"Then let's go now!" Sylvia walked towards Feng Yixiu with a smile, took Feng Yixiu's arm very naturally, and said softly: "Don't call me Senior Sister anymore, just call me Sister Wei Ya is alright, it looks more kind this way."

"Okay... Sister Wei Ya." Feng Yixiu felt the softness beside him, and a touch of blush crept up his cheeks.

Not long after, Feng Yixiu, led by Sylvia, came to an extremely luxurious mansion, which is a place where only priests are qualified to live.

Under Sylvia's arrangement, Feng Yixiu moved in smoothly. At the beginning, he was really not used to it.

There are dozens of servants in the mansion where he lives, among them the one with the lowest level is the War Spirit King, and the butler is even a level seven War Spirit Master.

When these people heard that Feng Yixiu was a priest, they were also shocked for a while, but they immediately reacted and their attitude became very respectful.

The ranks in the Taotie Demon Palace are very strict. Although some servants have a higher realm than Feng Yixiu, there will never be any disrespect for Feng Yixiu.

If this is the case, I am afraid that the Blood Blade Hall will let them know what the rules are...

Not only that, but they will also especially respect those who have achieved high status at a low level, because these people either have extremely high potential, or have special skills, in short, they are extremely important people to the Gluttonous Demon Palace.

Since Feng Yixiu entered the mansion, it can be said that he has been arranged clearly. He almost doesn't need to do it himself in his daily life, and the service can be said to be very thoughtful.

The only thing that bothers him a little is that these servants are paid by themselves every month, which means that they have to pay a large amount of blood points every month.

However, for Feng Yixiu, who has nearly 3 million blood points, these salaries are just drizzle, and there is not much pressure.

Feng Yixiu took a hot bath comfortably. When he was in the dark dungeon, taking a bath can be said to be a very luxurious thing.

The previous injuries in the Colosseum were almost recovered with the help of Queen Blackthorn, and after finishing the repair, he went out non-stop.

He seems to be wandering aimlessly in the Gluttonous Demon Palace, but he is actually observing the terrain and defense situation of the Gluttonous Demon Palace, and then prepares to draw a perfect topographic map and defense map with his strong memory.

As long as you have these two things, the difficulty of sweeping the gluttonous dungeon will be greatly reduced.

For a whole month, Feng Yixiu has been wandering around the Taotie Dungeon, sweeping almost every corner of the Taotie Demon Palace.

All important checkpoints and teleportation arrays were recorded, and all heavily fortified places were specially marked.

But the only thing that makes him regret is that he does not have permission to enter the Treasure Pavilion, which should be the place where the True Dragon Crystal Core and the Holy Spirit Book are stored.

"Phew...the painting is finally finished."

Feng Yixiu put down the pen in his hand and moved his sore wrist.

"Hey... It's a pity that I still don't have the chance to get in touch with the Treasure Pavilion. It seems that I have to find a way to earn a wave of blood points." Feng Yixiu looked at the topographic map in front of him and frowned.

"Clang clang clang..."

Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door, and Feng Yixiu immediately put all the blueprints in front of him into the ring.

Feng Yixiu slowly got up to open the door, saw the person in front of him, smiled and said: "Sister Wei Ya... I thought who it was!"

"What? Don't you welcome sister?" Sylvia said softly.

"Of course you are welcome... please come in quickly." Feng Yixiu made a gesture of invitation, and closed the door after Sylvia entered the room.

Sylvia sat down very gracefully, glanced around a little, and said with a smile: "Sister Feng'er, I've heard some gossip outside recently, and I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Sister Wei Ya, but it doesn't matter." Feng Yixiu sat aside slowly, and said in a deep voice.

"Sister, I heard that you have never been to the Heavenly Ominous Hall since you became a blood psychic. Recently, many people have some opinions on your becoming a priest. Do you know about this?" Sylvia asked worriedly.

"I haven't heard of this." Feng Yixiu shook his head.

"Some people who like to gossip, say that you took advantage of the loophole of the Endless Colosseum, did not make any contribution to the Gluttonous Demon Palace, and were not qualified to be a priest at all. When I heard that, I was very angry. Teach those tongue-twisting people a good lesson!" Sylvia said solemnly.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu also fell into silence. Although these words were a bit suspicious of jealousy, it was inevitable that the three of them would become tigers.

If he has not acted all the time, even if he is in a high position, the future result will not be very good. Bai Yuan is a good example.

Seeing Feng Yixiu, Sylvia looked dignified, and said softly: "Although these people have bad mouths, my sister can't help thinking about the future. Even if the Lord Palace Master wants to reuse you, he must take everyone's feelings into account, so... "

Feng Yixiu stretched out his hand abruptly, and said with a smile: "I understand what my sister means, but I'm actually going to go to the Tianji Hall to have a look!"

No wonder the Lord of the Niutou didn't come to him these days, it seems that he is a little disappointed in himself...

But yes, I have been in the Gluttonous Demon Palace for a month, and I really haven't done a single thing for the Gluttonous Demon Palace.

This is him, if it were someone else, I am afraid that those jealous blood magisters would have come to him long ago, so how could he wander around safely.

"Since my sister has already planned, then

It couldn't be better, why don't my sister accompany you for a walk? "Sylvia stood up immediately, a little excitedly.

"Then I will trouble my sister." Feng Yixiu stood up slowly and smiled.

"No trouble, no trouble, taking care of my junior sister is what I should do as a senior sister." Sylvia smiled.


Heavenly evil hall.

"Are there so many people here every day?" Feng Yixiu frowned as he looked at the bustling Tianji Hall in front of him.

"The Heavenly Fierce Hall is the only place where you can earn blood points, so of course it's very lively." Sylvia explained with a smile.

Under the leadership of Sylvia, Feng Yixiu walked slowly to the interior of the Heavenly Fiend Hall, and saw a huge Heavenly Fiend Totem head-on.

The engravings on the totem of this day's ominous totem are the four fierce beasts. Just by looking at the totem, you can see the whole leopard at a glance. The majesty and ferocious power of the four fierce beasts can be compared with the four holy spirits!

"This is the totem of our Heavenly Fiends. On it are the four most respected beasts among the Heavenly Fiends. The one on the far left is the Gluttonous Demon Lord."

Sylvia saw that Feng Yixiu seemed to be somewhat interested in this evil totem, so she began to introduce it.

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