God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1334 The Blood Blade Hall

"That's not true. I was originally a member of the Wind Department of the East China Alliance. I met Long Yun by accident because of a mission. I haven't met Patriarch Long yet." Feng Yixiu had already thought up his words.

The reason why he said that he is a member of the wind department of the East China Alliance is naturally for his own considerations, so that the probability of revealing his flaws will be greatly reduced.

If it was a student from the Four Great Sacred Academy, he couldn't guarantee whether the other party would send someone to check if there was such a person.

The Stroke Department of the Seven Headquarters is the most mysterious, in which the information of important members is kept confidential and cannot be investigated at all, so the security has been greatly improved.

Anyway, there are quite a few people from the Alliance Headquarters among the fierce people, this identity issue will not have any impact, but will make the other party pay more attention to themselves.

Because of this identity, it is possible to be a spy, especially rebels can better hide their identities...

Sure enough, when the Lord of the Niutou heard that Feng Yixiu was originally from the East China Headquarters, his eyes lit up.

"Then Miss Feng'er has become a blood psychic now, shouldn't she have any regrets?" Niutou Palace Master asked softly, dazzled.

"I have to say... During this month in the dark dungeon, I really realized the evil of human nature. Those war spirit masters who claimed to be righteous before would kill their compatriots just for a bite! What kind of justice? It is still evil, only fists are the last word." Feng Yixiu replied without hesitation.

Feng Yixiu had already become a blood psychic, so it can be said that he has a very thorough understanding of the thoughts of a blood psychic, and he would never make any mistakes on such a superficial question.

"Hahaha... I now understand why you became a rebel so quickly, your comprehension is indeed very high!" The master of Niutou looked at Feng Yixiu with even hotter eyes, and the worries in his heart disappeared completely .

"My lord, I'm just expressing my true thoughts..." Feng Yixiu clasped his fists and smiled.

"If it's possible, I would like to accept you as my closed disciple. I wonder if Miss Feng'er would like to?" Niutou Palace Master slowly turned his head and looked at Feng Yixiu very seriously.

Feng Yixiu almost didn't think too much, and immediately said loudly: "It's my blessing that the master of the hall can accept me as a closed disciple. How can I dare to say whether I want to or not..."

If he became the closed disciple of the master of the Niutou Palace, wouldn't he be able to travel unimpeded in the Taotie Demon Palace? Of course, Feng Yixiu would not give up on such a good thing.

"Hahaha... I like you as a straightforward person! From now on, don't call me the master of the bull head, just call me the master." The master of the bull head agreed without hesitation when he saw Feng Yixiu, and his mood was even better. .


Feng Yixiu kept his eyes on the terrain and landforms under his feet when he was talking with the Lord of the Niutou, trying to imprint all the landforms of the Taotie Dungeon in his mind.

It has to be said that the scope of the entire Taotie Dungeon is extremely exaggerated, almost the same size as Qinglong City. Various dark buildings are scattered in various places, which seem to be in order.

After a while, Feng Yixiu came to the center of the Taotie Dungeon, which is the Taotie Demon Palace.

The buildings in the Gluttonous Demon Palace are obviously much denser, and the population is also denser than other places.

Everyone put down their work when they saw the owner of the Niutou Temple drive away, and knelt down to salute.

"This is the Gluttonous Demon Palace. Only people above the level of a deacon are eligible to enter and leave this place, and the most central palace is my Gluttonous Palace, where I usually live." The head of the Niutou Palace flew around the Gluttonous Demon Palace, While introducing Feng Yixiu.

"Wow...it looks really spectacular!" Feng Yixiu said in surprise.

"If you like, you can also live in the Taotie Palace on weekdays. With your status as a priest, no one will say anything." The master of the Niutou Palace said in a deep voice.

"Then thank you, master." Feng Yixiu cupped his fists to express his gratitude.

Feng Yixiu's gaze began to sweep back and forth in the Taotie Palace, and immediately pointed to a majestic building, asking: "Master... what is that building for?"

"That is the Blood Blade Hall, and it is also a department responsible for law enforcement. Their task is to maintain the rules of the evil people." The master of the Niutou explained very patiently, and then said lightly: "The black magician should be punished inside right now. Bar……"

"Punishment? What punishment will the Black Demon Envoy receive?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"Those who abuse their power will have their ten finger caps removed, and they will be fined 10,000 blood points..." the head master of the Niutou wrote lightly.


Feng Yixiu couldn't help but gasped, it was too cruel.

The punishment for this kind of abuse of power is so severe, if they are rebellious, they will probably be put to death early!

No wonder there is such an order among the fierce crowd, and there is no one who is not afraid of such a severe punishment...

"What is that building? It looks very lively?" Feng Yixiu pointed to a building with people coming and going, and asked.

The Lord of Niutou looked at Feng Yixiu, smiled and said: "That place is called Tianji Hall, and it is also one of the most important places, no matter who wants to get blood points, there will be the only place. "

Feng Yixiu nodded, silently remembering this place in his heart.

"Master... besides being promoted, what else does this blood point do?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"Blood spots are fierce

The crowd can be said to represent everything, as long as you pay the corresponding price, you can exchange for all the things you need! "The master of the Niutou Palace said so.

"Really? Can the real dragon crystal core be exchanged?" Feng Yixiu immediately asked.

The reason why he asked this question was naturally because he wanted to know whether there was a real dragon crystal core in the Taotie Demon Palace, so that it would not be a waste of time.

"Of course! But you don't need this kind of thing now, after all, you already have the real dragon battle spirit." The head of the bull head said in a deep voice.

"Hey... I'm not thinking about the future, after all, I will always become Zhan Lingzun in the future." Feng Yixiu smiled.

Sure enough, as expected, the real dragon crystal nucleus of the Long family must have been transported to the Taotie Demon Palace, so it is not wrong for him to come here.

If all these true dragon crystal cores are used by the blood magus, it will definitely increase the strength of the fierce people several steps, which will be a devastating disaster for the War Spirit Alliance.

In any case, the true dragon crystal core must be taken back as soon as possible, so that the loss can be recovered as soon as possible...

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