God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1324 One step in place

Several black chains suddenly flew out of the dark crack, forcefully dragging the Evil-Eyed Sky Spider back into the dark crack.

The Endless Colosseum returned to calm again, and the audience was a little unresponsive, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

The blood point settlement on the public display screen began to jump continuously, and the final data was negative 30,000 blood points!

Immediately afterwards, the negative 30,000 blood points were constantly changing, and Niu Hao's original blood point data was also constantly changing. When the 30,000 blood points returned to zero, Niu Hao's blood point data also became negative.

And the Xieyan Sky Spider's winning streak went up to a new level, reaching an astonishing 301 consecutive victories.

Although these data have nothing to do with the Xieyan Sky Spider, but to Niu Hao, it is a bolt from the blue, which is deadly...


When everyone saw Niu Hao's final blood point settlement, they all gasped.

The more than 20,000 blood points accumulated over seven or eight years of hard work, not to mention the one-time deductions, have become negative, which makes people feel a little embarrassed...

"Hey...it's a pity, Niu Hao is quite a talent, but his luck is not very good." The Dark Demon Envoy shook his head, but there was an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth.

The expression of Niutou Palace Master didn't fluctuate much, he glanced at Niu Hao's blood point data lightly, and said lightly: "According to the rules..."

The warden couldn't help frowning, and said quickly: "My lord, Niu Hao is also a rare talent. He is the most promising person to stand out from the endless Colosseum. Isn't it a pity to kill him like this?" .”

"Huh? Are the rules of your fierce crowd that day a joke? Could it be that the deity wants to do it himself?"

The face of the master of the Niutou hall suddenly became gloomy, and the dark purple thunder light exploded in the palm of his right hand, and a huge black mace wrapped with dazzling lightning light appeared in his hand.

I saw him tightly holding the black mace with both hands, and lightly punching the ground, the entire Endless Colosseum trembled, revealing his domineering arrogance beyond doubt.

"This subordinate knows my mistake... Please Lord Hall Master make amends." The warden immediately lowered his head, and despite all his reluctance, he did not dare to continue to violate the wishes of the Lord Niutou, and immediately turned around and said loudly: " The Haoxue point is negative, according to the rules of the Heavenly Fiends, it will be wiped out on the spot!"

After all, a black chain protruded from the walls around the Endless Colosseum, precisely bound Niu Hao's only remaining leg, and moved it towards the blood-colored molten pool bit by bit. drag and drop.

Niu Hao was scared out of his wits. He clasped his hands tightly on the ground. His fingers had been worn out and were useless. He still approached the bloody lava pool at a constant speed, leaving a series of bloody marks on his path.

When he was not completely close to the blood-colored lava pool, a huge blood claw protruded out of the lava pool, grabbed Niu Hao suddenly, and easily broke the chain in an instant.

The huge blood claw disappeared in a flash, so fast that everyone present couldn't fully see it clearly, and the blood-colored molten pool returned to calm again.

Feng Yixiu's heart also trembled when he saw this huge blood claw, the water in this gluttonous dungeon is really deep!

Although the huge blood claw didn't reveal its body just now, the aura it exuded at that moment was no match for the Lord of the Bull Head. There is no doubt that it was an unrivaled monster.

The black mace in the hands of the Lord of the Niutou slowly dissipated, and he said in a deep voice: "Prisoner, the evil people have always followed the rules, I don't want to hear such unruly words from you again, otherwise you will know the consequences... "

"Yes... the subordinates must keep it in mind." The prison warden was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and nodded his head.

"I think you're tired too, go down and reflect on yourself... I'll leave this to me for the time being." The Dark Demon Envoy glared at the warden, and said calmly.

Hearing this, the warden's eyes gradually became cold, but seeing that the head of the Bull Head Palace didn't say anything, he turned and left the Endless Colosseum.

In fact, both the prison warden and the Dark Demon Envoy are high-level deacons, and they are logically at the same level, and the Dark Demon Envoy is not qualified to shout at him.

But the Black Demon Envoy, relying on his deep trust of the Niutou Palace Master, has always ignored the other senior deacons.

"My lord, please don't let your pride slip away, don't forget that there is a genius!" the Black Demon Envoy said softly.

The face of the master of the Niutou Palace gradually eased, and his gaze was slowly placed on Feng Yixiu, and he said lightly: "Yeah... the black demon envoy is right, then hurry up and start the next beast fight. Let's see what kind of abilities this woman with the true dragon battle spirit has..."

The Black Demon Envoy smiled and nodded: "I will not disappoint Lord Hall Master. The warden is not here. I will go and communicate with the Prison Envoy."

After saying that, the Black Demon Envoy stood up slowly, walked to the side of the Prison Envoy with graceful lotus steps, and said softly: "Little devil, the little trick of killing people with a knife is very good..."

The face of the ghost-masked woman hiding under the ghost-mask turned pale in an instant, her heart began to speed up suddenly, and she didn't utter a word for a long time.

She thought she was hiding it perfectly, and even the warden didn't see the flaw, but the Dark Demon Envoy spotted it, and she was flustered for a while, and she was a little at a loss.

"Don't be nervous, I didn't mean to expose you." The Black Demon Envoy stabilized the Prison Envoy with a single sentence, and said softly, "I just asked you to do me a small favor..."

"Your Majesty the Black Demon Envoy is very polite. No matter what you order, my subordinates will obey." The ghost-masked woman bowed her head and responded.

"It's really not a big deal,

The trick you just used against Niu Hao, I want you to use it again on Li Xiufeng! "The Black Demon Envoy said with a smile on his face, but his tone made people feel terrified.

"No... no problem, leave it to me." The ghost-faced woman dared not say a word, and agreed without thinking.

If the Black Demon Envoy told this secret to the warden or the Lord of the Bull Head, he might die a very miserable death.

Because they are all people who can't tolerate sand in their eyes, and they only have the iron law of the fierce people in their hearts, and they will definitely behead themselves to show the public...

The Dark Demon Envoy patted the ghost-faced Prison Envoy's shoulder with a smile, and said loudly: "Now the next contestant can enter the field!"

Feng Yixiu glanced at the public display screen, and walked out of the central cage slowly, without much pressure.

When he saw the number one monster on the natural disaster list appearing on the stage, it can be said that there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even felt a little sleepy.

There is no doubt that the evil-eyed sky spider is powerful, but he is not as good as Mimijielong. It may take some effort to deal with it, but it will definitely not be too much pressure.

The ghost-faced prison envoy originally didn't want to assassinate Feng Yixiu, but he had no choice but to be forced by the black devil envoy, so he had to repeat the same trick again, directly matching Feng Yixiu to the number one monster on the calamity list.

She has absorbed Niu Hao's experience just now, and she is going to do it in one step...

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