"I don't have any problems, but I'm afraid that many people will oppose me. After all, my qualifications are still too low, and I'm afraid I won't be able to convince everyone..." Feng Yixiu raised his concerns.

"This is an unavoidable situation. After all, the Long family has been passed down for so long, and now it will inevitably cause an uproar if it is replaced. Not to mention anything else, the conservatives of the Dongfang family and the Han family will definitely not agree, as well as the other three holy courts. The dean will also criticize you verbally, but this will not affect the overall situation, the Holy Spirit Assembly also requires the minority to obey the majority." Luo Xingyun said in a deep voice.

"Since the two marshals have said that, how can I still say that..." Feng Yixiu nodded lightly.

"Then the matter is settled like this, and I don't know how the situation outside is now." Luo Xingyun said solemnly.

"Leave it to me to finish it here...Marshal Luo, you should go outside and take a look. Our operation is so big this time, I don't think the guys from the Long family will sit still." Ye Ming was also a little worried.

"It's hard work for you..." Luo Xingyun nodded, and then looked at Feng Yixiu: "Let's go first, today is also the day that guy Long Xiao is released from prison, we must hurry up."

Feng Yixiu nodded, and all members of Central China Headquarters followed Marshal Luo's footsteps and left the Taotie Dungeon as quickly as possible.


As soon as he left the Taotie dungeon, he saw a scene that made Feng Yixiu feel angry.

A huge white python in the sky was under siege. Although Feng Yixiu had never seen the real body of Sylvia's monster, he could tell at a glance that it was the real body of the six-winged python.

The six-winged magic sky python has holy white six wings, and its huge body is nearly 100 meters long. This is actually somewhat similar to the previous Seven-colored Jade Lin python, but its size is much larger.

And those who besieged the six-winged magic sky python were two ultimate war spirits, one war spirit was a three-headed flood dragon covered in dark purple, and standing behind it was Long Lan, the master of Azure Dragon Gym.

The other battle spirit is even more terrifying. It has the head of a dragon, the legs of a unicorn, and the indestructible rock tortoise shell. Its size is also quite exaggerated, reaching more than 100 meters. Like a mountain, it is completely unshakable.

This is Han Wu's ultimate battle spirit, the Shattering Prison Turtle, the ultimate battle spirit that has always been closest to the Xuanwu holy beast, and its strength is also very terrifying.

At this time, the six-winged magic sky python has been injured in many places, if not for the advantage of speed, he might have been completely killed by the Shaking Prison Xuanwu long ago...

Feng Yixiu looked at the horrible Sylvia, his eyes gradually became gloomy, and an unknown fire burned in his heart.

Luo Xingyun grabbed Feng Yixiu, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be impulsive, that's Han Wu, you are not his opponent now, let me deal with it."

After saying that, Luo Xingyun immediately steered the Golden Winged Sky Cloud Eagle to fly towards the battle circle at high speed, without a word, it was an empty slash!

A dazzling golden light flashed, and before the three purple dragons could react, the three heads all fell off, and blood gushed like a spring.

Long Lan was stunned on the spot, and almost fell from the clouds, but she quickly came to her senses and stood firmly in the air.

Han Wu was about to get mad, but when he saw that the person who came was Luo Xingyun, he didn't make a move.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu followed closely behind, and immediately rushed to the side of the six-winged magic sky python. Seeing Sylvia drenched in blood at close range, the two were even more furious.

At this time, the six-winged magic sky python was almost stained red with blood, the gorgeous six-wings behind it became very broken, and the whole body looked crumbling.

When Sylvia saw Feng Yixiu, she gradually relaxed, and returned from the state of the real body of the monster to the human form, but she couldn't continue to wave her wings. , suddenly began to fall towards the ground.

The Azure Jade Linlong caught it very accurately, and then put it firmly on the back, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu immediately surrounded it.

"Sister Wei Ya, how are you?" Shen Ruyu frowned as she looked at the miserable Sylvia.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I shouldn't let you guard the Long family alone..." Feng Yixiu was also full of self-blame.

He originally thought that with Sylvia holding the marshal order, Han Wu, as the head of the Xuanwu family, shouldn't be so unreasonable, but obviously he was wrong.

This Han Wu not only shot at Sylvia, but also killed him. If it wasn't for the Shattering Tortoise who is not good at fighting in the air, it is estimated that what he saw at this time was Sylvia's body...

Sylvia shook her head, and said weakly: "You are finally back, I didn't let them leave Azure Dragon City, so it should be considered as completing the task..."

"Of course forget it, don't talk yet, I'll heal your wounds." Feng Yixiu immediately summoned the Black Thorn Queen.

Queen Black Thorn began to heal Sylvia with the power of nature, and combined with the Azure Dragon Saint Thunder of the Azure Jade Dragon, the healing speed was also very fast.

"Marshal Luo, what are you doing? I'm eradicating the monsters that have infiltrated Qinglong City. It's fine if you don't help, why are you still making trouble?" Han Wu looked cold.

Hearing this, Luo Xingyun felt terrified in his heart, what a villain to sue first, this Han Wu is still so shameless.

"If I guessed correctly, Sylvia should have shown you my Marshal Order?" Luo Xingyun said coldly.

"What? That marshal's order is actually real? I thought it was forged by this monster..." Han Wu shook his head in astonishment. Give it to an evil monster!"

"Hmph...the evil demon

beast? Comparing Sylvia to a sanctimonious person like you, I think you are even more disgusting! "Luo Xingyun looked at Han Wu coldly, jokingly said.

Sylvia was able to hold back the members of the Long family at the cost of her life, which has greatly exceeded his expectations. This kind of thing is difficult even for humans.

It can be said that his impression of Sylvia has also changed a lot, at least she is a monster worthy of entrustment and trust, and he will try his best to fight for Sylvia's due rights.

"What do you mean by that? I'm also the patriarch of the Four Holy Family. You don't seem to have the right to dictate to me, right?" Han Wu was also not to be outdone, with a sense of tension.

"The collusion between the Long Family and the Gluttonous Demon Palace is now hard evidence, but you are helping the Long Family to escape the sanctions and resisting the people we sent. Do you know how serious the consequences of your actions are?" Luo Xingyun's eyes were burning. , The decisive tone is very deterrent.

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