naturally more flexible.

As for Breaking the Clear Sky, it is well-deservedly the strongest single-target attack. If you master the skill of fusing thunder, the roaring power will be terrifying...

Feng Yixiu slowly looked at the Holy Azure Dragon Spear in his hand, and muttered in a low voice, "Why do I feel that the Holy Azure Dragon Spear in my hand is not the same spiritual weapon as that in the uncle's hands!"

After contemplating for a long time, Feng Yixiu finally came to a conclusion helplessly, no wonder the Azure Dragon Holy Spear, or he was too weak...

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