God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1323 Evil Eye Sky Spider

"Hall Master said that if he becomes a traitor, his subordinates will be the first to notify you." The Black Demon Envoy echoed with a smile.

The host asked again: "Contestant Niu Hao, would you like to continue the challenge? The blood points gained from consecutive challenges will be doubled!"

"Go on! Go on! Go on!"

All the audience were shouting in unison, wanting to see Niu Hao continue to challenge the next monster.

Niu Hao is also in a tangled mood, the battle just now has consumed too much spiritual power, and his chest has been severely fractured, and his condition has seriously declined.

If he followed his usual style, he must have given up this time, but today is different, because there is a bull head palace master watching in the VIP seat.

This is the best opportunity to show yourself. If you give up voluntarily, you will definitely be disappointed. This is not what he wants to see...

Besides, I won't be so unlucky all the time, the probability of getting a powerful monster on the natural disaster list again is very low.

After careful consideration, Niu Hao nodded heavily, and said loudly, "Continue!"

When the ghost-faced woman heard Niu Hao say that she wanted to continue, she cursed "idiot" in her heart.

I saw that she continued to operate on the tablet device in her hand. It looked flawless on the surface, but she didn't know that this device had already been tampered with by her.

These magical beasts looked random, but they were actually carefully arranged by her. The reason why she chose to repair Niu Hao today was because the Lord of the Niu Tou was present, and the warden did not dare to favor anyone.

If the situation just now happened in the past, the warden would have used his privileges to ask Niu Hao to challenge him with a monster.

The monster on the public screen started to jump again, and when it finally stopped, it was still a black gold frame with "NO·1" written on the top!


In an instant, the entire auditorium was boiling again, and discussions began to arise.

"Oh my God! This Niu Hao is too unlucky! It's the first time he met the third-ranked Thunder Titan, but this time he even met the first-ranked Evil-Eyed Sky Spider!"

"The evil-eyed sky spider... I heard that it has reached a full 300 consecutive victories. Basically, it is a dead word when encountering it!"

"It was really worth buying the tickets this time. Seeing the Thunder Titan is already enough money, but I also saw the evil-eyed sky spider. It's bloody money!"


Many people in the auditorium couldn't sit still, they stood up excitedly, wanting to witness this legendary existence for the first time.

When Niu Hao saw the four words of despair on the public screen, he almost knelt down on the spot. He was playing with a ball of wool!

The host was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and said in a deep voice, "Contestant Niu Hao's luck is really... not bad! He even won the Xeon of the Calamity Ranking twice in a row, and he is also the No. 1 evil beast! Eye Sky Spider, let us wait and see what the outcome will be!"

"Your sister, you call it good luck?" Niu Hao cursed in his heart, but he could only force himself to smile for the sake of face.

He is considering whether to give up this beast fight, but this is just the Evil Eye Sky Spider, if he gives up, the blood points that will be subtracted will be astronomical!

The Xieyan Sky Spider is a strong player who has won 300 consecutive victories, which means that the blood points are automatically increased by 30 times, that is, 3000 blood points.

Also, if you voluntarily give up, ten times the blood points will be deducted, which is 30,000 blood points. After seven or eight years of hard work, I have saved less than 30,000 blood points!

That means that if you give up, your blood points will become negative and will be wiped out instantly!


Niu Hao began to realize the seriousness of the problem, this is death anyway!

Just as Niu Hao's thoughts were churning, a huge dark crack appeared in the sky directly above the Endless Colosseum, which exceeded 100 meters!

Before the dark rift was fully opened, several evil eyes emitting a faint red light flashed away, and a strong aura of ancient monsters gradually permeated.

Ancient, desolate, violent, fiery...


A scarlet spider claw that was sharper than a war knife protruded from the dark crack, easily piercing the alloy field to a depth of half a meter!

Niu Hao finally came to his senses, his combat awareness was also superb, and he wanted to cut off the evil-eyed sky spider's leg before it fully emerged!

"Death rolling! Attack the joints!" Niu Hao held back his fear, tried his best to calm himself down, and made the best judgment.

The golden-armored crocodile dragon was actually very frightened, but it still mustered up the courage to rush towards the dark red spider leg that just protruded.

The astonishingly penetrating death roll attacked the spider leg joint very precisely, but just as it was about to succeed, several evil eyes in the dark crack emitted a dazzling light!


Eight crimson light beams as thick as water tanks gathered together and bombarded the golden-armored crocodile dragon beast that was about to succeed.


There was only a loud bang, and the golden-armored crocodile dragon didn't even have the chance to snort, and it instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and the golden-armored crocodile dragon beast that fought against Thunder Titan before was instantly killed in front of the evil-eyed sky spider!

In an instant, the entire Endless Colosseum fell silent, and everyone showed incredible expressions.

too strong, too strong


As expected of a legendary monster that has won 300 consecutive victories, it really is an invincible existence!

When people were shocked, the evil-eyed sky spider completely got out of the dark crack, and its huge body was completely displayed in people's sight.

The length exceeds 100 meters, and the height has reached half a hundred. The overall appearance is dark red, with flame patterns all over the body, and dark red flames are still burning on the eight legs!

The eight crimson evil eyes were staring at Niu Hao, as if staring at his prey, as lava-like saliva flowed from its mouth, and fell to the ground with a "chi chi chi chi" sound.

The sharp spider legs of the evil-eyed sky spider swung up and down slowly, approaching Niu Hao bit by bit.

Niu Hao was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and kept falling backwards. He had never seen such a terrifying ancient natural disaster-level monster.

I saw the Xieyan Sky Spider raised its spider leg high, and attacked Niu Hao in front of him at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

Niu Hao subconsciously wanted to block it with the meteor hammer beside him, but he didn't expect that the meteor hammer was cut in half easily, and the sharp spider legs directly cut off his left leg!


A howl of pain came from Niu Hao's mouth, with despair and fear written all over his eyes.

The reason why the evil-eyed sky spider didn't kill him immediately was because it was torturing and taking revenge.

Because just now Niu Hao wanted to sneak attack on the Xieyan Sky Spider's left leg, and it happened to cut off his left leg this time, all of this must not be a coincidence!

This natural disaster-grade monster is different from ordinary monsters. It should have a strong sense of revenge and wisdom. I'm afraid it won't let him die so easily...

"I...I admit defeat!" Niu Hao shouted at the top of his voice, wanting to end the beast fight as soon as possible.

Even if he died because of negative blood points, it was better than being tortured to death by this evil-eyed sky spider!


As soon as the words fell, thick iron chains popped out of the surrounding walls of the Colosseum, and were wrapped around the eight legs of the Evil-eyed Sky Spider.

But even so, there is no way to completely make the Xieyan Sky Spider completely surrender, and he keeps trying to break free from this restraint, only to see that the flames on his eight spider legs are getting more and more vigorous, and it seems that the heavy chains are about to be given away. fuse.

It has achieved a hundred consecutive victories, and if it is willing to surrender, it will naturally be released, which shows how rebellious the evil-eyed sky spider is...

"Presumptuous, get the hell out of here!"

The Bull Head Palace Master, who had not spoken all this time, let out a roar like thunder on the ground. The terrifying sonic boom turned into a strong hurricane and swept the audience!

The evil-eyed sky spider, who was still invincible just now, immediately stopped moving, and its whole body slowly shrank together, allowing it to be dragged back into the dark crack by the chain.

No matter how crazy the evil-eyed sky spider was, it would not dare to run wild in front of the dominator-level monsters. After feeling the anger of the bull-headed palace master, it instinctively did not dare to move at will.

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