When the Lord of the Niutou saw Feng Yixiu's final blood point data, even though he was mentally prepared, he was taken aback.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't have believed that someone could become a priest in one day.

Priests can be regarded as the core figures of the Heavenly Fiends, not only applicable in the Gluttonous Demon Palace, but also have a high status in the entire Heavenly Fiends.

I saw the owner of the Niutou Palace turn over his palm, and a token emitting a faint light appeared in his palm, with the word "priest" on it, and a special symbol representing the Taotie Demon Palace on the back.

"The master of this palace now officially announces that Miss Li Xiufeng has officially become a member of the Gluttonous Demon Palace and has officially conferred on her the Commander of Priests."

The voice of the Lord of the Bull Head Palace was like a drum and a bell in the evening, and the noise of the Colosseum was suppressed as soon as it came out.

After a moment of silence, there was a thunderous sound, and everyone looked at Feng Yixiu with deep envy.

Feng Yixiu looked solemn, and within a few volleys, he came to the head of the Niutou hall, and took the priest's token handed over by the other party with his own hands.

He glanced at the token in his hand first, but it was rather heavy, and seemed to be much more advanced than ordinary deacon tokens.

The Black Demon Envoy watched Feng Yixiu take the token she had dreamed of, her lips hidden under the black veil were almost bitten off, and the fire of jealousy burned in her heart.

"You can drop your blood now, and this token will recognize the owner." The head hall master explained.

Feng Yixiu nodded, bit his fingertips, and a drop of blood gradually melted into it, emitting a lavender gleam.

Then a lavender mark appeared on Feng Yixiu's left arm, which was the exclusive mark of the Taotie Demon Palace and a symbol of status.

The Black Demon Envoy looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile on his face, and said softly: "Congratulations, Miss Feng'er, you have become a priest just after entering the Taotie Demon Palace for a month, I am really envious of my sister..."

Feng Yixiu smiled faintly, and said with a sneer: "That is also delaying your blessing! If you hadn't sent me to the Endless Colosseum, I think I might still be a nobody now..."

Hearing this, the Black Demon Envoy was so angry that his body was trembling, but he didn't dare to attack in front of the Niutou Palace Master, so he could only swallow his anger.

"Sister Feng'er was joking... I did it for your own good. After all, this Endless Colosseum is the place where newbies can be promoted the fastest. I think with your ability, you will be able to get out soon. It really doesn't look like what I said. Material." The Dark Demon Envoy covered his face with a smile and said lightly.

"Oh? So I still have to thank you?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

"Thank you, but there is no need... After all, we are all on our own." The Dark Demon Envoy smiled.

"Hehe... Who is your own person, you, a little deacon, dare to talk to this priest like that?"

However, Feng Yixiu suddenly changed his face, and slapped the Dark Demon Envoy with a backhand, with a clear and crisp sound.

The Black Demon Envoy was beaten up on the spot, he never thought that Feng Yixiu would strike at the slightest disagreement, without any warning at all.


The Black Demon Envoy covered his blushing face, and looked at Feng Yixiu in astonishment.

"What are you? Could it be that you still want to do something?" Feng Yixiu said coldly with his hands folded around his chest.

"No... dare not."

The Black Demon Envoy first glanced at the Hall Master of the Bull Head, seeing that he hadn't said a word for himself from the beginning to the end, Dang even lowered his head and dared not refute.

The Lord of the Niutou Palace is not a fool, naturally he can see that there is a grudge between Feng Yixiu and the Black Demon Envoy, otherwise how could such a powerful Feng Yixiu appear in the Endless Colosseum inexplicably.

After seeing the potential of Feng Yixiu, he naturally sided with Feng Yixiu after weighing the pros and cons.

If Feng Yixiu was just an ordinary person, I am afraid that the Lord of the Niutou Palace would turn a blind eye...

"Black Demon Envoy, has this deity been too indulgent towards you recently, dared to abuse his power and send such a genius to such a dangerous place, if Miss Feng'er was not for her extraordinary strength, wouldn't she be killed by you?" The hall master acted as if he wanted to do business, and the Black Demon Envoy was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground immediately.

"My lord's redemption... I also lost my mind for a while, and I will never do it again in the future." The black demon ambassador felt the terrifying oppressive force on the bull's head, and his whole body trembled slightly.

"Go to the Blood Blade Hall to be punished. If I hear any dissatisfaction from you from Miss Feng'er in the future, it will not be as simple as being punished." The Niutou Palace Master shouted angrily.


The Dark Demon Envoy stood up slowly, and her pale face was pressed down by several guards beside the Lord of the Bull Head.

"Miss Feng'er... are you satisfied with this kind of punishment?" The master of Niutou looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile in his eyes.

"Everything should be done according to the rules of the evil people, I have no objection." Feng Yixiu responded with his head bowed.

"Miss Feng'er really distinguishes between public and private!" The more the master of Niutou Palace looked at Feng Yixiu, the more pleasing it was to his eyes, and he smiled immediately: "This is the first time you have come to the Taotie Dungeon, I will take you to the Taotie Demon Palace to see it now Look, I will take you to get familiar with it by the way."

After saying that, the Lord of the Niutou stood up slowly, and sat on a very luxurious car.

Feng Yixiu nodded, and immediately summoned the Azure Jade Dragon, but he didn't immediately follow the pace of the Niutou Palace Master, but walked quickly to the side of the ghost-faced woman.

When the prison envoy saw Feng Yixiu walking towards this side, he was frightened.

Almost crying, trembled: "No...it's none of my business, Lord Priest! The Dark Demon Envoy asked me to do this. I really don't want to hurt you."

Feng Yixiu lowered his voice, and said in a deep voice: "If you don't want me to pursue it, then take good care of Sister Roland, otherwise, you understand the consequences..."

"Don't worry, my lord priest, I promise to take good care of them!" Seeing Feng Yixiu, the prison officer, he did not pursue the matter, and the big stone in his heart finally fell.

I saw Feng Yixiu patted the prisoner's shoulder heavily, and immediately stood behind the Azure Jade Linlong, and quickly caught up with the chariot of the Lord of the Bull Head.

"Miss Feng'er, I've heard from the Black Demon Envoy that you seem to have a good relationship with the Long family?" The Niutou Hall Master glanced at Feng Yixiu, who was driving side by side, and asked.

"To be exact, I have a good relationship with Long Yun, otherwise I wouldn't be able to have a real dragon battle spirit." Feng Yixiu smiled with a very sincere expression.

"Hahaha...Miss Feng'er's talent is not just a matter of a true dragon crystal core! I guess Long Xiao has also thrown an olive branch to you!" The master of the Niutou laughed heartily.

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