Feng Yixiu nodded silently, and asked, "I don't know if this gluttonous demon is still alive."

"Of course I'm still alive, but I'm still in the sealed state, but I heard that it won't be long before I can break through the seal." Sylvia said in a deep voice.


Feng Yixiu's expression became a little dignified, and he responded subconsciously.

The Gluttonous Demon Lord is about to lift the seal, and it is estimated that there will be a bloody storm at that time...

"Let's go in quickly." Silvia reminded in a low voice.

Only then did Feng Yixiu come back to his senses, and immediately walked towards the interior of the Heavenly Fierce Hall, which was even more mysterious this day.

There are more than one floor in the Tianji Hall, presenting a tower-like structure, the number of people is obviously much less as you go up.

Each floor has a huge bulletin board with various dark missions posted on it. The first floor is almost all C-level dark missions.

Feng Yixiu stayed on the first floor for a while, and found that the tasks here are quite simple, but the blood points that can be obtained are very few.

He casually looked at some C-level dark missions, and couldn't help frowning, almost all of them were very bloody missions.

For example, there is a long-term mission, which is to capture ordinary humans as blood bags. An ordinary person can exchange ten blood points, and there is no upper limit.

The so-called blood bag is to raise human beings as livestock that provide blood, and then continuously draw their blood. Feng Yixiu has also seen such a practice before.

At the beginning, Feng Yixiu had wiped out such an organization, but he didn't expect that it was just the lowest level of the dark mission among the evil people...

Another task is to capture the War Spiritualist. As long as he is captured in the Gluttonous Demon Palace, he will be rewarded with a sum of blood points. If he is converted into a blood spiritualist, he will be rewarded with a large amount of blood points .

The amount of the reward is related to the realm of the war spirit master. The rate of return is much higher than that of catching ordinary humans, and it is naturally much more difficult...

In short, only Feng Yixiu can't think of it, there is absolutely nothing that the fierce people dare not do, it can be said that they can do everything except personnel matters!

Feng Yixiu glanced around the taskbar, his expression became gloomy involuntarily.

How do you let yourself complete this kind of task? !

You can't really arrest a few innocent ordinary people in order to gain the trust of the fierce people. Feng Yixiu really can't do such a thing.

No wonder Bai Yuan was bullied even if he got into the Taotie Demon Palace. How could he do this kind of dark mission with no bottom line?

Just when Feng Yixiu was in a dilemma, the whispering on the side made Feng Yixiu react.

"Isn't this the genius who was accepted as a closed disciple by the Palace Master not long after he came?"

"He's still a priest anyway, how can he compete with us low-level deacons for tasks?"

"It's just... I'm not ashamed!"


Feng Yixiu couldn't help but blush when he heard the whispers around him.

"Let's go up and have a look... These tasks should be left to novices, you can't be hungry!" Sylvia whispered in Feng Yixiu's ear.

"Isn't this the first time I've come here... I'm just curious, I don't want to do it." Feng Yixiu smiled a little embarrassedly, and then left the bulletin board in desperation, and quickly walked towards the Tianji Hall Go to the second floor.

Feng Yixiu walked towards the high-level and asked, "What level of tasks do the general priests complete?"

"The priest level is already regarded as a core member in the Sky Ominous Group. They usually complete tasks above the S level. For our level, other tasks can be said to be a drop in the bucket, and it is also a waste of resources. Basically, You don't think about it, that's why those low-level deacons have such a big opinion on you." Sylvia explained very patiently.

"How many blood points can that S-level mission get?" Feng Yixiu wanted to stay on the second floor for a while, but was forced by Sylvia to continue walking up.

"The missions above S-level are on the fourth floor. Let's stop grabbing other people's jobs." Sylvia muttered in a low voice, and then explained: "As for S-level missions, the range of blood points that can be obtained is 10,000 to 100,000." 10,000, the range of blood points for SS-level missions is from 100,000 to 1 million, and so on..."

Not long after, Feng Yixiu came to the fourth floor. The number of people here was obviously much smaller than that on the first floor, and it was no longer so crowded.

The fourth floor is the highest floor of Tianji Hall, and it is also a place where people above the priest level often haunt, and the aura it presents is completely different from the rest of the floors.

When Feng Yixiu and Sylvia appeared, they quickly attracted the attention of people at this level. I don't know if it was Feng Yixiu's illusion. The eyes of these people looking at him seemed to be somewhat hostile.

A luxuriously dressed man in white with snow fox fur hanging around his neck walked slowly towards Feng Yixiu, and respectfully bowed towards Sylvia.

"Elder Sister, what wind brought you here?" The man in white was very respectful to Sylvia, but he didn't seem to notice Feng Yixiu, and he didn't pay attention at all.

"I don't have anything to do today, so I came here specially to bring my junior sister over to pick up the task." Sylvia replied blankly.

"Yo! So it's the new 'big red man' from our Gluttonous Demon Palace. I didn't see it at the moment. I'm really disrespectful..." The man in white glanced at Feng Yixiu, and said with a strange air.

Feng Yixiu frowned, thinking that he didn't seem to have offended this person, why did this person seem to be

against yourself.

"You're being polite... I didn't recognize who you are." Feng Yixiu replied indifferently, and said lightly: "Sister Wei Ya, are you familiar with this person?"

"I'm not very familiar, just met a few times." Sylvia smiled slightly and said softly.

"Then why did this person post here out of nowhere? The toad wants to eat swan meat? Then don't piss and take care of yourself!" Feng Yixiu said very indifferently.


The man in white was so angry that his face turned red, he pointed at Feng Yixiu angrily, but he couldn't say a word.

"Good dogs don't get in the way! I don't have so much time to waste!" Feng Yixiu shouted angrily, and the man in white was frightened by the powerful momentum and took a step back.

Feng Yixiu and Sylvia walked side by side, full of aura, many people saw that the two of them automatically separated from each other.

Sivir whispered in Feng Yixiu's ear: "This guy is one of the top ten priests of the Gluttonous Demon Palace, she is a mid-level priest, and she also has a younger sister who is a black magician who is responsible for guiding newcomers. "

"Oh... no wonder he is so hostile to me. It turns out he is the elder brother of the Black Demon Envoy. It's not like the whole family doesn't come into the house." Feng Yixiu nodded and muttered in a low voice.

The man in white stared viciously at Feng Yixiu's back, and cursed in his heart: "Huh... just a war spirit king, I want to see what tasks you can accept, my lord, I will ruin your reputation!"

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