God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1349 A Foodie

In order not to look too exaggerated, Feng Yixiu almost delayed the ten-point spirit research task for more than ten days, and then handed it out to everyone.

Of course, these research plans are all black evolution plans without exception, and the quality and age of evolution materials are strictly controlled.

These black evolutionary research plans are like a time bomb, which will completely explode within a fixed time point, and then completely disintegrate the entire Gluttonous Demon Temple from the inside...

After Feng Yixiu obtained 800 million blood points, he immediately applied to the Lord of the Niutou Palace for the exchange of the Holy Spirit Book, and of course the application was approved without any surprise.

Now the Taotie Demon Palace wished to offer up Feng Yixiu as a living Bodhisattva, so naturally he responded to every request, without any doubt at all.

With only the last three days left before the three-month period, Feng Yixiu came to the Treasure Pavilion of the Gluttonous Demon Palace.

Feng Yixiu is still not familiar with the Treasure Pavilion, so he made an appointment with Sylvia as a guide in advance.

"Junior Junior Sister, this side, this side..."

Seeing Feng Yixiu from a distance, Sylvia started waving, showing great joy.

Feng Yixiu walked towards Sylvia with a smile, and joked: "Sister Wei Ya, I haven't seen you for a while, why have you gained so much weight?"

"Ah? Really?" Sylvia immediately began to examine herself, frowned and said, "It's all because you gave me too much blood, these days I eat so well every day, three meals a day are heavenly Treasure, it made me fat..."

"It's okay... Only if you are fat does it mean that I am qualified as a breeder..." Feng Yixiu touched his nose with a smile and said with a smile.

"Oh, you are not allowed to give me so many blood points in the future, and I am not very good at self-control." Sylvia frowned as she looked at her plump figure.

"Well, it's not so easy to be a breeder these days..." Feng Yixiu said with black lines on his face.

The two walked towards the Treasure Pavilion side by side. When the two elders guarding the Treasure Pavilion saw Feng Yixiu, they greeted him very respectfully.

They have also received Feng Yixiu's 'favor', and now that he has an extraordinary status, they naturally respect Feng Yixiu very much.

"Master Hall Master, are you going to go to the Treasure Pavilion to exchange treasures? Do you need some of us old guys to accompany you?"

Feng Yixiu waved his hand, and said with a smile: "No need, senior sister just accompany me, don't bother the elder."

"Okay... If there is any problem, just summon it, we are outside."

The two elders worked together to untie the enchantment of the Treasure Pavilion, and then pushed open the heavy door together, so that Feng Yixiu had a chance to enter it.

The Treasure Pavilion of the Taotie Demon Palace can be said to be the most important place, and the protective measures are also very well done.

After Feng Yixiu strode into the Treasure Pavilion, Sylvia hurriedly followed Feng Yixiu's pace.

As soon as he entered it, he was shocked by the rich resources here, no less than the treasure house of King Shura's capital.

This place is divided into several areas, including the blood spirit crystal area, the magic beast crystal core area, the heaven, material and earth treasure area, and the magic card area...

All the treasures are protected by miniature barriers, which are neatly arranged on the display cabinets. Only after paying blood points, the miniature barriers will disappear automatically.

The entire treasure house is as large as a huge museum, without Sylvia's guidance, Feng Yixiu could get lost in it.

Under the guidance of Sylvia, Feng Yixiu walked towards the depths of the Treasure Pavilion, which was a very special section called the rare treasures area.

The treasure of the temple in the Gluttonous Demon Palace, the "Holy Spirit Book", is stored in this area, and there are other rare treasures besides this.

But when Sylvia was halfway there, she stopped suddenly, and a strange fragrance completely attracted her.

Feng Yixiu walked a certain distance only to find that Sylvia beside him was gone, and immediately turned back.

It turned out that Sylvia was actually lying on top of the genius treasure showcase, her eyes were full of gold stars, she was almost drooling...

At this time, what Sylvia was staring at was a top-quality Tianshan snow lotus, which sold for five million blood points, which can be said to be very expensive.

Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly, and immediately took out his Grand Priest Commander, and gently placed it in front of the cabinet where the Tianshan snow lotus was placed.

Seeing that the blood points displayed on Feng Yixiu's High Priest Commander had been deducted by five million, and the miniature barrier had completely disappeared, he took it out.

Sylvia's gaze had been following the Tianshan Snow Lotus, and she subconsciously swallowed her saliva.

"Hey..." Feng Yixiu sighed helplessly, and immediately put the Tianshan snow lotus in his hand directly into Sylvia's mouth.


Sylvia started to chew, and said with a smile while eating, "It's so delicious..."

"Shouldn't I have eaten all the 50 million blood points I gave you earlier?" Feng Yixiu felt a little pained.

Sylvia, who was gnawing on the Tianshan snow lotus, paused obviously, her cheeks became a little flushed, and she smiled: "I have already said that my self-control is very poor..."

"You are such a foodie, so I can afford you." Feng Yixiu smiled wryly and shook his head.

This snow lotus has five million blood points, who can stand it!

Only Feng Yixiu, a local tyrant, can not feel bad...

Sylvia gnawed the Tianshan snow lotus clean, and whispered: "Then I will eat less in the future."

That's it..."

However, Feng Yixiu obviously found that after Sylvia ate the Tianshan snow lotus, the color of the silver-white scales all over her body became more holy.

This seems to be Sylvia's unique innate ability, which can grow rapidly by devouring a large number of natural materials and treasures, and the conversion efficiency is also extremely high.

Feng Yixiu said in a deep voice: "You pick out the treasures of heaven, material and earth that you like. Anyway, I still have enough blood points now, so I will treat it as a stock."

"This...how embarrassing..." Sylvia hesitated.

"Oh...forget it." Feng Yixiu made a gesture to leave, but was held back by Sylvia.

"Why don't I just be polite to you... Why don't you play your cards according to the routine." Sylvia lowered her head and muttered in a low voice.

"I don't really like to be tricked, you just say no..." Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite to you!"

Sylvia was very excited and pointed out several expensive natural treasures, and Feng Yixiu bought them without hesitation.

However, he did not give these genius treasures to Sylvia, but stored them all in his ring.

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