God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1335 Holy Spirit Book

"It's true, it's a good thing to plan ahead, but compared to the real dragon crystal core, I believe there is one more thing that you are definitely interested in!" The head master of the bull head showed a mysterious smile and said lightly.

"Oh? Could it be that there is something more precious than the True Dragon Crystal Core?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

"The True Dragon Crystal Core is indeed precious, but it is still incomparable to the treasures of the two town halls of the Gluttonous Demon Palace." The head of the Niutou Palace said loudly.

"Master, don't be a fool, just tell me..." Feng Yixiu said impatiently.

"The treasures of the so-called gluttonous demon palace, one is the gluttonous magic bead, but it has been exchanged by Long Yun for a huge amount of blood points, and it is still missing now. The second is the holy spirit book, its The value is even more precious than the gluttonous magic bead." The head of the Niutou Palace explained.

"I know the gluttonous magic bead, but what is the holy spirit book?" Feng Yixiu was a little curious.

"The so-called holy spirit book is a treasure that only the holy spirit king can possess. It is left behind by the gluttonous demon. At the beginning, the gluttonous demon was too powerful to come through the dark crack. At that time, he could only become a treasure through the demon contract. Human battle spirits are stored in the book of demons all day long, but when the gluttonous demon became the holy spirit, he killed his master and broke away from the book of the holy spirit, thus forming this precious book of the holy spirit .”

The Lord of the Niutou seems to have fallen into a distant memory, and his eyes have become deep.

"What? The Taotie Demon Lord was actually a human war spirit before?" Feng Yixiu's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"More than three hundred years ago, the laws of this world were relatively strong. The stronger the monsters, the stronger the backlash. Such powerful existences as the four fierce beasts could not come at all. At that time, they could only actively cooperate with humans. Only then can we continue to grow, but now the confinement of the laws of the world is getting weaker and weaker, so we can see that the monsters descending through the dark cracks are getting stronger and stronger." The master of the bull head explained very seriously.

"The Taotie Demon Lord also grew up as a war spirit?" Feng Yixiu was a little confused.

"That's right, ever since he became the holy spirit, he slaughtered his master with his own hands and became a true legendary monster. After that, he has been following Emperor Molong to conquer the world." The head of the Niutou said in a deep voice.

"So, the Holy Spirit Book is the product of the gluttonous Demon Venerable devouring the Lord?" Feng Yixiu guessed.

"That's right... Only the legendary Holy Spirit can survive without the Holy Spirit Book, and the four great beasts, including Emperor Molong, were all like this at the beginning." The master of the Niutou Palace replied seriously.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu nodded seriously, he also knew that what the Lord of the Niutou said was the truth, and it was not made up to attract himself to work for the evil people.

Because he had really seen the living Azure Dragon Holy Spirit, and the owner of the Azure Dragon had already died at that time.

It stands to reason that Qinglong cannot survive alone. For example, if Feng Yixiu dies now, the Azure Jade Linlong will also die with it, but it has survived until now.

However, Feng Yixiu didn't understand a little bit. If he said that, Qinglong should also leave a Holy Spirit Book, but he didn't see it.

There are two possibilities. The first is that Qinglong's book of the holy spirit has disappeared in the long river of history, and the second is that only the master of devouring can produce the book of the holy spirit.

"Master, is there any restriction on the production of this Holy Spirit Book? If the master dies, will the Holy Spirit Book be left alone?" Feng Yixiu raised a question in his heart.

"No... Only the Lord Devourer can produce the Holy Spirit Book. At that time, the Holy Spirit will no longer be the Holy Spirit, but will become a real monster, so they don't have to be bound by the Holy Spirit Book. On the contrary, the Holy Spirit Book will follow the Holy Spirit. Dissipate." The master of the Niutou Palace patiently explained.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu roughly understood the conditions for the production of the Holy Spirit Book. You must become the Holy Spirit King to have the Holy Spirit Book, and you must devour the Lord to become a monster, so the Holy Spirit Book can be kept alone.

These two conditions can be said to be very harsh, and it is almost impossible to achieve it in the current situation. Just a Holy Spirit King realm can stop everyone, let alone the situation of Devouring the Lord.

Generally, war spirits and their masters get along day and night. It can be said that they have been cultivated since childhood, and the relationship between each other is also very deep. I am afraid that only natural evil beasts like the four fierce beasts will do such things as devouring the master.

"But what is the function of this sacred book?" Feng Yixiu asked again.

"Now the first page of this Holy Spirit Book is empty, that is to say, the holder can use this Holy Spirit Book to make monsters your battle spirit!" The Bull Head Palace Master smiled and said lightly.

"Is it really possible to make a monster into a battle spirit?" Feng Yixiu asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

If this is really the case, this holy spirit book can really be said to be a priceless treasure, even the gluttonous magic bead is not as precious as it!

This is a treasure with infinite possibilities. If you only have it, wouldn't it be possible to have a second battle spirit, and you can choose your own battle spirit.

Do not! For me, that is the third battle spirit!

Seeing Feng Yixiu's excitement, the Lord of Niutou Palace nodded with a smile, and said lightly: "Of course it can be done, but the conditions are also very harsh. You must submit to the monster, and if you want to use this Holy Spirit Book , you must have the gluttonous magic bead, otherwise you are not qualified to use it at all."

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu showed a knowing smile, the gluttonous magic bead is now in the

In his hands, as long as he can get the Holy Spirit Book from the Taotie Demon Palace, he can use it himself!

"Actually, it's too early to tell you this. After all, if you want to obtain the Holy Spirit Book, you must become a high priest to be eligible to obtain it, and the blood points you need are also astronomical." "The reason why the teacher told you so much is to make you work harder and strive to become the high priest as soon as possible."

"I heard that Long Yun is the high priest, how did he become the high priest?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"This was originally a secret, but you are your own person now, so it's okay to tell you. Because Long Yun found the Dragon Tomb of the Ancient War, he dedicated half of the real dragon crystal core to the Taotie Demon Palace in exchange for a lot of blood points , not only became the High Priest, but also exchanged for the Gluttonous Magic Orb, it's a pity..." the Niutou Palace Master sighed.

"I will definitely avenge Long Yun and get back the Taotie magic bead as soon as possible!" Feng Yixiu said vowedly.

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