After making up his mind, the deputy hall master immediately walked towards the hall master's office, and immediately broke into the opened door.

But as soon as he entered, he saw the hall master, who is usually known for his prudence, looking at a stack of densely written rice paper, his hands were trembling uncontrollably, and there was joy that could not be concealed in his eyes .

"So that's how it that's how it is!" the white-haired old man said loudly to himself.

"My lord, what surprised you so much?" The deputy head walked up to the white-haired old man.

After a while, the expression of the deputy hall master and the expression of the white-haired old man can be said to be exactly the same, both of them are basically in a state of petrification.

"This... this is too ingenious! The problem that has plagued me for so many years can be solved with the most common seven-star grass and Duanyue magic bamboo!" The deputy hall master was also extremely excited.

What they are looking at now is the bounty task released by the Hall Master of the Blood Spirit. In fact, they have already researched more than half of it, but they just missed the last step. The problem of attribute reconciliation has not been resolved.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way. The Hall Master of the Blood Spirit Hall is a super-level spirit researcher, so he has already researched the reward task he issued.

When I saw the spiritual research plan written by Feng Yixiu just now, it was like a revelation, and the doubts in my heart for a long time were instantly resolved.

This is like solving a math problem. Although you still can't solve it, when you see the standard answer, you can immediately understand...

Sylvia was still very nervous at first, but after seeing the reactions of the two, she relaxed a lot.

These two can be said to be the two most powerful spiritual research masters in the Blood Spirit Hall, and even they feel admiration. It seems that there is absolutely no problem with these three spiritual research plans.

The white-haired old man slowly recovered from the state of shock, carefully placed the rice paper in his hand on the table, and tremblingly said: "Miss Sylvia, who is the author of these three spirit research plans?"

"Everyone shouldn't be counted... This is written by a little human girl who just entered the Gluttonous Demon Palace, and she is also my junior sister. She said that she just dabbled in the way of spiritual research." Sylvia was asked I was a little confused.

"What? Written by a little girl?" The deputy hall master suddenly took off the optical equipment worn on his eyes, and said excitedly.

"Sylvia... You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing!" The white-haired old man also looked serious.

"I'm not talking nonsense! I watched her write these with my own eyes. It took less than half an hour to write the three spirit research plans..." Sylvia said.

"Half...half an hour? You mean it took only half an hour for these three top-level spiritual research plans!" The deputy hall master almost doubted life, and his words were a little awkward.

"Hey... It seems that the old man is really old! The current wave is too fierce..." The white-haired old man smiled wryly and shook his head, mocking himself.

"Hall Master Gongsun, this is not the time to talk about these things. Junior sister is in danger now. If you don't show up again, I'm afraid she won't survive today!" Sylvia said anxiously.

"What do you mean by that?" The white-haired old man asked with some doubts.

He imagined that such a genius must be worshiped as a living Bodhisattva, so how could he fall into any crisis?

"The thing is like this..." Sylvia made a long story short, simply telling what happened.

"It makes no sense!"

The more Hall Master Gongsun heard, the angrier he became, and he slammed a crack on the desk in front of him.

"The guys in the worship hall are really getting more and more disrespectful. The people in our Blood Spirit Hall dare to move! I think they are tired of their work!" Hall Master Gongsun also said with righteous indignation.

"Eh... When did my junior sister become a member of your Blood Soul Hall?" Sylvia asked weakly.

"Hey... Isn't it a matter of time! Don't worry about these details..." Hall Master Gongsun waved his hand with a smile and said calmly.

"That's right! The Blood Spirit Hall is the most suitable place for such a genius in spiritual research!" The deputy head continued to nod in agreement.

"It's up to you, anyway, hurry up and save my junior sister! It's too late to go!" Sylvia said anxiously.

"Wait for a while, I will deal with these two research plans first." Hall Master Gongsun immediately shouted to the outside: "Come here!"

Several spiritual masters bowed their heads and walked in, bowed and said: "What is the order of the hall master?"

"Go! Send these two spirit research plans to the Hall Master and Deputy Hall Master!" Hall Master Gongsun said with a serious face.


Silently, they solemnly put away the two research plans, and the few of them ran towards the Taotie Palace non-stop.

"Oh! Hall Master Gongsun, you are too annoying, let's go quickly!"

Sylvia watched the other party move slowly, and anxiously grabbed Hall Master Gongsun's wrist, and it turned into a white streamer again, disappearing in place in an instant.


At this time, the Heavenly Fiend Hall was even more lively.

Zhou Yuan watched the time pass by every minute and every second, and the excitement in his heart was already a little unbearable.

In order to prevent Sylvia from getting in the way again, he sent someone to the worship hall in advance to invite the chief priest to sit in charge, and also invited the great elder of the blood blade hall.

Although his younger sister, the Black Demon Envoy, is not very high-ranking, but with her extraordinary social skills, it can be said that she can enjoy herself among the fierce people in the sky, and she has made friends with many important people.

When these big figures from all sides of the Gluttonous Demon Palace heard the news, they all rushed over without hesitation.

So the current Tianji Hall can be said to be overcrowded, but despite such a big scene, Feng Yixiu is still sleeping soundly, and it seems that he is sleeping very soundly.

"This guy is about to die, why is he still sleeping?"

"I think she's pretending to be asleep. There are so many big people here, she's scared to death! What else can I do if I don't pretend to be asleep?"

"That's true...but it's too much of a fake."

Many onlookers were discussing in low voices, looking at Feng Yixiu with complicated eyes, most of them were sympathetic.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the time, and said coldly: "There are less than ten minutes left, and when the time is up, this kid will die!"

The great priest said coldly: "It's just a newcomer, why let me and the great elder go out, it's really unnecessary..."

The Great Elder also echoed, "This guy is still sleeping contentedly, he really doesn't know what to do. I don't need to wait ten minutes, wouldn't it be better to execute him on the spot..."

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