Feng Yixiu is a Level 6 Battle Spirit King, and the monsters corresponding to the level are disaster level monsters, so only the monsters on the disaster list can be selected in the lottery.

When the auditorium saw the purple-gold frame, they doubted their eyes a little. This is the third consecutive Warcraft drawn on the list, and it is also the number one on the list.

After a brief silence, lively discussions and disputes erupted in the auditorium again.

"This... this machine must be broken! Why is it the number one monster again!"

"You don't care about him... Anyway, let's enjoy watching it. You don't care if the machine is broken..."

"This newcomer is really pitiful. I heard that it was her first time participating in a beast fight, and she actually encountered such a situation. She is still a beautiful woman, so it is a pity to die like this..."


Everyone looked at Feng Yixiu with sympathy and regret, thinking that this person is really unlucky.

The Lord of the Niutou Palace also frowned slightly, shook his head and said: "Hey...it's a pity, there are not many geniuses who have real dragon battle spirits, and I plan to use her again after she becomes a blood mage. It seems that there is no chance now. .”

The Black Demon Envoy smiled and said nothing, staring at Feng Yixiu coldly with domineering eyes, as if he was afraid that Feng Yixiu would not know that it was her doing it.

Of course, Feng Yixiu noticed the black magician staring at him at the VIP table, and there was an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

I saw him clear his throat, and suddenly said loudly: "Sorry, I have a question to ask!"

In an instant, the hands of the ghost-faced woman trembled unconsciously. This kid shouldn't doubt himself...

If she would not dare to play like this anyway, it would be too outrageous to draw a monster on the beast list three times in a row.

This is the first time that the Lord of the Bull Head Palace who came to the Endless Colosseum will not doubt it. I am afraid that anyone with a discerning eye can see that there must be something tricky.

The Dark Demon Envoy was relatively calm, stood up slowly, and said loudly: "The monsters challenged here are all random, but there is no such thing as changing the monsters. Although you are indeed unlucky, there is no way, rules are rules, You still accept your fate!"

Feng Yixiu sneered, and said loudly: "I think you misunderstood. I don't want to do it all over again, but I want to ask if I can choose to challenge multiple monsters at the same time."

As soon as the words fell, the Colosseum, which was still noisy just now, instantly cooled down. Everyone looked at Feng Yixiu as if they were looking at a fool.

Isn't this woman crazy? It's unlucky enough for a war spirit king to challenge the number one monster on the calamity list, but he wants to make it harder for himself. Maybe he didn't take his brains when he went out...

Not only the audience present, but also the Black Demon Envoy and the Hall Master of the Bull Head in the VIP seats were stunned, with big question marks written all over their faces.

This guy must have broken the jar, didn't he think that he was dead anyway, and wanted to die more heroically?

"Hello? You're talking! Tell me if it's possible!" Feng Yixiu urged after he didn't get a reply for a long time.

"Li Xiufeng, there is indeed such a rule in the Endless Colosseum. If you challenge more than one monster at a time, you will get a bonus layer. If you challenge two monsters at the same time, you will get double the bonus layer. Three monsters will get triple layers, and so on. !” The Dark Demon Envoy responded with a cold expression.

"Then if I want to challenge ten calamity-level monsters, wouldn't I get ten times the blood points?" Feng Yixiu said with unconcealable excitement.

"Ten monsters are fine. This is also the upper limit of the endless Colosseum. If you insist on courting death, it will satisfy you..." the Dark Demon Envoy said coldly.

"Then ten monsters! But I still have an unfeeling request." Feng Yixiu smiled, and then said loudly again: "Can I just challenge the ten monsters on the disaster list, and don't play anything It's random, it's boring!"


These words were like a bolt from the blue, and the entire Endless Hunting Field was about to explode, and everyone stood up excitedly.

"This little Huniu is too crazy! This is simply not paying attention to the Endless Colosseum!"

"None of the Blood Spirit Kings in our Gluttonous Demon Palace dare to challenge more than three powerful monsters on the Calamity List at the same time. This battle spirit master woman is too arrogant!"

"A rookie King Zhan Ling dares to be so arrogant. I think she is just watching the sky from the bottom of a well. She probably didn't know how she died..."


If it is said that Feng Yixiu was sympathetic to Feng Yixiu before, then Feng Yixiu now can be said to have aroused public indignation.

The eyes of the Black Demon Envoy gradually became stern, and when he looked at Feng Yixiu again, he was a little apprehensive, as if he couldn't see through the woman in front of him who was only in the realm of the War Spirit King.

This feeling is really terrible, but it is only a moment of cranky thinking. After calming down, I shook my head. This kind of thing is impossible...

It's funny when I think about how I tried my best to make this woman disappear completely just now, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

There is no need to use means at all, this stupid woman will kill herself...

"You are a newcomer and you may not understand that the monsters on the challenge beast list do not need to be randomly selected, as long as you challenge anyone. Since you have said everything, then I can only satisfy you."

While the Black Demon Envoy was speaking, he looked at the ghost-faced Prison Envoy beside him, and nodded slightly.

Ghost Face Prison immediately began to operate on the instrument in his hand, and saw a corresponding change in the picture on the public screen.

Feng Yixiu's name remained unchanged on the left, but ten squares appeared on the right of his name, all of which were purple and gold squares, representing that they were all powerful monsters on the calamity list.

From top to bottom, they are ranked first to tenth, and the neat row looks very pleasing to the eye.

However, when they thought of the meaning represented by this list of monsters, everyone's faces became heavy, and it was undoubtedly fatal.

The Lord of the Niutou Palace didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and the eyes he looked at Feng Yixiu changed from admiration to shock, then to doubt, and finally returned to calm.

"This human woman is quite interesting, she is really courageous..." the master of Niutou looked at Feng Yixiu with great interest, and said in a deep voice.

"I think it's just grandstanding... I guess I think I'm bound to die, and I want to die a little more heroically." The Dark Demon Ambassador sat down slowly, and said in a cold voice.

"I don't think so, but I can't see through this human woman, maybe she can really perform miracles." The master of the bull head said very seriously.

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