"My lord, then I will also take my leave."

Seeing Gongsun Rang exiting the office, Sylvia prepared to follow in his footsteps.

"Sister Wei Ya, why are you alienating me like this..." Feng Yixiu smiled.

"You are the high priest now, and you are also the hall master of the Blood Spirit Hall. I can't call you little junior sister..." Silvia turned her head slowly and said softly.

"There's nothing wrong with this. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be where I am today. I haven't thanked you enough yet." Feng Yixiu said very seriously.

"I helped you not because of your thanks, but seeing you reminded me of someone." Sylvia said softly.

"Who?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"A little human girl, if it wasn't for her, I'm afraid I wouldn't be alive today." Sylvia's eyes rippled, as if remembering something sad.

"Oh? You are an immortal monster, what would you have to do with a little human girl?" Feng Yixiu was even more interested.

"I wasn't born with an immortal beast either. Well, I was just a white cotton snake in the zoo a long time ago. I was supposed to live a carefree life, but suddenly something happened. At that time, all the snakes in the zoo... The mutated animals were all disposed of, but my breeder secretly released me at the risk of being punished, and that breeder was also a little human girl..." Sylvia whispered.

"Then how is that little girl now?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"It's been more than a hundred years, what do you think?" Silvia asked back.

"Okay...pretend I didn't ask." Feng Yixiu touched his chin in embarrassment.

"At that time, I often sneaked back to look for her, but as I got bigger and bigger, I had no choice but to withdraw from the range of human activities and came to live in the wilderness quarantine area, and then I never saw her again. Already." Sylvia said softly.

"But how did you get into the Gluttonous Demon Palace later?" Feng Yixiu continued to ask.

"I thought I could be a little calmer in the barren isolation area, but I didn't expect that the world of monsters is even more cruel. Only by constantly becoming stronger can I not be eaten by monsters, but these have nothing to do with the dangers humans have brought me. It's not worth mentioning." Sylvia said in a deep voice with burning eyes.

"If you guessed correctly, you should have been targeted by a strong human being, right?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

"That's right, I haven't hurt a single human being on the road of evolution, but I don't know why they keep trying to kill me. In desperation, I can only join the Gluttonous Demon Palace." Sylvia sighed.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu also fell into deep thought, and he didn't know how to answer this question.

It is undeniable that most of the monsters are ferocious, but there are also a small number of monsters that are very gentle, but they are also forced to a dead end by the strong human race.

"After I joined the Gluttonous Demon Palace, I didn't want to carry out those missions to fight with humans. As a result, I couldn't do many bounty missions, and the accumulation of blood points was relatively slow over the years." Sylvia smiled bitterly and said lightly.

"I mean, with your strength, you shouldn't be just a low-level priest..." Feng Yixiu suddenly realized.

"Hey... I really envy you. You can exchange so many blood points by using a pen. It's a pity that I'm too stupid. Writing is like climbing a snake. I can't learn this at all." Sylvia sighed.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and immediately took out his High Priest Commander, and then performed some operations to transfer all 50 million blood points to Sylvia.

"You... what are you doing?" Sylvia asked in surprise after seeing Feng Yixiu's movements.

"You deserve it, don't delay it." Feng Yixiu smiled and said lightly.

"But this is too much... I can't spend it all." Sylvia was a little panicked.

"That's your business, but I want to remind you, you'd better spend it within a month!" Feng Yixiu revealed a mysterious smile and said softly.

"One month, but why?" Sylvia was a little puzzled.

"Don't ask me about that, anyway, just hurry up and spend it." Feng Yixiu didn't answer directly, and immediately asked: "If given the chance, would you like to return to the zoo?"

"The zoo is so nice... Food and lodging are included every day, and if you have nothing to do, you can bask in the sun, how comfortable! Why don't you want to?" Sylvia pouted slightly, wondering.

"So that's the case... I thought those animals wouldn't like being in the zoo." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Compared to the wilderness isolation area, the zoo is simply a paradise! But maybe I met a good breeder, as for the other animals, I don't know what they think..." Sylvia said to herself Said to himself.

"Then you can treat me as a breeder... Anyway, I'm not short of money." Feng Yixiu smiled and said lightly.

"Then I won't be polite! Sister, let's go shopping in the Treasure Pavilion first!" Sylvia looked excitedly at the Grand Priest Commander who shook her hand, and then disappeared into the office as a ray of light.

Feng Yixiu lay reclined on the seat, stared blankly at the ceiling and pondered for a long time, and said to himself: "When did this complete break between humans and monsters start?"

He vaguely remembered the history of the ancient times, and there were still many monsters on the side of humans. That earth-shattering battle was not all a battle between humans and monsters, but also had the help of monsters.

And among the evil ones

Not all monsters, there are also human blood magisters in it, the two are not in a state of complete opposition.

But now the state of humans and monsters is in the same situation, and it is completely impossible to stand on the same front.

Rao is that kind-hearted monsters like Sylvia are forced to join the Heavenly Violent Crowd, this is really worthy of human reflection...

After a full hour, Feng Yixiu cheered up again and began to take out all the reward tasks.

These bounty missions covered almost all core backbones of the Gluttonous Demon Hall, including all the elders of the Blood Blade Hall and several priests of the Worship Hall.

A total of more than a dozen rewards were offered. Although they couldn't offer as high a price as the Niutou Hall Master, it was worth tens of millions.

These reward missions added up to nearly 500 million blood points, and with the blood points already owned by Feng Yixiu, he has become the well-deserved richest man in the Gluttonous Demon Palace!

I'm afraid that the combined assets of the Niutou Palace Master and the Deputy Palace Master are not as strong as Feng Yixiu...

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