Zhou Yuan took a brief look at the spirit research plan written by Feng Yixiu, frowned and said, "This pretending seems to be the case, but you must not think that you can get away with fooling around by just writing indiscriminately..."

Among the spectators, there were also several spiritual masters, and when they saw the three evolution plans written by Feng Yixiu, they all frowned.

"The logic of the three spirit research plans is very strict, and it is definitely not something that laymen can write. It seems that this little girl is indeed a spirit researcher..."

"It's okay for this girl to be a spiritual researcher, but the evolutionary materials in this evolution plan seem a little too common, and it doesn't look like a more advanced spiritual research plan."

"Although I am also a senior spiritual researcher, I really can't see whether these three spiritual research plans are effective. I still have to go through a professional test to know..."

Several spiritual researchers dare not directly judge the authenticity of the spiritual research plan written by Feng Yixiu, which is already beyond their level.

Zhou Yuan heard the words of several professional spiritual masters, and said in a deep voice: "A few of you should be brothers from the Blood Spirit Hall, right? I wonder if you can please bring these spiritual research plans to the Blood Spirit Hall for appraisal..."

"My lord is being polite, in fact, that's exactly what I mean." A man with silver eyes cupped his hands.

Regardless of whether it is the blood spirit world or the battle spirit world, the status of a spirit researcher is extremely high, and has always been respected and loved by people.

Feng Yixiu rolled up the three spirit research plans together, and immediately said in a deep voice: "I'll go with you... so that you don't make any moves."

But before he stood up, Zhou Yuan forcibly held him down, and said in a cold voice, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking? You're looking for a chance to escape, you don't want to take a step out of here today... "


A heavy tail strike hit Zhou Yuan's abdomen, and the violent force sent him flying, and it was heavily imprinted on the wall.

"Do you really think that I dare not touch you?" Sylvia slowly pulled back her slender snake tail, then looked at Feng Yixiu, and said softly: "Give me these three evolution plans Well, I'll send you to the Hall of the Blood for testing."

Feng Yixiu only hesitated for a second, and then handed over the three completed evolution plans to Sylvia.

He has always believed in his intuition, Sylvia is a trustworthy person, at least she will not harm herself...

Sylvia took the three research plans from Feng Yixiu, and said with a smile, "Don't worry... I will definitely hand them over to the Master of the Blood Spirit Hall."

Zhou Yuan wiped away the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and the eyes he looked at Sylvia could burst into flames.

If he hadn't been concerned about Sylvia's identity, he would have violently hurt others a long time ago, how could he endure such a useless attitude!

"I call you Senior Sister to save face. Don't forget that I am a middle-level priest. If it is based on the level, you have to call me Commander. Do you really think that our worship hall is a vegetarian?" Zhou Yuan covered himself The belly slowly got up from the ground, like a snow leopard that could explode and hurt people at any time.

"Hmph... do it if you have the ability, and be honest if you don't dare!" Sylvia snorted coldly, showing no sign of fear at all.

"You! Very good..." Zhou Yuan laughed back angrily, "This matter is not so easy to settle. If these three evolution plans are fake, I'd like to see how you end up!"

"You don't need to worry about me!"

After saying that, Sylvia quickly left the top floor of Tianji Hall, and the rest of the spiritual masters quickly followed after seeing this.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire Tianjiu Hall became solemn, and the place where Feng Yixiu was was surrounded by water, as if he was afraid that Feng Yixiu would run away...

Feng Yixiu was reclining on the seat with a relaxed face, without any worry at all.

"Hey... I said you all are so exaggerated? I don't plan to run away, so I just sit down and rest..." Feng Yixiu said indifferently.

Zhou Yuan guarded the most important passage, and said with a sneer: "I'll see how long you can pretend, don't think that I will let down my vigilance, and I will personally send you to the Blood Blade Hall for execution!"

At this time, Zhou Yuan was convinced that Feng Yixiu was putting on airs, and it was impossible for anyone in this world to complete the three research plans in such a short period of time.

What's more, it is an extremely difficult research plan. If it is really that simple, these three research plans will not be rewarded in Tianji Hall for so long and no one will complete them...

"Hey... I really don't know good from bad, so you can do whatever you want!"

Feng Yixiu waved his hands with a smile, and immediately lay down on the table, a little tired, she actually fell asleep.

These days I have been busy with topographic maps and defense maps. In order to ensure the accuracy of the graphics, many of the key defense areas are on foot.

It took a lot of energy to continuously calculate the age and quality of the evolutionary materials just now to ensure that the validity period can be accurate to one month.

When everyone saw Feng Yixiu fell asleep, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, completely confused.

"I'm going to die soon, but I can still sleep, what a big heart..."

"You said that the three research plans that this little girl just wrote are true, right? Or can I sleep peacefully?"

"How is it possible! Apart from other things, what kind of person is the master of the Blood Spirit Hall? He is a super-level spirit researcher. He can do things that old people can't do, and a little girl can write with a pen?"


The whole Heavenly Fierce Hall became a bit chaotic, but there was nothing wrong with it at all.

It didn't affect Feng Yixiu's sleep quality, and he still slept very soundly.

Zhou Yuan looked coldly at the sleeping Feng Yixiu, folded his arms, and said in a cold voice: "I want to see what tricks you play? Fight with me, you are too tender!"


Blood Hall.

A white ray of light rushed in with a "swish", directly overturning many spirit research masters who were working at their desks, and aroused a strong whirlwind.

Sylvia had already broken into the hall master's office before the spiritualists could see the figure clearly...

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Several weaker spiritual masters chased after them out of breath, and said weakly: "Master Sylvia, you are waiting for us!"

These are the few spiritual masters in the Heavenly Evil Hall. They are not high-level, and they will die if they keep up with Sylvia's speed...

"What... what's going on here? That white light just now was Sylvia?" A man in black wearing professional optical equipment came up and asked.

"Deputy hall master...that white light just now is indeed Lady Sylvia." The panting man paused for a long time, and spoke intermittently.

"Oh? Sylvia always goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Maybe there is something important. I have to go and see..." the deputy hall master murmured.

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