God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1321 Thunder Titan

"Master Prison, who will play first, Niu Hao or Li Xiufeng?" the prison envoy asked in a low voice.

"Let Niu Hao go first, this is an excellent opportunity to gain the appreciation of the master." The warden pondered for a moment, then ordered in a low voice.

The appreciation of the current Hall Master of the Gluttonous Demon Palace is very important. Many blood spiritual masters have never had the chance to speak a single word to the Palace Master in their lifetime in the Gluttonous Demon Palace.

If Niu Hao can be remembered by the Palace Master, it will be very beneficial to Niu Hao's development in the Taotie Dungeon in the future, and he may be able to be reused and promoted quickly.


After saying that, the jailer began to slide on the tablet device in his hand, but the corner of his mouth raised an intriguing arc.

The name on the left on the public display screen has been fixed, and it is Niu Hao. And the monster on the right is still updating and beating constantly, and finally fixed on a natural disaster grade monster.

As Niu Hao is a Level 7 Battle Spirit Venerable, the matching level of monster is the natural disaster level, but this monster is a little different from ordinary monsters.

The name of this natural disaster-grade monster has a black gold border, and the top of the border is written "NO·3" in gold fonts, which looks very different.

When the name of the constantly beating monster was fixed, the auditorium, which seemed a little silent just now, boiled instantly, like a few drops of cold water dripping into hot oil.

"Oh my god! It's been a long time since I saw a monster on the list of disaster beasts appear, this time it's really a feast for the eyes!"

"This Niu Hao is really unlucky. He even encountered the top three monsters on the list of natural disasters. I'm afraid it's more ominous..."

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that Niu Hao is also very powerful. He is one of the few people who has the opportunity to break out of the endless Colosseum. It's hard to say what happened!"


Everyone was very excited when they saw the third-ranked Thunder Titan on the Calamity Beast Ranking. This was something they hadn't encountered for a long time.

Ordinary war spirit masters would not watch it even if they met, because it was a scene of instant kills, without any suspense at all, but this time it was against the ever-victorious general Niu Hao, which created some suspense.

The so-called Calamity Ranking refers to the top ten rankings of Calamity Grade Warcraft in the Endless Colosseum, and the Thunder Titan ranked ninth has a record of 82 consecutive victories, and has never lost a single game, which shows its strength. !

When the ghost-faced woman saw this result, she didn't seem too surprised, but showed a smug smile instead.

In fact, this result was not accidental, but caused by her illegal operation, in order to hope that Niu Hao would lose all face in front of the Palace Master.

Her method was so subtle that the prison guards on the side didn't notice anything, and only thought it was Niu Hao's bad luck.

But the Dark Demon Envoy glanced lightly at the ghost-faced woman, there was a sense of coldness in his sharp eyes, but he didn't say anything.

When the ghost-masked woman met the Black Demon Envoy's eyes, she lowered her head a little guilty, and she didn't dare to look directly into the other's eyes, as if she had a feeling of being pierced through her mind.

When the Lord of the Niutou saw the situation of the battle, he laughed and clapped his hands and said: "Hahaha... that's interesting! The Thunder Titan is the best among the natural disaster level monsters, it seems that Niu Hao has suffered a lot! "

The Black Demon Envoy covered his face with a smile and said, "It's as long as the Palace Master is happy... I believe there will be more exciting matches in the future."

At this time, Niu Hao's heart is a little broken. He has participated in so many games, and he has never encountered a powerful monster on the list of natural disasters!

And it was the third-ranked Thunder Titan, which was a very powerful natural disaster-level monster among the Titans, and its statistics in all aspects had reached the top.

Generally, the strength and size of Titan monsters are very exaggerated, but the speed is very slow, but Thunder Titans are a different kind, because they are monsters with thunder attributes, naturally possess terrifying speed and explosive power!

"Now I invite player Niu Hao to play, and against Warcraft is the third-ranked king of the natural disaster list, Thunder Titan!"

"One side is the titan who is most likely to stand out from the Endless Colosseum, and the other side is the fierce and powerful monster on the list of natural disasters. Let us wait and see who will have the last laugh!"

The voice of the host pushed the atmosphere of the entire Endless Colosseum to a climax, with deafening cheers and shouts one after another.

And the betting data on the public display is skyrocketing, which shows that people are looking forward to this game...

Niu Hao, who was in a daze, was finally awakened by the loud cheers, and walked out of the central cage slowly, looking a little nervous.

Seeing this, Feng Yixiu sneered and said, "Lao Niu, weren't you very proud before? Why do you look a little scared now?"

"I'm excited, not afraid! It's just a Thunder Titan, I don't take it seriously!" Stimulated by Feng Yixiu, Niu Hao strode out of the central cage and stood in front of the Endless Beast. center of the field.

Naturally, he wasn't idle either, he first started to gather spirit soldiers and spirit armor, and then summoned the magic book.

"Prick, prick..."

Not long after Niu Hao entered the field, violent thunder as thick as a bucket exploded above his head, and a dark crack over sixty meters gradually opened.

When the Thunder Titan hadn't fully emerged, the terrifying aura made everyone hold their breath, only the fierce thunder flashed continuously.

"call out!"

When the dark rift has not yet fully unfolded, a huge spinning ball surrounded by dazzling lightning

Then he broke through the crack and rushed towards Niu Hao with a strong hurricane!

This spinning ball is similar to Feng Yixiu's previous Titan Chariot, except that it cannot fly, it is almost identical, but the pressure it brings is even more terrifying.

The Thunder Titan's body, which is like pouring fine steel, has amazing defensive power. There are sharp bony spurs on its back and fists, and its destructive power is astonishing under the state of rapid rotation.

Even the arena made of high-density alloys cannot withstand this terrifying destructive power, but wherever it is crushed, it is a mess...

The titan rolling ball is not only incredibly heavy, but also so fast that only an afterimage of thunder can be seen flashing by, aiming at Niu Hao!

At this time, Niu Hao hadn't had time to summon the battle spirit in the future, he just condensed the spirit soldiers and spirit armor. Seeing the Thunder Titan attacking like Mount Tai, he subconsciously waved the steel meteor hammer in his hand to resist!


There was only a dull impact sound, and the Meteor Hammer was thrown away after holding on for less than a second.

The steel meteor hammer was completely out of Niu Hao's control, and it actually hit his chest, causing a crack to appear in the thick spiritual armor in an instant.

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