God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1322 Death Tumbling

"call out……"

In an instant, Niu Hao was blown away like a kite with a broken string, with a distance of hundreds of meters!

This is him, if it is an ordinary Zhan Lingzun, I am afraid that this blow will be blown off the ring, and then he will fall into the blood-colored molten liquid and die of hatred.

Niu Hao spat out a mouthful of thick blood, obviously seriously injured. How could the Titan Spinning Ball let go of this opportunity, and once again chased after it.

"Damn! I really think I'm easy to bully!"

He cursed angrily, and a huge war spirit finally condensed from the summoning circle of the Devil's Book, and a roar like a dragon's chant resounded.

A golden-armored crocodile dragon beast covered in golden armor was summoned, and Niu Hao threw out several monster cards with his backhand, which turned into streamers of light and sank into the body of the war spirit.

Immediately, the size of the golden-armored crocodile dragon suddenly doubled, with a length of more than fifty meters, only a little smaller than the Thunder Titan.

Feng Yixiu could tell at a glance the quality of this golden-armored crocodile dragon beast, a powerful war spirit of the monarch level, and the quality of the monster card he just used was also extremely high.

I have to say that although this Niu Hao is not a very good person, he does have the capital of arrogance. Before he entered the Taotie Dungeon, he was a well-known hunting group leader in the Eastern China Quarantine!

The golden-armored crocodile dragon resembles a crocodile in appearance, and has some characteristics of a real dragon. It has a strong attack power, but it has the ability to compete with the Thunder Titan.

The powerful claws wanted to stop the spinning titan rolling ball, the sharp claws and the spikes collided continuously, and the two collided to make a harsh friction sound, sparking dazzling fireworks all over the sky.

But the golden-armored crocodile dragon was only in a stalemate with Thunder Titan for a moment, and most of its sharp claws were worn away, and its heavy body was constantly pushed backwards.

Niu Hao wanted to help, but he had nowhere to do it. Facing the defensive power of the Thunder Titan, which was a piece of metal, he obviously couldn't break through the defense with the blunt weapon in his hand!

The golden-armored crocodile dragon was slowly pushed, and it was about to fall into the lava outside the Colosseum, and there was no way out...

In desperation, Niu Hao finally prepared to use his hole card, and quickly flung out a black gold monster card.

"Black gold unicorn - armed with golden horns!"

A stream of black light sank into the body of the golden-armored crocodile dragon, and a single-horned diamond with spiral patterns grew out of his head.

The horn drill turned slowly, and became faster and faster, and finally became like a rapidly turning electric drill, making a screeching sound.

"Death rolls!"

Not only the unicorn was spinning, but the golden-armored crocodile also began to spin crazily, and soon turned into a horizontal golden whirlwind!

And the target of this golden whirlwind attack was the Thunder Titan in front of him, and the Thunder Titan, who was still gaining the upper hand just now, lost the advantage in an instant.

The Thunder Titan's hard exoskeleton could no longer withstand such a strong attack, and it made a tooth-piercing "clack" sound, and it was about to be completely broken!

But at the moment when the defense was about to be broken, Thunder Titan disintegrated from the state of spinning the rolling ball, and even used his hard hands to hold the rapidly spinning golden horn.

Only then did everyone see the true face of the Thunder Titan. It was terrifyingly strong, its length was almost equal to its width, and a pair of huge hammer-like fists shone with dazzling thunder.

The whole body is covered with light blue thunder streaks, the skin that is harder than steel exudes a metallic light, and the aura of a wild beast spreads violently.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

The huge friction caused Thunder Titan's hands to start to smoke, emitting an unpleasant smell of paste.

The unicorn, which was still spinning at high speed just now, gradually became slower and slower, and it seemed to be forced to stop faintly.

Seeing this, Niu Hao was very anxious. If the unicorn is really forced to stop, with the terrifying power of Thunder Titan, it can break the unicorn for you!

"Hmph! How can I make you wish!"

Wielding a huge meteor hammer, Niu Hao rushed towards the Thunder Titan, and the speed of the meteor hammer's rotation caused a violent whirlwind.


The meteor hammer was thrown out abruptly, and smashed towards Thunder Titan's chest with the sound of breaking the wind.

Thunderbolt Titan would have ignored it before, but now Niu Hao is attacking the wound just opened by the unicorn drill!

Thunder Titan had no choice but to let go of the horn that was about to be forced to stop, and jumped to avoid it.

Shrunk into a ball again in the air, transformed into the state of a titan spinning ball, no longer attacking Niu Hao when it landed, but rushed towards the dark crack not far away.

The Thunder Titan wants to escape!

How could Niu Hao let it go so easily, and immediately let the golden-armored crocodile dragon chase, and when he was about to catch up, the Thunder Titan had already disappeared into the dark crack.

"Hmph! You're running fast!" Niu Hao cursed angrily, and spat out a mouthful of blood viciously.

The public display screen also began to calculate the blood points Niu Hao had obtained in this beast fight, and the final settlement data showed 820 blood points.

This is already a very high number. Generally, the upper limit of blood points obtained by challenging monsters of this level is only 100 points, but challenging monsters on the natural disaster list can get a high bonus!

The specific amount of the bonus is related to the winning streak data of Warcraft on the natural disaster list. The Thunder Titan has won 82 consecutive victories, so

The final settlement will be multiplied by 8.2 times, which is exactly 820 blood points.

After the defeat, the Thunder Titan also disappeared from the third place in the natural disaster list, and the fourth-ranked Warcraft automatically filled its place.

The monsters in the Endless Colosseum are actually not much different from the people imprisoned in the dark dungeon. They are all monsters that are unwilling to be tamed, and they are locked in the endless abyss deeper underground.

Only those monsters who have achieved a hundred consecutive victories and agreed to serve the Sky Ominous Crowd can be liberated from the endless abyss.

Thunder Titan was about to achieve a hundred consecutive victories, but it was ended by Niu Hao, so he must be extremely depressed.

"The winner of this beast fight is Niu Hao, who ended the powerful monster Thunder Titan ranked third on the list of natural disasters. Let us congratulate him!"

The passionate voice of the host suddenly exploded in the endless Colosseum, and thunderous applause and cheers broke out in the auditorium that had just been silent due to shock.

The Lord of the Niutou Palace also nodded in satisfaction, and said loudly: "Not bad... This Niu Hao does have two brushes. After he becomes a blood mage, I will make good use of this kid!"

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