Luo Xueer looked at Feng Yixiu for a long time, and found that his height was surprisingly the same as that of Li Xiufeng. She immediately looked at Fan Ji, the head of the wind department, and said softly, "Master, did you make a thousand illusion mask for this person?"

Huan Ji smiled noncommittally, without nodding or shaking her head, she had already acquiesced.

Immediately, Luo Xueer couldn't help but blushed, thinking that she had been in the same room with a big man for a month, a blush shot up from her neck to her forehead, her whole face was as red as a ripe apple.

She lowered her head slowly, raised her hand abruptly and slowly pulled out the giant sword behind her back, and was about to cut Feng Yixiu immediately.

Fortunately, Roland, Fan Ji and the others reacted quickly enough to stop him immediately.

"Don't pull me, I'm going to hack this big liar to death!" Luo Xueer struggled wildly.

Seeing Luo Xue's big reaction, Shen Ruyu looked at Feng Yixiu with black lines all over her face, and said coldly: "What did you do? Why does Miss Xue'er hate you so much, explain to me clearly!"

"I... I really didn't do anything!"

Feng Yixiu is really more wronged than Dou E now, but it happens that he can't explain clearly for a while.

"'re a big pig!" Shen Ruyu pinched Feng Yixiu's ear, and carried her directly in front of Luo Xueer.

How could Luo Xueer let go of such a good opportunity, she knocked Feng Yixiu down with one punch, and then educated Feng Yixiu with Shen Ruyu for ten minutes.

Marshal Ye and Marshal Luo winked at each other, shook their heads uncontrollably, looked at Feng Yixiu who had already turned into panda eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

After the anger between the two calmed down a bit, Feng Yixiu had the opportunity to explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly, which completely calmed down the anger between the two.

"Brother Feng, does it hurt? I will never let you dress up as a woman again..." Shen Ruyu lowered her head and whispered.

"Hmph... If only you had made it clear earlier!" Luo Xueer snorted coldly.

"How dare I say that at that time! Besides, I have been meditating and practicing with my back to you, and I didn't see anything, okay..." Feng Yixiu said quite aggrieved.

Hearing this, Luo Xueer recalled it and found that it was indeed the case, and the resentment in her heart gradually disappeared.

But when I think about it carefully, I have even greater resentment...

"Luo Xueer, Feng Yixiu is the biggest hero in this battle. If it weren't for him, you two sisters don't know when you will see the light of day again, so don't be so harsh." Ye Ming also understood the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and persuaded road.

Luo Xueer nodded, and looked at Feng Yixiu with some other kind of resentment in her eyes, but she didn't speak any more.

"Liang Meng, who framed you at the beginning, has been executed. You two will immediately serve as the captain and vice-captain of the first team of the Wind Department. Is there any problem?" Ye Ming said in a deep voice.

Roland nodded seriously, and said in a deep voice, "Swear to the East China Headquarters to the death!"

"Okay...the matter here has been resolved, let's go to the Treasure Pavilion of the Gluttonous Demon Palace to take a look first, and wonder if the True Dragon Crystal Core is really here." Luo Xingyun suggested.

"I have already investigated, and all the real dragon crystal cores are in the Treasure Pavilion, but it may take a lot of effort to decipher the enchantment runes." Feng Yixiu said in a deep voice.

"I'm not afraid of this. We have professional personnel to crack the rune barrier, it's just a matter of time..." Luo Xingyun smiled slightly, and continued: "Do you have any evidence of the collusion between the Long Family and the Taotie Demon Palace?"

Feng Yixiu flipped his palm, and a stack of contracts and bills signed by Long Xiao appeared in his hand, "These are the contracts signed by Long Xiao himself, which is enough to prove that the Long Family and the Taotie Demon Palace secretly colluded."

Luo Xingyun took the contracts and bills in Feng Yixiu's hand, glanced at them slightly, and said with a smile: "In this way, the Long family is completely finished, you really did a big thing this time!"

"If this is the case, will the Long Family, one of the Four Sages, disappear completely?" Shen Ruyu asked curiously.

"The Four Sacred Clans will not disappear. Its significance to China is very important. The destruction of the Long Clan does not mean the Cyan Dragon Clan's collapse, and the Cyan Dragon City will continue to exist." Luo Xingyun said with a serious face.

"Then who can replace the Long family in charge of Azure Dragon City?" Shen Ruyu frowned.

"Now there is only one person who is qualified to become the Azure Dragon City Master, and that is the person who has obtained the Azure Dragon inheritance!" Luo Xingyun slowly looked at Feng Yixiu while speaking.

"Me? Are you kidding me?" Feng Yixiu shook his head quickly, with an incredulous look on his face.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Luo Xingyun still looked serious, "Except you, no one can take on this important task now!"

"I'm just a student! I'm just a sixth-level war spirit king, you think highly of me, don't you..." Feng Yixiu waved his hand, ready to refuse without thinking.

How could he not understand even when he was a student? This is about to be the mayor! What a mess!

"Don't belittle yourself anymore, you should be fine! After all, you are the king of Shura, you are worthy of being the king of a country, and the lord of a mere city is a mere talent, so don't shirk!" Ye Ming also added fuel. road.

"Two Marshals, I don't like to be restrained. If you let me stay in Qinglong City, I definitely can't do it. Don't persuade me anymore..." Feng Yixiu was very determined.

He doesn't care about these false names at all, compared to staying in Azure Dragon City and being respected by thousands of people, he still likes being with his companions.

For a time, everyone is face to face

Looking at each other, I don't know how many people want to fight for the position of Azure Dragon City, but Feng Yixiu just abandons it like a shoe.

The status of Qinglong City Lord is the same as that of Marshal, and the privileges he enjoys are unimaginable to ordinary people...

Luo Xingyun pondered for a long time, then said in a deep voice: "That's good, you will still be the master of Qinglong City, but you don't need to stay in Qinglong City all the time, the affairs of the city can be entrusted to other people to manage, and the seven headquarters will not interfere indiscriminately."

"As long as you nod your head, all the treasures in the Treasure House of the Dragon Family are yours, and all the real dragon cores in the Gluttonous Demon Palace are also yours. Why are you hesitating for such a good condition!" Ye Ming said anxiously .

"Brother Feng, the two marshals are also kind, so you just agree..." Shen Ruyu was also a little moved.

"Okay then...but on such a big matter, can the words of the two marshals count?" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, hello! I'm not very happy when you say that, we two are also marshals, so we still have a certain right to speak!" Ye Ming said angrily.

"You don't have to worry about this. In fact, I have already greeted Marshal Gu. This is what he meant. It must be passed at the Holy Spirit Conference." Luo Xingyun smiled slightly and said in a deep voice.

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